Bell Tree First World Problems

>Somebody buys the last restocked collectible in stock so they can sell it for profit when you actually want it

>Misses a restock because you have to pee and there are no bottles around go to the toilet or go somewhere with your family

I fell down the stairs this morning and my first concern, before I even registersd any pain, was, "Is my phone okay!?"
Typing out a huge paragraph, reading it over and over again, pressing submit only to see you misspelled something thus having "edited post".
> is addicted to trading
> have read every recent thread
>Somebody buys the last restocked collectible in stock so they can sell it for profit when you actually want it

>Misses a restock because you have to pee and there are no bottles around go to the toilet or go somewhere with your family



>>>Spending all of my free time here... ;_;
>Earns TBTB
>Spends it and has to be poor

>Enter a thread
>Auto Sub to thread DX