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Everything that's wrong with your favorite videogame


if it was you I'd never want to leave...
Aug 8, 2015
Pink Summer Shell
ill start

Breath of Fire 3:
- In the desert area, the directions the game gives you for bonus rewards are actually wrong, and there is no way of knowing this
- Peco takes the entire game to actually be on the same level as the rest of your party
- The dialogue is a bit flaky (though nowhere near as bad as Breath of Fire 2's awful translation, as much as I love that game)
- In the last dungeon you suddenly have to level-grind all of a sudden for about 10 levels, even though this was never really needed before
- I found the immunisations shop literally useless unless you do quite a bit of extra preparation
- Ryu's dream in the beginning of the game is foreshadowing something right at the end of the game...but it takes so long to get to that point, that by the time you get there you've forgotten all about it. I only ever realised it by replaying the game almost immediately afterwards
- The boiler puzzle in the lighthouse. If you waste too much chrysm in failing the puzzle, the game forces you to go back to town and buy some more. No way round it
- That subquest where the only possible way of proceeding is by making a very specific meal for the leader of a village. (I always got this completely correct each time, but if you didn't know how to do it perfectly then it would be really difficult)
- Getting rare fish in general. I've wasted hours on that fishing mini-game and never quite got the hang of it
- The desert. Just because
- Emitai's sob story. The first few times I played through this game, I was legitimately upset that you were forced to beat him and that his daughter was going to die slowly from her illness. Read the walkthrough and WHAT. Also, there's no way of knowing this if you don't talk to them after the match!
- Seven minute unskippable cutscene just before the final boss
- Did I mention Teepo? Well, I want him back. He was one of the best things that ever happened to my party set-up, and the game took him away from me. It's a harsh, cruel, dragon-filled world out there.
ill start

Breath of Fire 3:
-Lots and lots of flaws.

Even with all this it's still your favorite game?

I'll post a few of mine then:

Super Metroid
Tbh, this game is pretty much perfect but I would've liked it to be a little longer and more challenging.

Secret of Mana
Ok, now whe're talking. My biggest gripe here is that Square forgot (?) to put the final sword orb in the game thus making it impossible to obtain the final sword, the Mana Sword. It is, however, possible to get it from glitching in a way that almost makes you think it was intended that way, BUT, that only works on the 60hz versions of the game, which sucks if you're european like me since we always got the 50hz versions. To this day I've never been able to get the final sword on the actual SNES-cartridge.

Also, don't get me started on the AI of your companions. They always get stuck in walls and voids or where ever they can.

And another thing that may not be as bad as the missing sword orb but quite annoying still is that you need to plan ahead if you want to max out your weapon skills to 8.99. Once you've reached L. 99 and gotten L. 8.00 on all the weapons you can no longer gain weapon exp. Not a big deal since it doesn't make an actual difference but if you're like me and want to max out every single stat, then it can become a bit of a headache.

Might post a few more later.
Dark Souls 3

Where oh where do I begin. -Cracks knuckles-

  • The game is really short comparatively for a souls game. On Dark Souls 1 and 2 it took me around 50+ hours to beat it on my first playthrough and I was deliberately trying to finish the game as fast as possible. Dark Souls 3 only took me around 25 and I was taking my sweet time to do everything else I possibly could. It's almost like From is relying on the DLC to make it a full game.
  • They pretty much ignored all of the good things Dark Souls 2 added to the game and went for straight up fanservice about DS1 by not only adding a lot of familiar stuff - but also using a modified version of the first game's engine which makes a lot of mechanics such as backstepping utterly useless because it doesn't have i-frames like DS2.
  • In previous souls games you can take a hit while swinging your weapon and keep going if you're wearing heavy enough armor. This was determined by a stat called poise. Poise is still in the game, and you get more of it for wearing heavy armor, but it doesn't do anything anymore. This means if you're swinging a really really slow and heavy weapon, unless the weapon has hyper armor built into it, you're only going to get staggered out of it by a pinprick.
  • This is even more ridiculous when you consider there's a ring in the game that increases your poise. Which means it's an essentially useless ring.
  • What's even worse is that means the PVP meta has now currently become straight-sword dominated because all it takes is one swing to stagger someone. This is further irritated by the fact that straight swords have twice their visible range for whatever reason, take 1/2 the stamina of a greatsword, and still do the same damage as one too.
  • Some of the covenants flat out just don't work for some people. It's a lottery, too, meaning if you play the game you have a fairly decent chance of being permanently barred from some of the game's content.
  • Much like poise, the defensive stats of your character do practically nothing. Meaning any points put into vitality for heavier armor is utterly and completely worthless because points you put into just raising your health are 3x more effective. The only use the vitality stat has anymore is for making your character look cool but all of the best looking armor in the game are lightweight.

