Do you like Coco?

I liked her but she reminds me too much of a friend i can't talk to anymore so seeing her kinda makes me sad and i want her out of my town haha
She is adorable and a sweetheart. I still have her in my AC:CF town and I'm hoping she shows up in my NL town one day. Funnily enough, I always saw her as like a cookie that had holes punched out for eyes and a mouth, never as a gyroid or the like.
She's a permanent villager of Novis, asolutely love Cocos design.

...Her house could be better though, I'm sending her presents all the time to try and change it a bit.
I love Coco. She doesn't live in any of my towns, but I've had her in past games. I think she's a misunderstood sweetie. I like her unique look. It's very cute to me. It makes me sad so many people act like she's a monster. It makes me glad to see so many people on this thread like her
She's a little creepy with her blank stare and KK Dirge playing in her house and all, but I still like her. She has a sweet personality.
I've had her before when I was trying to make a Halloween themed town. She was alright definitely not a fav.
Wow! It seems that a lot of people like her.
I think she's cute, I've never personally had her in my towns, but I was debating having her. If I ever get a third game I'll probably get Coco in my town.
I think she's cute, I've never personally had her in my towns, but I was debating having her. If I ever get a third game I'll probably get Coco in my town.

I just finally got her today and i have no regrets. She looks cool walking around and his house being different is great considering that some normal Villagers have fancy houses.