gimme dreams to review!

This made me smile<3

I'm OCD about my tree placement, a lot of though goes into it and I'm always rearranging. It's tricky trying to find the right balance when you want your town to feel like a forest, but not in an overwhelming way.
Right now its March in my town and I think I like the September/early autumn colors the most.

I think I'll be able to update within a week or so...
Review of New Oak

+ SO many shooting stars tonight! Wonderful time to update your DA
+ I really love your path pattern. I think it's perfect for the winter (and it's hard to find a nice path for the winter)
+ Beautiful and meticulous flower/tree arrangement around paths
+ I love the zen themed areas. I think the nook where Mark's house is would look really nice with more bamboo and zen themed PWP since your exterior is the zen exterior (possibly instead of the flower arch, although I quite like that too)
+ Your house is very cozy. I love japanese themed rooms Ahhh where did you get the bathtub in your bathroom? And what wallpaper are you using for that room? :3

I'm not really sure what to write for cons. I really like your town. Great job <3

Thanks ^^
It's still a work in progress, I still have a lot of plans for my town :)
This made me smile<3

I'm OCD about my tree placement, a lot of though goes into it and I'm always rearranging. It's tricky trying to find the right balance when you want your town to feel like a forest, but not in an overwhelming way.
Right now its March in my town and I think I like the September/early autumn colors the most.

I think I'll be able to update within a week or so...

Well it definitely has a foresty look :) It's really lovely. Maybe you can just chop some of them down and leave them as stumps? It may be easier to navigate but still have that feel.

Anyone wanna dream of my town? lol
Review of Alfheimr

Holy **** it's perfect. I've actually dreamed your town before, I think I PM'd you or something about it a while ago. Anyways

+ The area right in front of the plaza when you wake up is so nice and a great first impression. I love how you have to walk through the cedar trees and you see the rose arch and log benches. Very nice.
+ Your paths are beautiful and well planned out. Nice flower arrangement too
+ I love the PWP choices. Your town looks a big, wonderful garden.
+ I love the stumpy area near the windmill
+ Your home is lovely

I don't have much to say about improvement. I really like your town.

Thank you so much <3
You can have a wander around my town if you like! :blush:
It's a work in progress like many towns, especially certain areas including my house, but as far as I know I haven't had a visitor yet. I just got my dream address a couple of days ago. :) Dream address is in my sig!
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Review of Serenity

+ Cute town!
+ I like how you did your paths although sometimes they feel too winding and long winded
+ I like your flower placement especially the combination of pink and white roses
+ I like the area where you have a bunch of trees surrounding the fairytale bench
+ Your mayor's home is really cute! I like your main room and the kitchen area
+ I like the top area around town hall

- Sometimes your path stops abruptly or goes towards the cliff and ends there. It's not a big deal but it feels weird to end the road by the cliff
- I think you should put some kind of road leading from the plaza to the main road. It feels weird having to walk through trees with no path indicating where to go when you first wake up
- I don't like the bridge placement on the upper right of your map. There isn't really much going on in that area so it's a strange place to put a bridge. Also the path way leading through the rose arch seems a little strange since it goes from really thick to super thin. I think the rose arch is just poorly placed there. There must be a better place to put it :)

Overall wonderful town!
Aw thank you! I was a little worried about posting, but that is great feedback! ^w^

I certainly agree with my plaza area, I'm thinking about what to do with it to make it less bare. :)
I thought the top right of the town could be a little secret area that my villagers don't often find, which is why the bridge is there! I will try to make it a little better with more flowers and trees, and may get rid of the bridge. ^^
I agree that the rose arch near there is strange and I will certainly figure that out!
The paths certainly are a little windy in areas, but for some reason I like that! It's not too bad when you live there and know the quickest route. ^w^

Such nice feedback, thank you! :blush:
Review of Niumae

+ I actually really love how to used flowers to make that wide natural path. I think it will look really nice once some becomes dirt paths although it looks fine as it is
+ I like the little cluster of villages on the left

- Maybe don't make the paths so close to the river. I see you've tried to grow bushes along the river since you pushed the path too close to it, which will just die.

Overall it looks like your town is coming along well. Your town will look so lovely with more PWPs!

Review of Soledad

+ One thing I really love about your town is the area around the cluster of villager houses. I also like how you integrated your character's houses in this area as well. It makes it really homey. I think it's really well developed with the use of bushes, trees, and flower arrangements... However, I don't really think the fake grass is necessary. I also think you used a lot of random patterns that don't really fit together.
+ I don't normally like towns with a ton of hybrids everywhere, but I do like your flower arrangement. I think it looks great with your paths and PWPs (like the area around the zen clock). It gets a little crazy around the plaza though
+ Your rooms are kinda cool. I love all the themes. I especially love the camping room with all the weeding items and camper items. The song fits really well too <3 The beach room is nice too

- I think you may have gotten a little carried away with paths. Other than that, I think your town is very well developed and nicely thought out.

Overall beautiful town! :) Would visit again!
Check my dream out :D Here are some screenshots ^^

Review of Colony 9

+ Beautiful natural town. I like your flower arrangement around pwps and villager houses and how it sort of suggests a path
+ You have BANGLE! I love her!
+ Your mayor's house is really cool even though it's a little random. I kinda like it
+ I like how all your bridges are diagonal

- Feels cramped in some areas. For example, the ancient stone and the wind turbine area feels a little cramped with all the trees around it.

I'm sorry I'm not good at reviewing natural towns, but I like where yours is headed so far.

Review of Paradise

+ You have a really cute town! Your path looks really nice with the cherry blossoms. I love the premature azalea starts
+ I like how your town isn't overwhelmed by paths and there are still big lush areas of grass and greenery
+ Your campsite is in a perfect location. I think it would be nicer if you get rid of the 1sq path around it though and replace it with flowers or something.
+ You have Lucky <3
+ I love your PWP placement, like the Wisteria trellis and the path around it.

- The path around your plaza leading out to the train station side is a little awkward. I think you need some PWPs, trees or bushes in that space in front of the plaza

Overall, beautiful town! Enjoyed it a lot

Review of Atles

+ Really cute town! Nicely placed paths
+ I love your campsite area with the clovers and perfect peaches
+ Great PWP places. I like your police station area too with all the mushrooms and the water pump
+ I normally don't like towns with a ton of hybrids in large areas but I think it works in your town because your paths are so colourful
+ Your villager picture room is crazy! So cool. Were they all villagers in your town or did you collect them?

I really like your town and I don't know how I would improve it. Great job

That's it for today. You guys can leave more for me to do tomorrow... Thanks everyone.
I've never had a review of my dream town and am generally curious about what you have to say about it.

My dream address is in my signature down below. Thanks.

p.s. please leave out the homes in the review. the homes are most definitely the most W.I.P. about my town.
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I've never had a review of my dream town and am generally curious about what you have to say about it.

My dream address is in my signature down below. Thanks.

p.s. please leave out the homes in the review. the homes are most definitely the most W.I.P. about my town.

Don't worry, I actually rarely go into houses anyways ._.
If you guys want me to specifically check out your house, please tell me in your post because I usually don't go inside unless I'm really.. compelled to.