Despite all of that I still love the game. It just seems like it was rushed out of the door.

League of Legends

-The community
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League of Legends
-The community


I'll do one

Donkey Kong 64
- Beaver Bother
- 101%ing does not include collecting all the bananas :c
- The final bossfight is way too long because of all the cutscenes. It's a 10 minute+ fight done at its fastest.
That's a lot, knowing any% WR is sub 27 minutes.
I love this bossfight, but the unskippable cutscenes are too much.
- You have to beat DK Arcade twice to even beat the game normally. I never got to beat the game because of this until recently.
- Beaver Bother

I can't think of any other flaws right now, other than another beaver bother, but if I were to do a list of things I love about this game, it would be too long to even make a proper tl;dr.
-This game is pretty much already awesome but the final boss was challenging, until Pokey left... Giygas himself is a pushover if you know what to do and I just wish that it was a bit harder.
-The grinding to level up certain party members (I'm looking at you, Poo...)
-In the beginning of the game, it's nearly impossible to get through because you have almost no money and only one revive ability which makes is extremely hard to heal, which makes it extremely hard to get through, until you get Paula who can just stock up on Horns of Life in Saturn Valley.

Mother 3
-You literally cannot beat certain bosses (Oh So Snake, Jealous Base, Masked Man) without being EXTREMELY over leveled for where you're at or using a bunch of bottle rocked, or PK Ground in the Masked Man's case, which requires Kumatora to be level 60, and you normally fight the Masked Man at around level 45-50.

Super Mario RPG-
-I literally can't think of anything besides Geno's Woods and the fetch quest for all the plant materials to get the Lazy Shell, but it isn't very annoying or off putting.

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
-This game can get VERY old quite fast.
-I feel that the first Animal Crossing game was the best, and New Leaf really only captured a portion of what made it great.
-This game was much more centered around design instead of just living your life day-by-day.
-I WANT THE NES GAMES BACK!!! I know it's not gonna happen because of the virtual console but that doesn't change the fct that I WANT THE NES GAMES BACK!!!
I never had trouble with the bosses on Mother 3, personally, and I don't think I grinded at all. Then again, it's been a few years, and I only remember the Masked Man fight vaguely. I plan on replaying it after I beat Earthbound.
I found Earthbound a lot harder than Mother 3 actually. I actually ended up grinding very often.
I'd have to replay Tales of Symphonia again to gripe about it properly but the one thing that always bothers me is there's no way to keep both Kratos and Zelos in your party. I know it technically makes sense because they have the exact same moves as each other but still. To this day I wish there was a way to boot out Regal and keep Kratos (because the only way you can get him back involves killing Zelos /spoiler/ and it's terrible and it doesn't change Kratos' ending at all so it's pointless)

Donkey Kong 64
- Beaver Bother

the minigame of my nightmares. I can't believe there's two barrels with Beaver Bother in them both in the same level like lol
I'd have to replay Tales of Symphonia again to gripe about it properly but the one thing that always bothers me is there's no way to keep both Kratos and Zelos in your party. I know it technically makes sense because they have the exact same moves as each other but still. To this day I wish there was a way to boot out Regal and keep Kratos (because the only way you can get him back involves killing Zelos /spoiler/ and it's terrible and it doesn't change Kratos' ending at all so it's pointless)

I recently tried to replay Tales of Symphonia after playing a lot of Vesperia and it was really really off-putting how bad the controls felt by comparison.
the minigame of my nightmares. I can't believe there's two barrels with Beaver Bother in them both in the same level like lol

Literally. There's extensive guides for it for people who want to speedrun dk64. I think that speaks for itself.
I was told by another runner that I should prepare for beaver bother by getting my favorite stuffed animals and assuming the fetal position.
Jade Empire:
-weapon styles cost focus.okay, do they do more damage? No? Okay. Oh, you're saying they *ALSO* cant hurt certain enemies? Okay, what good are they? I like my staff,but you're telling me I can rarely and when I do it won't really be much better than if I used my fists? You sir, are a jerk. *goes back to using staff anyway*
-sword style is literally the deadliest there is, and its nigh-impossible to dodge in time if you're in range. Vs staff, you can sidestep, sword is like *whoosh* ouch! *whoosh* and half of my health us gone.
-the most fun martial styles don't come around untill really late game where its like...well great, I got to enjoy that style for all five fights after I got it, thanks.
-closed fist options are just....way too mustache-twirly-evil.
Wind Waker: (I'll judge the HD version since it fixed most problems with the original)

-The great sea can feel empty at times.

