(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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I am looking for BOB. He is without a doubt my favorite villager of all time. Willing to pay bells.

My FC is 2122 - 6359 - 2225
Since some very sweet people have contacted me already, now I'm only searching for:

Miranda, Caroline, and either Lopez Marshal or Kidd since I'd still need a smug villager to round things out.

Can pay in igb tbt or items, just hit me up and we can work it or! <3
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Looking for Flora, Lolly, Kyle, Chrissy, and Zucker! I’m offering between 5-10 million bells for each. PM me if you have any!
Still looking for Purrl! Offering 20tbt for her if she's original or at least really close to it. Lmk asap! ^. ^
Looking for Bob, Bunnie, Kiki, Lolly, Fauna, Tangy, Purrl, Hopkins, and Ruby. Only original; please message me.
Looking for Maddie, Phoebe, Tipper and Elise!
I'll give tbt, igb or I can trade Naomi, Mira or Cheri.
looking for my dreamies ketchup, caroline, static, and jerimiah
I lost my uchi villager while TTing like a dork so I'm looking for the final piece of my puzzle now: Tammy the uchi cub!

I can pay in tbt, igb, Sanrio items, some RV stuff, some hybrids - hit me up and we can work it out! ♥
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