Games that disappointed you

Tomodachi Life, I admit I like the game...but it's just.
I wish there were more things to do in it and:

ALL THAT ANNYOYING FIGHTING THEY DO! UGHHHHHHHHH! It's not annoying the first time, but after a while it's annoying as heck! You're wasting your time just to calm them down with things (like making them take a bath) and then when you get one of them to apologize..sometimes the other Mii won't accept it! wasting more time to cheer up the now sad Mii!



Also things start to become predicable instead of random.

Things like this picture below can be annoying as well and "I want some new chothes"



Also Who's sick idea was to put divorce in this game!
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The game which most readily comes to mind when it comes to disappointment is Fire Emblem: Awakening. I had been a fan of the series for a few years prior to its release after being exposed to Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn by someone I know. Those were and to this day remain two of my favorite video games, and I proceeded to get into the rest of the older games which were released outside of Japan. Needless to say, I was expecting a lot from Fire Emblem: Awakening and it wholly failed to deliver.

I initially enjoyed the game because of how hyped I was for a new Fire Emblem game, but after a while its glaring cracks made themselves apparent to me. Problems I have with Fire Emblem: Awakening include:

  • A lack of varied objectives that are found in older games in the series.
  • Uninteresting map design.
  • Comparatively bland, one-dimensional characters with boring support conversations. Some, but admittedly not all, of the older games' support conversations blow all of Awakening's out of the water. Awakening's cast, when judged against other Fire Emblem casts, is very flat and the only character I found halfway interesting was Virion.
  • Being able to play as just about every main antagonist and a character that supposedly had sacrificed themself, whose sacrifice is shown and mourned over by your characters. While these were tied to optional side-missions to unlock them, it's a great way to suck out all of the stakes of the game and make everything meaningless.
  • Adding onto the previous point, the huge emphasis on shipping/marriage and children characters. While your characters in older Fire Emblem games could become couples, it was more rare and unless they were already in a relationship prior to the events of the story, what ended up happening with them was left up to their endings after you finish the game's story. Awakening's marriage system left too little to the imagination and was plainly unrealistic, which for what was once a more serious series is a jarring change.
  • The child characters, meanwhile, introduced the awful Outrealms concept to the series and were justified through time travel. The story is a whole lot less interesting and engrossing when the one story important time travel child, Lucina, doesn't end up being unique after all because somehow all of the other children of your original army's soldiers managed to survive this supposedly hellscape future.
  • A very boring and shoddily cobbled together plot that ultimately didn't fit into previously established series lore until Intelligent Systems retroactively expanded on/retconned Grima's origins in Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, which came out a whole 5 years later.
  • The introduction of DLC. While I don't really fault them for this since it's the nature of the video game business these days, it's just sort of unfortunate. It led us to, for example, the combined DLC of Shadows of Valentia costing more than the base game for less worthwhile things.

Fire Emblem: Awakening was a rough wake-up call to a vastly different Fire Emblem than the one I had previously come to know. The game left me feeling burned and I still am not entirely back on board with the series. The story of Fates was as bad if not worse, the fanservice more egregious and I don't even want to think about the stupid dimensional shenanigans used to justify child characters again. Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia was a great installment, but my expectations for the series moving forward are still low when I look at Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Fire Emblem Warriors, and Fire Emblem Heroes.

I'm sure I've been disappointed by other games which I'll have to give some thought to and probably post about at some other time, but Fire Emblem: Awakening was definitely the disappointment with the most lasting effects.
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The Sims: Medieval. I remember being so hyped for that and it letting me down. Still played it a ton. But was not as enthused as I thought I would?ve been. Had funny stuff in it though, def some good points. It remains a sad milestone in my game life though lmao

Also, I?m a big fan of the Fable franchise. I didn?t actually play this installment because I was disappointed when more info came out about it, so idk if it counts for this thread, but Fable: The Journey was a bust. I was so disappointed to hear that they were utilizing Kinect for it that I couldn?t bring myself to get it. Watched a play through of it online and it seemed like a slog. Didn?t like the turns they took in the storyline, and the overall plot of the game seemed disconnected. Glad I didn?t get it, but sad that that was essentially the last installment in that series. I hope they come out with more but idk if it?ll be the same without Theresa.
Sonic Lost World on Wii U had a lot of potential on actually being a game that's worth playing, yet it dropped the ball halfway through. Here's a few problems that ultimately made me despise this game:

  • Level design quality that varies wildly from one act to another, with many levels falling between average and insufferably bad, with a few good levels here and there
  • The controls seem to be off, which is never a good thing when a level asks you to be precise with your moves
  • A good chunk of Sonic's movesets are criminally underused, especially if you aren't actively going after the Red Rings
  • The parkour moves aren't properly explained in the entire game
  • Most of my fails came from either poorly implemented set pieces or controls that didn't felt right at crucial moments
  • Formulaic thematic ? la New Super Mario Bros. (grass, desert, beach, ice, forest, sky, volcano)
Pocket Camp got boring really fast
Pok?mon Moon was fun until late/post game.
FFE- never even wanted this one but my brother bought it, didn't like it, and gave it to me.
Disney Magical World 2 wasn't as fun as the first.
I played Hey! Pikmin for 3 minutes.
Miitopia and Tomodachi Life got boring after a while.
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The USUM Pok?mon games.