-The bonus charts from the reefs (Octo Chart, Island/Sea Hearts Chart, those charts) don't show your progress. So if I killed the Big Octo at Tingle Island, it won't be crossed off of the chart so I have no clue if I already beat it. This is especially annoying with the Pieces of Heart. OKAY I LNOW THERE'S 9 OF THEM ON WINDFALL, BUT DO I HAVE ALL OF THEM, ONLY 7, I NEED ANSWERS! And they crossed off the Triforce charts/pieces you got on the IN-credible chart, so why didn't they do this for the others?

-Can I replay bosses like in Ocarina of Time 3D k thx

-(This is a complaint about the GC version) but why didn't they make the Tingle Tuner more interesting? All you could do with it was throw bombs (which were usually used as a troll move by player 2), and give Link red/green/blue potions. Why not more interesting things like make Link run faster, double damage (without needing Grandma's Soup), freezing enemies, just something that Link couldn't already do?

Super Mario Galaxy:

-Why add Fast Foe comets if you're only going to use them twice smh

-"Luigi mode" was way too similar to "Mario mode." The only changes were a few lines of dialogue and Cosmic Clone comets were slightly more challenging (but they were still exactly the same, you just had to beat it faster).

I could probably think of more for both if I bothered to.
Legend of Mana
  • Battle gameplay is pretty bad. You'll spend most of you time in battles trying to move your character around slowly and then getting at the right position to hit your enemy. Also, if you can't predict where your enemies will be, you'll likely waste special moves/magic because their range is limited, I ended up equipping moves that has a big range because of this.
  • The ending was pretty underwhelming. The fairy story arc is kind of bad.
  • It is SO EASY to lock yourself out of a quest, or some quests are tricky to trigger without a guide in hand. You also have to do quests in certain order or you'll miss some because of it.

Despite all the flaws listed, Legend of Mana is still a GREAT game. The music, the art, and the characters makes up for it. Please play my favorite game of all time.
Pretty much any Pok?mon game, "gotta catch 'em all":

- Hassle pretty much everyone online to get a complete dex, or before internet was a thing on the games; run around irl or buy used game and consoles to trade over lol
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

-I 100%'ed it and I don't have any complaints lol. this game is a gem.

Fire Emblem: Awakening

-THE GRINDING. some of the optional quests and paralogues require much higher level units than the main story ever gives you, so you have to spend hours grinding. Unlocking all those supports by grinding helps with the tedium, but not by much.
-All of the children characters are extremely underleveled, meaning you don't even get to use them in the main story or you spend even more time grinding.
-Despite loving the character Lucina, I never used her in the main story because of how underleveled she came in.
-Cordelia and Chrom not having supports is total bull****.
-The characters that can only support Robin are total bull and a waste of good character development. Are you telling me Tiki can't support with Nowi, and Yen'fay can't with Say'ri? total crap.
-Having Emmeryn a DLC character, even if she's lost her memory, completely invalidates her sacrifice and makes the emotional story feel pointless.
-While we're on the topic of DLC, we never got Mustafa, the only enemy who actually wanted to join us, but we got Aversa, Gangrel and Walhart. absolutely ridiculous.
-Phila's character wasn't developed enough and I didn't feel sad at all when she died. She basically just kept screwing up and did little else.
-The bonus box teams are OP and allow you to get infinite amounts of powerful items.
Fire Emblem: Awakening

-THE GRINDING. some of the optional quests and paralogues require much higher level units than the main story ever gives you, so you have to spend hours grinding. Unlocking all those supports by grinding helps with the tedium, but not by much.
-All of the children characters are extremely underleveled, meaning you don't even get to use them in the main story or you spend even more time grinding.
-Despite loving the character Lucina, I never used her in the main story because of how underleveled she came in.
-Cordelia and Chrom not having supports is total bull****.
-The characters that can only support Robin are total bull and a waste of good character development. Are you telling me Tiki can't support with Nowi, and Yen'fay can't with Say'ri? total crap.
-Having Emmeryn a DLC character, even if she's lost her memory, completely invalidates her sacrifice and makes the emotional story feel pointless.
-While we're on the topic of DLC, we never got Mustafa, the only enemy who actually wanted to join us, but we got Aversa, Gangrel and Walhart. absolutely ridiculous.
-Phila's character wasn't developed enough and I didn't feel sad at all when she died. She basically just kept screwing up and did little else.
-The bonus box teams are OP and allow you to get infinite amounts of powerful items.

