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Do you have any New Year's resolutions? ✨

Nope. If people really wanted to change, or seek out other endeavors, or have new plans for the next year, or what have you, this would've been done well in advance. Not the last month or two of the year. It's all the same in the end, pretty much.
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Bumping even thou New Years was like a week ago now oops.

I usually don't make any cause I don't keep them and if I really wanted to do somethin I should just do it but I'm lazy.

This year I feel like will be my year, for no reason in particular other than I want it to be and 2023 is behind me now, a not that great year. I have a job now which was a goal of mine so off to a good start.

I'm tryin to keep it 'simple' and just be a more productive and organized person in general. Now that I can drive my car I can do more things, like my own errands, shopping, driving to my job, ect... I want to start in my room cause it's messy and I need to get rid of stuff and downsize since my space is so limited in well, space.
Also make a routine now that my job actually ALLOWS me to have a routine (I get set days off with set hours rather than an ever changing schedule of days and hours). Not ever knowing my schedule in advance was a big part of not being able to make a proper routine, I couldn't keep changing stuff based on the whims of that week, I wanted everythin to be uniform and on a schedule.

Part of the organization is making a schedule for things like maintaining my house plant collection, dedicated days to run errands like grocery shopping or other needed shopping.
I sometimes try to make resolutions but it never seems to really stick anyway so I am taking it easy on myself this year. I would like to read more and maybe be a little healthier in general but I don't want to think of it as a New Years resolution thing.
we have many of the same resolutions! i'd love to be able to stop biting my nails and catch up on some reading. otherwise, one of my biggest goals for this year is to make a habit of journaling. i find it easy to let my days blur together so i'd like to record thoughts and events to be more mindful. gives me more to reflect on ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
I don't really have the energy or motivation to fully commit to new year resolutions, but here a some very loose ones I have:

- start going to the gym 🏋‍ a couple years ago I went to the gym regularly and got to the point where I was relatively fit. It wasn't that I didn't enjoy it, I just fell out of the habit when I moved cities. Now I feel that I need something physical to do to help with stress/anxiety. A good side effect would be weight loss, but we'll see how that goes.

- get back into drawing and/or digital art (gradually) 🎨 already made a start on this, I miss making things

- self care, especially around mental health. I cannot and do not want to get as stressed as I've been over the past few months. I need to find some good habits or coping mechanisms.
Alright so I do have a few...

- try to become mentally well and stable. having bpd and gad is not really the best mix. my anxiety triggers the abandonment trauma from the bpd, then i get retaliatory, and then.. and then.. yeah. i constantly spiraled the entirety of 2023. tried to think i was doing good.. when really, i think i was just really good at pretending i was. this year, i'm going to do better mentally. i'm tired of the same cycle over and over. ruining relationships, etc. this year, i'm going to control my disorders. i'm not going to let them control me anymore.

- watch more anime! since i got a smart tv for christmas, i've been really trying to get back into the swing of watching more animes. i don't do a lot aside from work and sit at my desk. having something else to do would be nice!

- read more manga! i've been really bad with keeping up on my physical collection. i buy these mangas, but haven't touched a single one unless if the synopsis really pulls me in. i have a few mangas i bought, but have yet to read. like parasyte (which i bought about 2 years ago since i knew my bestie @Midoriya loves this series!), jjk, and others.

- be kinder to myself. like many others i'm sure, i have a very hard time with being nice to me. i want to change that this year. i want to treat myself more like a human, instead of a monster i definitely treat myself as.. it's hard being nice to yourself.. but it's even harder being nice after being so mean to yourself for so long.. especially since i'm so used to it.. breaking the habit is hard. but i'm determined!
Alright so I do have a few...

- try to become mentally well and stable. having bpd and gad is not really the best mix. my anxiety triggers the abandonment trauma from the bpd, then i get retaliatory, and then.. and then.. yeah. i constantly spiraled the entirety of 2023. tried to think i was doing good.. when really, i think i was just really good at pretending i was. this year, i'm going to do better mentally. i'm tired of the same cycle over and over. ruining relationships, etc. this year, i'm going to control my disorders. i'm not going to let them control me anymore.

- watch more anime! since i got a smart tv for christmas, i've been really trying to get back into the swing of watching more animes. i don't do a lot aside from work and sit at my desk. having something else to do would be nice!

- read more manga! i've been really bad with keeping up on my physical collection. i buy these mangas, but haven't touched a single one unless if the synopsis really pulls me in. i have a few mangas i bought, but have yet to read. like parasyte (which i bought about 2 years ago since i knew my bestie @Midoriya loves this series!), jjk, and others.

- be kinder to myself. like many others i'm sure, i have a very hard time with being nice to me. i want to change that this year. i want to treat myself more like a human, instead of a monster i definitely treat myself as.. it's hard being nice to yourself.. but it's even harder being nice after being so mean to yourself for so long.. especially since i'm so used to it.. breaking the habit is hard. but i'm determined!
mimi, this year will be much kinder to you than 2023 -- i believe it! i'm rooting for you hard. <3