Cycling Downpour Cycling Service [MOVING OUT: HANS]


Useful stuff for later
Jul 25, 2017
User Title Color Change
Pear (Fruit)
100% (57) +
Hey everyone, I'll be trying to do a cycling thread, in order to give my villagers to other people in exchange of other villagers or tbt. So let's begin with my actual villagers in the town (that aren't my dreamies)


*Tier 1-2: 40-20 TBT, depending on how original they are.
*Tier 3-4: 15 TBT, it's the same here, as I'll try to make them as original as possible.
*Tier 5-6: You can have them for free!

If you want any of these villagers feel free to tell me which one and I'll see how I move them out for you.

Please use this form to order:
FC (if not on the sidebar):
TBT total:
Last edited:
Which tier is Molly? Could I possibly request her for another 10 tbt as well as the 30 for the three sets?

I will of course fill out the form!

Mayor: Sookie
Town: TruBlood
FC: side bar
Villager: Molly
Tbt: 10 (40 with the sets)
Ok! She?s Tier 3, to be honest. And yes, feel free to do it. I got the princess and Rococo set ready for you. I?ll try to make Molly move out of the town, so that will take a while, I?ll tell you if she?s in boxes though
Thanks! And no rush! I bought Fauna today so tomorrow for Molly would be perfect.

Vm me when you have the sets together please! I have you added already :)
OK, strawberrigod! I'll let you know when Papi moves out, so you can take him.

Also, I'm here to say that only Mathilda and Tammi are left in the town, if someone wants to grab any of them. (Molly is already taken, and Papi too)
Mayor: E.V.
FC: Sidebar
Villager: Elise
TBT total: Free? (I can offer tbt if wanted)
Just curious, how original is she?
Sorry for that, but Elise is not in my town anymore, I can reccommend you look at pandapples shop if you need her