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Do you think you'll lose interest in ACNL?

Yes, and I have before. Though I think it was I wasn't happy with my town. I need to get another ACNL because I have found I love resetting my town to see what kind of map I can get, villagers, and fruit.
This always happens to me, I play it all the time then some weeks or months later I don't play it, instead I play something else. Maybe later, later on (quite a few years time) I would probably lose interest in the game altogether.
i did lost interest when pokemon super mystery dungeon came out and my town which is far from completed got neglected. but now im getting back to the game.
I'll probably stop playing when Animal Crossing: Newer Leaf comes out.

Same here. I'm going to use Animal Crossing "Newer Leaf" coming out as my deadline to finish everything I want to accomplish in Animal Crossing New Leaf. I can always find something that will keep me entertained. I'm especially dedicated to completing the badge list.
Same here. I'm going to use Animal Crossing "Newer Leaf" coming out as my deadline to finish everything I want to accomplish in Animal Crossing New Leaf. I can always find something that will keep me entertained. I'm especially dedicated to completing the badge list.

That's a really good idea! I don't think I'll ever get gold on all the badges, but having a deadline is smart :)
I've been playing for four months straight already, and I haven't gotten bored yet I hope I won't have to stop playing I love this game a lot ahaha, but yeah, when something really wrong happens I start to lose complete interest over the game and takes me years to get back on or never lol, this happened with my previous animal crossing games Dx
I sometimes don't play for a few days, but I don't think I'll really lose interest until a new game comes out.
I have random months where I lose interest but I always come back.
I did lose interest for a year or so; now I'm slowly TTing back to the present day in my first town and started a second. I'll try actual landscaping this time.
I normally only loose interest for about a week before I come back. Breaks I find are a good thing, I can focus on other games and then when I come back to acnl it seems a bit different and refreshing. :D
I don't lose interest, so much as I get pulled into other things and just kinda don't devote much time to playing. this may be for the best right now, as I've already reset twice, and would like to stay satisfied with this new town.
I've been playing since the release date and haven't lost interest.
My main town gets played every night and the extra towns get played when I have time. Right now I stopped movers in the extra towns because things are busy in RL.
I've landscaped/paths, theme twice. The mayor has all her badge except the gold streetpass badge. To make the game interesting I started letting the side characters player. Player 3 Christa is the late night player that goes dancing with the villagers and parties with the villagers. Player 2 is the mom.
I definitely go in and out of phases of interest and being burnt out. I'm a pretty compulsive player and enjoy the game more when I have a lot of time to spare, so I'm more prone to playing when I'm on break or off dance for a week or two.
I lost interest ages ago. i stuck with the game for about 11 months, including the 2 weeks with a second town. And after that, i rarely played and have to use the TT to catch up method on the rare occasion i actually want to play.

The problem is that there's nothing to keep me going. Nearly everything in the game to do is something i've already done about a billion times in ACWW. The "new" things fall into the catagory of not fun to do more then a couple times.
I sometimes lose interest but never for a long time. I stopped playing in spring because I hated my town but after a while I made a new town and have been playing daily after that.
I keep going through phases of playing for a while and then not playing for months. Consequently I'm missing a lot of summer bugs and fish from my encyclopedia.

For now, I'm trying to keep my interest by focusing on Toy Day and earning badges. I can sort of see my self not playing again for a while once December is over. We'll see...