(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Desperately seeking Butch the cranky dog. I think he's tier 5 and gets voided regularly but I will pay someone to let me adopt! Name your price, I just want to get this sweetie back in my friend's town :blush:
I desperately want Rod the jock mouse. If you are willing to part with him, I'll gladly take him off your hands. Thanks!
Looking for Bianca the peppy tiger! PM or VM me if you're willing to give her away, and if you want bells for her just let me know and we'll talk about the price!
Please continue reading for an important Public Service Announcement

Every day, hundreds of penguins are bought, sold, and traded on the market; forced to leave their homes by cruel dictators who want smug squirrels or cats in their place. Unable to find a place to live a stable life, these penguins have no option but to live their lives on the rail.

In response to this outrage, the Town of Silverly has enacted the "Cooler Life Act" which created The Penguin Immigration Agency. Our field agents travel the rails, day and night to find penguins who are unwanted, offering them the stability they have long forgotten but yet crave.

If you know or have a penguin that is unwanted. Please contact one of our field offices in Silvery. Friend Code Extension 2380-5121-0328. For no fee, one of our dedicated field agents will travel to you and make a penguin's dream come true: Giving them a place where they can truly belong.

Due to us being a government agency and our mayor spending all of the treasurey on a Golden Dig'em statue, we are woefully underfunded and thus are only able to pay for the train ticket, and not for the penguin itself.

So give us your tired, your poor, your huddled penguins yearning to breathe free! Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me I lift my lamp beside the golden train station!
Content paid for by the Penguin Immigration Agency, a subset of the Silverly Ministry of External Affairs
Looking for Lucky the dog I can talk about in game bells or trading for Hamphrey, Bubbles, Bigtop, Victoria, Hamlet,Jambette or Merengue
Looking for Kiki, Poppy, Marshal, or Bam!! (willing to pay basically anything!!)

100% Pekoe
the super adorable Normal Cub

50 BTB / 5 mil IG Bells
Or Best Offer

Please PM if interested.
Available for pickup on/after 7:00PM PDT
(= about 7 hrs from this post)

Thank you! C:​
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Will pay bells, rose hybrids or then maybe trade with some villagers in my signature!
Please PM/VM if you have him!
Please continue reading for an important Public Service Announcement

Every day, hundreds of penguins are bought, sold, and traded on the market; forced to leave their homes by cruel dictators who want smug squirrels or cats in their place. Unable to find a place to live a stable life, these penguins have no option but to live their lives on the rail.

In response to this outrage, the Town of Silverly has enacted the "Cooler Life Act" which created The Penguin Immigration Agency. Our field agents travel the rails, day and night to find penguins who are unwanted, offering them the stability they have long forgotten but yet crave.

If you know or have a penguin that is unwanted. Please contact one of our field offices in Silvery. Friend Code Extension 2380-5121-0328. For no fee, one of our dedicated field agents will travel to you and make a penguin's dream come true: Giving them a place where they can truly belong.

Due to us being a government agency and our mayor spending all of the treasurey on a Golden Dig'em statue, we are woefully underfunded and thus are only able to pay for the train ticket, and not for the penguin itself.

So give us your tired, your poor, your huddled penguins yearning to breathe free! Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me I lift my lamp beside the golden train station!
Content paid for by the Penguin Immigration Agency, a subset of the Silverly Ministry of External Affairs

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