Do you attend PWP ceremonies?

Do you attend PWP ceremonies?

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I always do. I like seeing who shows up. Sometimes I will be looking for a certain villager, & this is a quick way to find them, lol.
Also, the confetti pics are always adorable.
In the beginning I always attended the PWP ceremonies, but know I don`t attend them anymore.
I always attend them, but my timing is pretty poor - I open the game just after 6am - I love the 6am & & 7am music & that is also a great time for bug farming on the island.
So doing a ceremony at just past 6am tends to have one villager (If I'm lucky) often its just me and Isabelle. I try and leave them to later but then I'm liable to forget, I like the ceremony but don't want it hanging over me.
Yes. I'm doing a pwp a day thing and I'm getting pics of them for my ac blog
Q: Do you attend PWP ceremonies?

A: I used to attend these PWP ceremonies back then, but after a while it got in the way of my landscaping time for my town. So... I stopped attending them and focused on where to place some PWPs. It's not like these ceremonies were mandatory to attend anyways. Plus I can attend them whenever I feel like it. Though I do feel a bit bad for saying no to Isabelle. But... Fixing my town is top priority at the moment. Hope she understands that.
I used to not to but I do now! I like to have screenshots and see the progress of my town in my gallery B)
I only do ceremonies for the important things such as the cafe, the police station, like the big stuff.
It's just a waste of time for me if I would do a ceremonie for every single PWP.
Always, it doesn't take long and I feel so happy when I manage to accomplish something in my town :D
I always tend to attend the Public Works Project ceremonies. It's quick and relatively painless, but it is kind of boring since the dialogue tree is so limited. I dunno, I just feel like I might as well, and while it is underwhelming it's also kind of a cute gesture.
Id always attend them the first few weeks that i played but i stopped because it takes too long. After a while i started tting for building pwps so it didn't make sense to sit thru that ceremony...

as much as I really dont want to either, I just feel like I'm a unconcerned mayor if i dont lol
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Yeah. Not every single one, but most of them. Even little ones, so I said Yes. I think the ceremony is cute, and it's little things like this that still keep me entertained even though I've done like EVERYTHING in my game.
Yeah, I always do. I feel bad rejecting Isabelle after she finished with all the preparations lol
The ceremony is still very enjoyable for me even after years of them :p
Nah. I tend to go into the town hall planning to put up a new pwp and if I'm dragged out to do a ceremony, especially all the way across town, it takes up too much time.
I did. I've completed all the PWPs I want in town, except the train station remodel, which is going to be a while. But I did attend them, mostly because it was a good chance to gather villagers and get pinged for something.