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Anyone else frustrated with the villager market?

I very much agree with this. Economics/accounting/general business management is a huge special interest of mine so I might be biased, but I personally love the fact that people sell villagers. When someone buys a villager they're paying for the person's time and energy spent both finding the villager and managing the thread they're selling the villager in. They're also paying for a service, ACNH chooses which villagers you find on islands/in your campsite randomly. Considering the vast amount of possible villagers, the fact that people even have the option to make that process less random is priceless.

You're paying for efficiency plus the person's time/energy plus bypassing a completely random system plus even more if the villager is in high demand and is wanted by most people, so when those factors are combined, it completely makes sense to put higher prices on villagers. While in a perfect world people would give away villagers for free, a perfect world would also allow players to choose any villager they want without getting them from someone else or having to go through the usual lengthy process.
I agree as well. The fact that you can island hop for a chance to find your dreamie is already an amazing step up from the random move ins and campsite villager chances. My villager hunting luck is horrendous and if it wasn't for people who sell or trade their villagers online, I would never have even half of my current island. In an ideal world, everyone would have everyone we wanted. Unfortunately most of us don't live in that world

Everyone participating in buying or selling villagers puts in how much they think said villager is worth to them. Luckily villager prices are decreasing as people are getting their dreamies, but I have happily traded for villagers at their peak prices to get who I wanted because that's how much I wanted them
Yes I think some people do ask absurdly high prices and I don't like it either. Nothing wrong with buying/selling villagers just the high prices. I bought 1 villager,Molly, in NL cause I really wanted her. I paid in tbt bells but I don't remember how much. And I recently sold Purrl on here. I realize she's not one of the most popular and I didn't put a specific price on her. I took the 1st offer I got which was 10 nmt. Now I got a voided villager from Viruland named Boone.
the villager market is insane rn - especially where raymond is concerned. i’ve made the decision to not buy my villagers as i feel happier and more accomplished by finding them by chance and i’m honestly glad i feel that way as i’d likely never be able to afford my dreamies otherwise ;u;
I very much agree with this. Economics/accounting/general business management is a huge special interest of mine so I might be biased, but I personally love the fact that people sell villagers. When someone buys a villager they're paying for the person's time and energy spent both finding the villager and managing the thread they're selling the villager in.

Hmmmm, that argument works for turnip trips, but let's be real: it takes me 0 effort to hit the down button from "don't go" to "follow your dreams, dawg!" when they ask to leave. And it takes me more effort to read this thread and reply to you than it would to post up a thread and and choose the first person to reply, and aint no one paying me to post here! Guess this counts as charity work? lol
i think we underestimate the amount of kindness out there too though. i got judy because someone on tumblr had her moving out and just gave her to me for free because i posted about wanting her. at some point lucky was a dreamie of mine someone also gave me for free. someone else gave me dom just for the price of letting them catalog the cute set. i think if ur just patient and put yourself out there you will always find kind people who will be willing to help you out, just make sure youre putting that kindness right back out into the world!
I like being able to get a villager from someone and not having to rely totally on RNG. I don’t mind trading some NMTs or bells for them as a thank you to the person and to help them with whatever their goals may be.

That said, competing/bidding with others to get a villager can be discouraging at times, and there is a level of price-gouging that I think has gotten out of hand with villagers like Raymond, etc.
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I feel your frustration. It took a long time before I finally found Judy, thanks to a kind member here on TBT.

But I have tons of amiibo cards that I bought years ago, and since Judy was the only New villager I wanted, I don't even care about the villager market anymore!
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Your girlfriend can absolutely have a chance of getting Judy! Over time, villager prices will likely drop (particularly if amiibo are released for the new villagers). Earning NMT is possible through saving, selling items for NMT, or asking for NMT as a preferred tip/entrance fee if she's hosting visitors to see Celeste, sell turnips, whatever.

Not sure if she's also looking at Nookazon or some of the villager trading subreddits/Discord, as TBT tends to be rather slow in terms of the number of trades offered daily. She's going to see more offers the more she looks, and hopefully, someone on one of the platforms will offer her for a price she can afford.

