G4 TV Channel


TBT Old Timer
Retired Staff
Jul 31, 2005
Arcade Tokens
Chocolate Cake
5 Envelopes
I saw that G4 channe is sort of back? Probably won't check it out, but it did make me go look up my favorite old G4 show, Cinematech on youtube. Anyone else that used to watch G4? Favorite shows? Not favorite shows?

And I'll just leave this here...
I remember watching the original G4 (mainly for Ninja Warrior). It was meant to be replaced by Esquire Network, but it replaced Style last-minute and G4 shut down without a replacement. Ironically, Esquire died off far quicker than G4 and has pretty much been forgotten about.

I have yet to see the revived G4. I’m unsure if the programs would appeal to me.
Boy, it was a case of dead of arrival this revival because of having a sacrimonius and pompous host like frosk and others i can't really remember nor should be remembered didn't really helped all for the best anyways when youtubers like yongyea even exist.
I used to watch this channel all the time lol. Unbeatable Banzuke, Ninja Warrior…those shows really got me into Japanese culture. I miss it now but someone uploaded all of Unbeatable Banzuke on YouTube. (A miracle!)
I've had no interest in actually watching any version of G4, neither the original nor this recent iteration. That said, I like Jirard Khalil (The Completionist and one of the Super Beard Bros. on YouTube) and Austin Creed (WWE's Xavier Woods and host of YouTube channel UpUpDownDown) who apparently liked the original and were brought on as hosts(?) or whatnot and both seemed to have been happy to have been part of the revival when it was ongoing. For their sakes I'm disappointed that it ended, though at least they got to take part during its short run.
I remember watching G4 years ago, and it was okay, but probably not something I'd actively follow.