My biggest gripe with the game was that sometimes in the later parts of the game, you could be mid-mission, doing fantastically, and then suddenly without any warning enemy reinforcements would spawn right next to one of your low health units and instakill them before you could act appropriately.
Planescape: Torment

  • worse combat than its Infinity Engine predecessors
  • the introduction sequence at the morgue is far too long and far too uninspired for such a great game
  • hearing "UPDATED MY JOURNAL" everytime you come across new information gets really grating
My favourite game of all-time is Sonic Adventure, and my only real compliant would be that it's not lively enough. The environments are really fantastic and the texturing is beautiful, but there's not a lot of life. Little things like the trees swaying or more people walking around would really brighten things up. I also feel like it would've been awesome if you could randomly encounter the other characters doing the things you'll have to do when you play as them. This really only happens in the cutscenes.
Fable 3:
- Story and plot was too short.
- The free roam after the ending is boring if you didn't have enough money to save a majority of the citizens of Albion (I am yet to see if it's any different if I was able to afford to save most of Albion).
- Wasn't the best game in the Fable series (but I couldn't really care).

- Is old, like pushing 10 years in September or something.
- Story was somewhat too quick.
- There should have been a few more side missions involving the school more.
- There should've been at least a couple more classes to attend as well.
- Needs a sequel.
Tomb Raider 3: Adventures of Lara Croft (ps1 version):
- the game was really criticized for it's unforgiving difficulty, for example the very first level in the game has all sorts of one hit kill traps like spikes, boulders, piranhas, trap rooms, quick sand..it also has deadly animals (tigers) that can kill you in 2 hits and no you don't have infinite lives, you actually have to collect save crystals yourself, something you don't see nowadays. while I actually love the game for it's challenging, trial and error nature it's understandable that this installment might've turned off many gamers including tomb raider fans.

- both camera and lara's controls feel awkward and outdated (lara moves in a robotic manner) and the requirement for precise timing while doing jumps and reacting to the different kind of obstacles the levels might offer. the game was released in 1989 and many games back then suffered for those kinds of issues so gamers could adapt to it but it's very outdated for today's standards as some people nowadays would call the game unplayable..

- besides lara's controls we are offered to use a different variety of vehicles to use (quad bike, kayak, mine cart..) and almost all of them have god awful controls that are so bad they made me throw my controller or turn of the game many times especially the kayak..oh god

- the game suffers from odd level designs (I kind of love it for it though) compared to the other installment of this franchise and there are some parts that feel broken and others feel out of place that they don't make much sense. a level called Lud's Gate is the best example for this, oh god that underwater puzzle...

- the bosses, while I like them almost all of them play very unfairly because most of them can kill you in one hit unless you use that specific weapon or method in which the game doesn't give you a hint and/or when you figure it out you'd be already dead. those boss battles require a lot of patience and perfect timing to dodge/shoot just like most of the game.

- lighting, this is the biggest issue for me (it was actually fixed in the pc version), the game is VERY dark! and while you can have a source of light (matches I believe) they are very limited and don't light much of the area so you'll be using multiples in one area. hell, even if you set both the game and tv brightness to 100 it's still very dark in enclosed places including full dungeons/temples and you'll be spending a lot of time in such areas.

- nevada! it's one of the 5 areas you visit in the game (besides lara's house) and unlike the other areas this one comes out as odd and a bit annoying (really annoying). what I mean is, you start the game with india and after you complete it you get to choose between three different areas and nevada is one of them, this is that unless you choose nevada first you're in for a big loss because at one point in that area you get captured and loose most of the items you collected (medipacks, ammo..) permanently so if you went for this area last you've pretty much wasted so much precious time collecting those things...
also this area is oddly shorter than the other areas in the game because there's no boss level! it really feels as if the level existed once then got cut for whatever reason but I've always found that quite bothersome because the game features area 51 and you get to see aliens (well, dead ones) and a ****ing ufo that is much larger from the inside!
League of Legends

-The community

Donkey Kong 64
- Beaver Bother

You two win the thread.

Alright, wait. I got one.

Fallout 3, NV, and 4

- Bethesda made them.


Even aside from the usual - quests breaking, dialogue breaking, getting stuck in a rock you can't teleport out of and needing to reload a save from 3 hours ago, being unable to progress something because an NPC died or got lost or just fell off the map entirely, needing to restart the game entirely because an NPC you need now seemed to have died forever ago.

Fallout 4, especially, has brought a new complaint to the table:

The VATS for unarmed/melee.

90% of my VATS attacks just get cancelled because the enemy isn't standing in the perfect spot. Or because the enemy flew across the map while it was trying to load up VATS. This seems to be more prominent in the Far Harbor dlc, and I blame the terrain + Bethesda's incompetency for that.. but even in the base game, the thing I was trying to hit would teleport 10 feet away the instant I tried to hit them in VATS.

I'm level 64 and I've put a lot into Agility and Luck, and their, uh, "skill trees" for VATS crits. But it's like my irl luck isn't high enough to actually utilize it.