Do you do advent calendars 2024?

Forgot to post yesterday, but I got Doduo (that can't stand on it's own),


Today's door was Furfrou, which I thought was a very unconventional choice.

I also picked up an official Pokemon advent calendar that went on sale at the store today. We opened the first fourteen days and it contained the following little fellas (so far every third day has been a build-able cardboard thing which is pretty cheap imo, at least the knock-off calendar gives you a "Pokemon" everyday, and especially since the original price for the 24 day calendar was $50)

They all have a coating which gives them an iridescent sheen, interesting that it also contained all of the gen 6 starters, must be an old calendar. Disappointingly Fennekin also can't stand on its own, would probably be my favorite if it could, but as it stands (or really, as it doesn't) my favorites are Spheal, Mankey and Flapple. (My favorites of the knock-offs so far are Metagross, Clefairy, Wobbuffet and Cacnea )
not really, i've gotten a few chocolate ones in the past and i would often forget about them halfway through the month because work/life would get too hectic so then i would have to open the whole thing on one day and just eat it all asekjnrjbg
Not usually but a year or so ago I got my kitties a fancy feast advent calendar and they loved it. It had canned food and treats in it. I tried to find it this year but I haven’t seen one on Chewy or anywhere. My mom did find a different one at target that she got for them; I hope they’ll like it when it comes 😺.
Every year I want to do advent calendars and every year I DON'T GET ONE!! Granted since I don't have a stable paying job yet (due to being in school) I almost entirely have to rely on my parents for one and what? Do I expect them to get me whats essentially an early Christmas present that lasts a month? Hell Naw 🗣️

That said I did get one I think 2 years ago that was a rubber ducky advent calendar and it was my first one ever. It was a little cheapy, some days were missing things while others would sometimes have 2 or more things in it (usually a duck and a clothing item). Some ducks were dupes too. DIDN'T MATTER I loved that thing and it was SO fun looking forward to opening a new door every day.

tl;dr: no advent calendar this year, but I like em and want to get one next year!
Yes! For the past 3 or so years I've been doing a basic chocolate advent calendar every year.

This year is my first time living with my bf and we do ours together every day. It's his first time doing one! (They're not really a thing here in Japan)
i remember doing one when i was a kid; it was an lps advent calendar. but no, i don't do them, unfortunately. they look really cute tho! hope to maybe do it next year if i remember.
i always get a chocolate one!! this year i bought myself a cheap cadbury one and then my mum got me a heroes one so ended up with two edible ones lol. and then since my birthday is right at the end of november i normally ask for a nicer advent calendar - the past few years it's been a body shop one, but this year it's tea. nice way to start my day!
I still exchange advent apps with my mom every year, it's where you can put any video, picture, message, or gif, and they're always nice to do on everyday before Christmas
A bit late to posting these, as I've been swamped. I love the hot chocolate advent, but you have to take time to make it. It's not as easy as just opening.

Day 12 - 17

Winter Cranberry- This was very good. Had a very subtle cranberry taste that did not overpower the hot chocolate.
Christmas Carrot- A lot sweeter than usual, but still good. It was just a different sweetness. Maybe like a very sweet carrot. Kinda like carrot cake, but without the cake and icing and not as sweet. Just the right amount.
Sticky Toffee - I couldn't really taste much so it just tasted like hot chocolate. There was a hint of something, but it was so weak
Winter Spice - Wasn't bad, but again a weak different taste. Just tasted like maybe spiced drink.
Caramel Rum - Both had a rum and caramel taste. But not very strong. It was actually pretty good
Coconut - I could smell and taste the coconut. I'm not big on coconut so this was just alright

Each drink comes with a powder packet and inside are a bunch of chopped/flaked pieces of chocolate the melt when heated.

Jhine, the marshmallow flavors have been really good so far. I haven't had any that have been so disgusting that I couldn't eat it or pushed myself to eat them. I'm expecting a soap flavored marshmallow to happen like it did to you last year lol.
A bit late to posting these, as I've been swamped. I love the hot chocolate advent, but you have to take time to make it. It's not as easy as just opening.

Day 12 - 17

Winter Cranberry- This was very good. Had a very subtle cranberry taste that did not overpower the hot chocolate.
Christmas Carrot- A lot sweeter than usual, but still good. It was just a different sweetness. Maybe like a very sweet carrot. Kinda like carrot cake, but without the cake and icing and not as sweet. Just the right amount.
Sticky Toffee - I couldn't really taste much so it just tasted like hot chocolate. There was a hint of something, but it was so weak
Winter Spice - Wasn't bad, but again a weak different taste. Just tasted like maybe spiced drink.
Caramel Rum - Both had a rum and caramel taste. But not very strong. It was actually pretty good
Coconut - I could smell and taste the coconut. I'm not big on coconut so this was just alright

Each drink comes with a powder packet and inside are a bunch of chopped/flaked pieces of chocolate the melt when heated.

Jhine, the marshmallow flavors have been really good so far. I haven't had any that have been so disgusting that I couldn't eat it or pushed myself to eat them. I'm expecting a soap flavored marshmallow to happen like it did to you last year lol.
Glad to hear you've been enjoying them! :D And yep, definitely no bad ones this year so far! While some are stronger flavored than others, it's been another great time!
My advent calendar is participating in lots of online advent calendar raffles. LOL

A few years ago (I think 2021) I won a night for two people at a spa hotel and also two tickets to an illuminated garden event (worth like 40 euros).

Last year I only won a jar of jam... 😅

This year I have already won twice. The first win was three bottles of local sparkling wine, a wine bottle cap and a 10 euro voucher for the winery which is basically supposed to be good for two glasses of sparkling wine at the winery.

The second win that I landed this year is a tickets for two at the best tables at a Johann Strauss Dinner Show spectacle. I've been to the same event location before, watching a burlesque show of a friend of mine who got us extremely discounted tickets. I also noticed ads for the Strauss Dinner Show taking place there and checked the prices, and the two tickets that I won are basically worth about 400 euros. 😅✌🏻
Year 2, Day 19 marshmallow advent calendar:


Another solid flavor! I enjoyed it. Probably didn't enter my Top 5 though.