Do you time travel?

I have never time travelled in New Leaf but I have done it in Wild World and City Folk to get items faster and to move out villagers.
Yes, I always have a project i want to get done and it usually requires time travel. I am trying really hard to cut it down a bit though and just enjoy the game as it's supposed to be.
I used to be the most impatient player in my first town. I kinda regret it but I was so excited of all the things that I just couldn't wait til next day to see a new villager or a new shop without time travelling. I haven't time travelled in my newest town and probably won't.
One hour, twice a year, for daylight savings. But I do it for the entire system.
Yeah, quite often actually. I used to never do it, but when I restarted my town and my main focus became landscaping, I time travelled to speed up plant growth/move villagers in and out, etc. :p I totally get why some people might be against it though.
Unless it's plot resetting or making someone move out faster then I tend not to, I think I only did when I first got the game to finish work on my house quicker or public work projects etc.
I haven't got my game yet so I'm not sure if I will time travel or not.. I have done it in recent animal crossing games so this could be the one where I don't tt at all. :confused:
I restarted my game due to me ending up hating my town name horribly, so I'm time travelling to try and get back to where I was previously, but it is still taking a significant amount of time, and Gracie never shows up in my town so i can't upgrade my shop, which is a big big downer
I used to, but now that I have an actual life, job, and so on.. no. I just don't have the time for it any more. I can barely keep up with my current game as-is.
I'm time traveling now to find a good time to update my dream address. I want a nice purple sky that happens in the early morning but I'm not sure it's possible in the summer? After I update I usually revert to playing day by day or play my no-time travel town.
No, I don't time travel anymore. I started my town Hiatius at the release date and there I started timetravel to get all the stores and to collect everything but after a year or something it just got boring to me and I just started timetravelling at once and I never did it again unless I missed a festive day. I don't miss it and afterwards I think it's unnecessary to me. So don't even start with it, it's so much more fun without it!