🐝 Bee Appreciation Thread 🐝

I appreciate bees and think they are pretty fuzzy and cute, but unfortunately that does not stop me from being super stressed whenever I see one flying around. Just... bugs in general weird me out with their erratic movements and get me so spooked (ESPECIALLY if they fly near/into my face)
Not at all! I'm really squeamish around insects in general, but especially bees for whatever reason.
Maybe bees are cute, maybe they aren't, but I wouldn't know one way or the other. Just looks at those nightmares scares the hecks out of me! I avoid them when I can, just not cartoony bees.

(Yeaah, I've seen the Bee Movie and I know the Earth is toast without bees, doesn't mean I have to like them!)


"I need a monster to clobber that there Kirbee!" -King Beedede
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You tell me :0

as for actual bees... no not really. I don't like any kind insect tbh :c (except dragonflies <3)
i have a phobia of bees and wasps. 'cute' isn't really the first word that comes to mind when i see them. regardless of what i think of them, they deserve a chance at life and survival, just like the rest of us earthlings
No, just no. I have heavy insect/spider/creepy bug phobias to the point it's incredibly annoying and people think you're a scared pig or whatever. Wish they would stop coming near me and being so erratic when moving and stuff maybe they would be nice if they didn't actually sting you :(
i appreciate them. i don't like them when they're near me, but they do a lot of good for the environment.
just do good for the environment somewhere far from me, ok?
I think bumblebees are cute. I wouldn't say I find any kind ugly but bumblebees just seem the best due to their quirkiness.
Bees are great. They're so small and fluffy! They help the environment. Also they were the topic of a movie that became a meme...

according to all known laws of

not today

Anyway, one time during recess me and my friend went to the back of the school and tryed to attract the bees to us, and since the teachers couldn't see us, we almost got in trouble.
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Yeah, until they accidentally sting you. But that rarely happens to me because I let those busy little bees do their daily business. Wasps are Hitler, Kim Jong Un, Stalin, Osama bin Laden and Satan combined.
fuzzer buzzer fact of the day: a bumblebee's scientific name is bombus.

that is all. buzzy beez ftw
My sister has never had a thing for spiders, so she always asks me to kill one when I see it. I always feel sorry for it. :(