Friend codes


Deleted User

I am getting animal crossing for Christmas, and i will have no one to go to's town, because my friends dont like nintendo, so they dont have a DS, so i wanted to know if people are like going to post theres so people ca get in and liek hang out, once i get mine, im goin to give it out to alot of people just so ill have somebody there, its no fun wirless, if you cann have the uses.
It is allowed here, so I'm guessing people will be giving it out.
I'm clueless... Urr, What's a friend code? Is it a pass word to get into someone elses' town?
A friend code is a 12 digit string of numbers that is assigned to your DS Wifi setting thingy >.>

Anyway, In ACWW, you give it to a friend and you add them, so then you can visit their town.