- Overly ev/iv trained pokemon/trainers when you got to Poni island. Yeah I can as well spoil this af so you can prepare, those of you who "still" play. Like, I remember those times you could just train a nice team and not having to worry about this.
- And pretty much everything crap they got from the s/m games. I mean those were bad and I actually had some kinda hype for the USUM game due to post-content and the new features. But yeah nah I kept trying to Poni Island where it suddenly got very steep in fact of having a good team. I prefer my casual old gens, kthxbye.
fire emblem fates

i cant put a pin on why it did but
Devil May Cry 2 - Didn't capture the same feeling as the first game

Prince of Persia:Warrior Within - I felt the devs tried hard to reach out to a mature audience that it kind of made the game feel kind of sloppy. Some of the puzzle and designs were good tho.

Contact - Initially, I got the impression that this game was Earthbound on the DS for some reason lol I should revisit this game at some point, but I do remember getting bored of it.

Glover 64 - No comment lol
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Games that disappointed me? Hm. I'd say most Zelda games Skyward Sword onward. They just felt empty for some reason. I will note though, A Link Between Worlds is probably an exception to that. BotW is by no means a bad game, but yeah.. Kinda empty after you've been everywhere after your first scan of the world.

Super Mario 3D World and 3D Land were both not so engaging. Pretty much any first 3ds sequel fits this as well. Sticker Star: Why not make everybody a Toad, Luigi's Mansion 2: We were so worried we might scare someone so we toned it down.
KH3D was just unmemorable. There are exceptions, but I think this is good enough for now.
I haven't actually played the game myself, but I recently watched someone play through Dead Space 1, 2 and 3, and 3 was just... Ugh. Isaac and Ellie didn't feel like the same characters, and I hated the whole love triangle thing between them and Norton. It just felt so, I don't know... high-school drama-esque. Really detracted from the story, imo. (which wasn't really that great in the first place, if you ask me >_> It felt like they were trying too hard to be a Hollywood action movie) And honestly the necromorphs new models were less "scary" than 1 & 2.
Think Pokemon Sun was a disappointment to me too, I haven't managed to finish it. Not sure what it is about it, but it just doesn't feel like a Pokemon game.

Starbound. Before it came out I was really hyped for it, they had a really big vision for it and it looked like it would be similar to Terraria but better. I gave it a good while, but I was never overly impressed with it, even further into development I never enjoyed it like I did Terraria.
I bought Ever Oasis, because it sounded like AC. I was bored to death after 10 minutes and got rid of it.

I somehow ended up dead in it, and still don't know what from. o_O
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Probably some of you had this situation before: You bought a game that looked promising
and fun, however, while you played it, you realized that it isn't that great at all and not as
you imagined. Maybe even so bad that you regret having bought it.

Was there ever a game that disappointed you? What didn't you like about it? Did you ever had
a game which was so bad that you regret having bought it?

For me, it's Pokemon Sun. Now don't get me wrong, it's not like that I hated that game completely,
but to be honest, compared to other Pokemon games, Sun wasn't really entertaining for me and I
was kinda bored of it afterwards. I would say that I was kinda disappointed about it, however, I
wouldn't say that I regret having bought it. Let's say once played through is enough for me.
Maybe USUM would be more interesting for me.

Fallout 4 for me too, waste of complete hype and money, and I loved the Fallout series too.
so i was disappointed in pokemon ultra moon at first since it's basically the same as moon but i really enjoyed moon and i wanted to play it again so i guess it wasn't that bad that the games were similar and ultra moon had a lot of snazzy extra stuff anyway so it ended up being one of my favourite pokemon games

but i was very disappointed in pokemon shield, if my sister never pointed out how bad the graphics were then i probably wouldn't have even noticed
but because she did, i spent the entire time i played it, comparing it to other games that had wayy better graphics and came out long before it

also shield was well easy, i completed it in like 2 days whereas pokemon black took me a month and diamond took me 14 years lol
plus sw/sh was £76 including DLC so i just feel like at this point, nintendo doesn't care about pokemon and will just make a game without spending actual time on it and sell it for as much as they can, which is pretty upsetting because i've lost loads of money on a game that was badly made
Animal Crossing City Folk
The Sims 4
Paper Mario Sticker Star
Pokemon Sun/Moon
Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald
Mario Kart 7 (to a lesser extent than the above)
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (has many redeeming qualities, but also some big disappointments like the disconnected world)
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D/Majora's Mask 3D (just really disappointing remakes. The two games deserved so much better).
The most recent game that disappointed me was Tohu. It's has beautiful art design which drew me into it. But the gameplay isn't satisfying at all. I should have waited til reviews came out before buying, like I normally do. Well, I learned my lesson!
Blue Reflection.

I really adored the art for it and I have always loved magical girls, but the combat for it was so easy even when bumping the game into hard mode, and you had all your health restored after each fight so it didn't feel like much of a challenge and just bummed me out. The only positive I can say is big boss battles had good music and the girls looked cute.