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Games you wish you could start for the first time

Skyrim 100%. Growing up playing only Nintendo games, seeing Skyrim for the first time was quite magical. The eleven-year-old me could not believe that a game could be that big (little did I know about the sizes that today's games would be). Traversing such a vast open-world was extremely new to me. I can't explain it. Even though I was very new to the Elder Scrolls universe, Skyrim was a game I just felt... at home with.

All the side quests, dungeons, forests, EVERYTHING. It was so fresh and so different. I fell in love with it, didn't play it for four years after not having a console to play it on anymore.

Then, I lost my mind when I saw Skyrim in the first look at the Nintendo Switch.

425 hours later, I have no regrets.
Super Paper Mario and Super Monkey Ball 2 are two games that I can recall getting extremely invested in :] would love to experience that again
Skyrim! Most skyrim modders would gladly give up all of their mods just to play vanilla Skyrim for the first time again.
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I've played every Zelda game before I got ocarina of time, and it was like nothing I had ever played before.
Final Fantasy Tactics is my favorite game of all time, so it's no surprise I would want to go back and play the story of the Zodiac Braves and experience it all over again for the first time.
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess & Wind Waker
The Last of Us

Honestly there’s a ton of games I wish I could play again for the first time, but these are a few.
Wish I could remove all memories of the Mass Effect trilogy and play it again for the first time. The world, characters and growth each game offered was siblime. Same with Skyrim, Baldur's Gate II, Dragon Age: Origins and Neverwinter Nights. <3 Love these games!
I wish I could play Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers Of Sky for the first time again. I’ve already replayed it about a thousand times over, but I wish I could wipe my memory and experience the journey all over again, it’s such a good game.

But I guess I almost got my wish with Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: DX! I was really wanting to replay Blue Rescue Team again for the first time, and luckily since I only played it twice about ten years ago, that’s almost the same thing!
Mmmmm... any Pokemon game, I guess?

The first playthrough is always so fun and fulfilling. After that, its just a "eh, I'm bored so why not" playthrough or you just play it for the online competitive aspect.
Tales of Zestiria, for sure.
I've never played any of the "Tales" games before, and I had a lot of fun with the game! It took me on a rollercoaster of emotions and the level grind wasn't painful (looking at you, genshin). And I've love to customize my characters differently~

I finished it about 2, almost 3 years ago though, and I'm still in that phase of "I finished it too recently". 😕
Hypnospace Outlaw

It's a really underrated indie game on Steam, it just looks like a zany 90's internet simulator at first but it's basically a detective game and the story is absolutely fantastic and really well written. All the characters feel real and everything feels alive, it's such a good game. I've replayed it numerous times and they've just added a massive free update too, so I'm playing through it again, but I wish I could play it for the first time again, I already know how the story goes
I watched them being played by other people growing up but I have never played any of the games in the all stars pack except for about 20 mins of 64. So that will be exiting to genuinely play for the first time.

Otherwise it would be cool to play Mario kart 64 for the first time again, that game is hands down the best Mario kart. Fun without being ruined by trying to make what was always meant to be an accessibly easy game complex. Got to love the ceremony at the end too.
The only ones that immediately come to mind are Tales of Symphonia and Undertale. Both games that I absolutely love, but honestly their impact kinds of fades on subsequent playthroughs.
Kingdom hearts 1,in a heartbeat. I'll never forget that vague memory of me beating the game as a young kid and when I got to the ending cutscene,I was crying my eyes out not only because it was sad but I wasn't sure if a KH2 existed at that time (hint:it did.) I'm a fan of the KH series.
Life is strange. I've played the two different ones over and over but I would love to experience them for the first time again. I ended up completing both, sold them then had to rebuy them again. Needless to say I'm not giving them up again anytime soon 😂
I wish I could forget everything about any Pokemon I played through all the way, being Y and Ultra Sun. I remember everything so clearly from those games.
Miitopia is another one that would be really fun to play through again without knowing anything because of the wackiness. Wind Waker is also another choice for me.
The honor has to go to fire emblem awakening. This is the only RPG type of game that I’ve actually managed to finish. And it is the game that single-handedly made me interested in video games again after a long long hiatus. I remember borrowing a 3DS and the game from my school library, then religiously marathoned through the story over the course of a week. I would finish homework early and buy takeout every night after classes are over, and play on the loaned 3DS until I completed beat the game. It was such a good game that after I finally owned my own 3DS I went ahead and bought a copy of the game at full price because of how much I loved and enjoyed the gameplay... wish I could experience of that excitement all over again!!
i wish i could wipe my memory of undertale, mother 3, and okami and experience them all again for the first time :') also, even tho the story was kind of cookie cutter, the game didnt run all too well and i kind of knew what was going to happen, spoiler scenes from child of light punched me in the gut and still do, bc i have a strained relationship w my mother and :') col has beautiful art direction and illustrations, a neat battle system and i like how all the "3d" models' hair is always blowing backwards, just...dont look too close at them 🤣
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While there's a lot of games that I would like to be able to play again with a "clean memory", there's a few that I will list here that aren't incredibly popular (at least it blockbusters that you'd see the media hyping like crazy) but were so good that anyone playing them for the first time would probably agree with me after they finish the game.

Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective (Nintendo DS): It's a story-driven point and click game that is so stupidly good that it's amazing how you hardly see people talking about it. Absolutely everything about this game is amazing, and I can't recommend it enough, especially for people who enjoyed the Ace Attorney games and, if you're older, the Broken Sword games.

Mark of the Ninja: This game is so damn good that I almost can't explain with words. It's a 2d sidescrolling stealth action game. It does amazingly well in 2D what Metal Gear did in 3D (which is incredibly hard due to the limitations), and it has a hand-drawn art style that makes you feel like you're playing a cartoon or a comic book. But the thing is, you don't need to play stealthy at all of you don't want to. One of the most brilliant twists of this game's design is that you don't have only one specific way to play it, and it rewards you in many different ways depending on how you play it. Later on you'll also unlock different clothes that give you special abilities that are more suited to different playstyles, so you can replay the missions using these clothes to improve your performance and rank if you so desire. At one point, I was #27 on the world leaderboard for the new game + on the original version (Xbox 360). It was probably my highest achievement in gaming when it comes to "competition".
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i wish i could wipe my memory of undertale, mother 3, and okami and experience them all again for the first time :') also, even tho the story was kind of cookie cutter, the game didnt run all too well and i kind of knew what was going to happen, spoiler scenes from child of light punched me in the gut and still do, bc i have a strained relationship w my mother and :') col has beautiful art direction and illustrations, a neat battle system and i like how all the "3d" models' hair is always blowing backwards, just...dont look too close at them 🤣
Mother 3 is one of the best games ever made, and the fact that Nintendo refuses to release it in the west is just cruel. I understand that the game has some themes and scenes that would never get a rating below Mature from the ESRB, but that game was amazing.
Not sure if mobile otome games count but I'd really like to play all the routes of Mystic Messenger for the first time again! I feel bad about not reading the chats properly anymore these days because I've already read them before huhu but i really loved the experience of getting calls and texts from the characters outside of the regular chat it's such a good game huhu I'm so sad that it's ending soon :'(