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Barack Obama - War Over

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has there been some <div class='spoiler_toggle'>oh wow not censored</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">faggy assed</div> war going on at 4chan again?

disregard that.

so the night a dozen or so golden wrenches were destroyed, the war ended?

god speed, engies.
yeah. i saw this on yahoo today. its good to see that its finally over
so.. did we "win" or did we just pull out, or what exactly happened that made it end, tonight/today?
Catguy said:
Another lie

Frickin *censored.7.5*

Hey freedom of speak
using the freedom to speak with correct/proper grammar would really help, bro.

speech. freedom of speech is what you're looking for.

or freedom to speak.

if you're from another country/not america/english isn't your first language.. just going to ask if your country has freedom of speech.
What does that even mean, though? I thought the mission was accomplished in 2004 2003?
*trevor said:
What does that even mean, though? I thought the mission was accomplished in 2004 2003?
Yeah, but with every passing year, Bush and Cheney thought we'd accomplish it even more.

It's good to see we're finally leaving.
SSgt. Garrett said:
You mean...Our President has a facebook...
I thought it was a joke FB like Abraham Lincoln.
What do you think he's doing when not on Vacation or throwing money into a fire? Playing goddamn Farmville.
Tom said:
SSgt. Garrett said:
You mean...Our President has a facebook...
I thought it was a joke FB like Abraham Lincoln.
What do you think he's doing when not on Vacation or throwing money into a fire? Playing goddamn Farmville.
This is fantastic really.
We won't be spending billions of dollars on a pointless war.
But on the other hand, with all those troops coming back, what's that gonna do to the unemployment rate?
"I don't care wat you think unless it's about me betch"

I'm pretty sure that quote sums up the ENTIRE country.

But yay! No war. That's good, I think.
Tom said:
SSgt. Garrett said:
You mean...Our President has a facebook...
I thought it was a joke FB like Abraham Lincoln.
What do you think he's doing when not on Vacation or throwing money into a fire? Playing goddamn Farmville.
Yes, because the president actually personally uses Facebook. Not someone on his staff. Herp derp.
SSgt. Garrett said:
You mean...Our President has a facebook...
I thought it was a joke FB like Abraham Lincoln.
Most politicians have Twitter and Facebook accounts now, don't act surprised.
Marcus said:
So now it's up to the English to smash the Taliban's brains out.

The Taliban don't exist in Iraq, and haven't since 2003, hence 7 years of pointless war.
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