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Gaming Pet Peeves

Just finished DK:Tropical Freeze and have been reminded that unskippable credits are way too friggin' common with games. They're not usually that long in all fairness but still, leave it as an option for me to look at in my own free time rather than something I'm forced to sit through once I've finished the game.

Or if they're going to force me to sit through the credits, give me something fun to concentrate on during it for the very real possibility that I'm a person who doesn't give a cr*p about who the managing art director was. Not just some lazy screenshots of the game I just played, do what older SNES games and stuff did where they showed you a character line-up or something, or how Smash Bros gives you those little mini-games to play.

On this subject, I need to mention GTA:V. Literally about 40 minutes of unskippable credits. That's just taking the p*ss.
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Oh god don't remind.. or stupid cutscenes that brings nothing to the story and you cant fastforward or click through them
To be fair, I think there's actually some legal stuff about having unskippable credits - I don't actually know of a game which lets you skip the credits the first time. However - having something to do within the credits is nice (Nintendo seems to be great with this - noting Smash Bros. and NSMBWii as examples) as is having the option to speed them up.

Although yeah, credits taking longer than 3 minutes is just horrific.
To be fair, I think there's actually some legal stuff about having unskippable credits - I don't actually know of a game which lets you skip the credits the first time. However - having something to do within the credits is nice (Nintendo seems to be great with this - noting Smash Bros. and NSMBWii as examples) as is having the option to speed them up.

Although yeah, credits taking longer than 3 minutes is just horrific.

satan bless those that you can click on.

yeah i get you need credits but if jav to sit and watch them for hours and you jav to watch so you computer sleep no thanks
Or if they're going to force me to sit through the credits, give me something fun to concentrate on during it for the very real possibility that I'm a person who doesn't give a cr*p about who the managing art director was. Not just some lazy screenshots of the game I just played, do what older SNES games and stuff did where they showed you a character line-up or something, or how Smash Bros gives you those little mini-games to play.

This. I hate when it's just random screenshots. Instead of random screenshots, why don't they capture moments of YOUR game? ORAS did this and it was really great. You got to see shots of the gym leaders you battled and the Pokemon you took them on with. Like hey, remember that time you had to do this? You failed like five times didn't you? Here's what that looked like...

Every playthrough is unique so why not have preset shots of what you were doing at certain points in the game and show them in the credits? Better than crappy screenshots at least...
To be fair, I think there's actually some legal stuff about having unskippable credits - I don't actually know of a game which lets you skip the credits the first time.

I can't think of any for definite either from the top of my head, but then again it's not something I usually think about until it actually happens.

Though I think that Fable II and possibly Fable III do let you skip the credits the first time though. Though there was an achievement if you did sit through it to encourage you to sit and watch them (by sit through it, I mean 'go do something else for 10 minutes').
Fable credits were awful and stupidly inflated with literally useless information. They had names of all their dogs and the developer's children that were born during development...It might come off as nasty, but I honestly don't give a **** what the developers dogs and children are called. Why is that in the credits?

I don't see why legal stuff would be an issue though as long as the credits are easily available from the menu or something, which a lot of the time they tend to be these days.

This. I hate when it's just random screenshots. Instead of random screenshots, why don't they capture moments of YOUR game? ORAS did this and it was really great. You got to see shots of the gym leaders you battled and the Pokemon you took them on with. Like hey, remember that time you had to do this? You failed like five times didn't you? Here's what that looked like...

Every playthrough is unique so why not have preset shots of what you were doing at certain points in the game and show them in the credits? Better than crappy screenshots at least...

I don't remember the credits for ORAS but yea, I would even prefer it if they just did that more regularly. It would at least be a personal experience rather than stock images.

Another two I liked were:
- Kingdom Hearts: It showed little clips of what the characters from each world did after the events of the game (though I don't think it lasted the entire duration, but it was something at least)
- LittleBigPlanet: It had the credits at the start of the game in the form of a tutorial, essentially turning it into another level of the game.
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I can't think of any for definite either from the top of my head, but then again it's not something I usually think about until it actually happens.

Though I think that Fable II and possibly Fable III do let you skip the credits the first time though. Though there was an achievement if you did sit through it to encourage you to sit and watch them (by sit through it, I mean 'go do something else for 10 minutes').
Fable credits were awful and stupidly inflated with literally useless information. They had names of all their dogs and the developer's children that were born during development...It might come off as nasty, but I honestly don't give a **** what the developers dogs and children are called. Why is that in the credits?

I don't see why legal stuff would be an issue though as long as the credits are easily available from the menu or something, which a lot of the time they tend to be these days.

Fallout: New Vegas lets you skip them after beating the game, iirc? I don't recall sitting through those; they started rolling and I mashed buttons until I got back to the main menu.

What's worse though are episodic games that play credits you can't skip after you finish every episode.. and that remains unchanged in the full package. After all the episodes have been released and compiled together, it fails to be a seamless game. There's always that 10 minute bump where you have to find something else to do while the credits roll. And you can't just minimize the game and do something else at your computer! The credits will pause and wait patiently for you to come back.

Telltale, I'm looking at you. :v
(This may just be a KH: DDD thing, but idk) Random switches. Especially when you're close to beating a boss and it just switches you with your permission.

Any games that prey on stereotypes (either for the protag, antag, whatever.) so they don't have to flesh out their characters.

Also first person shooters, although that's only because they make me nauseated.
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Unskippable Tutorials. It's like "I've played previous games in tge series. I know what I'm doing" (I'm looking at you Pokemon)
Unskippable Tutorials. It's like "I've played previous games in tge series. I know what I'm doing" (I'm looking at you Pokemon)

What about when they give the Pokeball tutorial even after catching a couple of Pokemon with balls you bought?
Unskippable Tutorials. It's like "I've played previous games in tge series. I know what I'm doing" (I'm looking at you Pokemon)

Any game that even has a tutorial to begin with.

Unless the way your specific game works is dramatically different from every other game within its genre.. I know what MP stands for, you don't need to explain the combat system in a relatively generic RPG, I know how to open my bag and use the items I pick up, pls stop telling me how to reload my gun, and I found the "run" and "jump" buttons 10 minutes ago.

Just stop. Your game is not that unique. This is unnecessary.
definitely not having enough space in inventory :///
definitely not having enough space in inventory :///


Digital shenanigans. That some regions get digital and some physical and whatnot.

It's like make a solid deal before you even try jfc and stop doing like physical for i.e PS3/4 and digital for Vita :( looking at you SW4
When you're a kid now
and then you're a squid now

kid squid kid squid kid squid kid squid kid squid kid squi-
Games that have competitive game modes such as capture the flag or oddball and other 'non kill based matches' that still reward killing, which pretty much ends up with everybody playing it like it's a deathmatch and ignoring the actual objectives entirely.

Kills are obviously still necessary in these matches, but they're not the goal and kills shouldn't be rewarded at all in them. All it does is encourage people to use these types of matches to grind exp or ranks, ruining it for everybody who wanted to play the for the actual objectives.

And from the heavens, the mighty Nintendo heard my plea and sent down unto us Splatoon. Thanks, Nintendo!