The great thing about the villager market is that it allows us to quickly have access to whatever villagers we desire. However, it is a market, and that unfortunately means for your girlfriend that the mechanics of supply and demand are going to be in effect. Judy is highly demanded with low supply - which is why prices are the way they are. Therefore, even a price of 300 NMT may be deemed 'fair' for a seller in seeing the high demand and possibly taking into account how much they themselves had to spend to get and flip her.

Good luck!
I used to do amiibo cycling when New Leaf amiibo came out. My thread was PWYW, but people kindly offered whatever I needed. At that time, I do not remember prices being absurd at all because every villager had an amiibo. In fact, I stopped cycling because suddenly there were so many other cycling shops and I couldn't keep up with them lol! I feel this will happen with New Horizons as well--once the game has died down and hype has dwindled, these prices will go down drastically. If they release more amiibo, you will see a sharp decline in prices then too. Right now the game is new, few people have all their dreamies, and everyone is competing with members who have been on here for years and have a lot of TBT--of course prices will be high right now.

Again, once things die down you are going to see way more reasonable prices, more cycling threads, and a clamor of competition in the amiibo cycling scene. It happened to New Leaf already.
I like being able to buy them but I don't like the aggressive behaviour of some sellers/buyers who make the whole thing unpleasant for the rest of us, nor do I like the ridiculous high prices. 300NMT for Raymond or Judy? No thanks! And that's not to mention some folks I've seen on other sites, bullying others over what villager they have... Like what the heck? And then there's the scamming, which is just nasty... folk telling people they can have Raymond or whoever for 300NMT and then they show up and he's not even in boxes. I keep wondering what on earth they want all those NMT for so bad that they will hurt someone else with a cruel trick like that.

For me, I don't care about NMT as I already have a fair few through playing the game normally and doing the daily challenges, and I got enough bells through selling turnips. So when I put Dom up for sale I asked for payment in furniture and flower hybrids. Only got a few replies but I'm happy I could give him to someone who wanted him and I got a furniture set I wanted :D
Selling villagers feels much like slavery to me. We already dictate what they wear, say and where they live; we also sell them and their value depends on attractiveness. It definitely feels wrong. For NH, for both Flurry and Deirdre, I have gone for villagers that aren’t original and tipped the person giving it away, about 15-20nmt. One of them held Deirdre for me, even though he didn’t like time traveling and didn’t know much about it; and Flurry is my favorite villager, so I feel like tipping for these was justified
Personally for me I see it as a way of people who want to get their dreamies faster and others to make a profit. I sell villagers on Nookazon but I try to keep prices fair and fairly cheap such as 30 NMT even with Marshal who is in popular demand. And even that is still considered expensive to some people but given it takes about an hour of my time to get them in and out as quickly as possible, and having paid for the amiibo out of real money I think it's fairer than most. I do disagree though over the absurd pricing for Judy and Raymond, I managed to get Raymond fairly cheap and Judy for free. It takes time but if you keep looking you find some genuine people that are willing to give them away for free or barely anything.

I also find it better when doing actual villager trades and offer a villager I don't want in return for another. A lot of people want different villagers and might have the one you want so there is plenty of ways to get a villager.

I see it as letting people enjoying the game how they wanna enjoy it and if selling countless villagers is what they find fun why not. xD
Selling villagers for insane prices I think is wrong (1000 NMT for Raymond, anyone?) but selling villagers in general isn't wrong. Villager sellers need to open their island and allow the person to come in, will catch all the flack is something goes wrong and there's no move-in, need to TT in order to hold a villager in place if they would rather sell than void, etc...

Yeah, they clearly don't want that villager anymore but that doesn't make your time and effort required for trading worthless.
Law of supply and demand, I guess?

I agree that prices for these most-sought-after villagers are ridiculous and I am not a huge fan of it myself. But I can see why people are taking advantage of it considering that these villagers have no amiibo.
i rlly find it so strange like ....... if u have a villager in boxes u've allowed them 2 move off ur island ?? so u obviously no longer want them ?? why're u making ppl pay u noxious amts of in game currencies to take a villager tht u no longer want on ur island,,,, rlly baffles me

A lot of times I'm just bored with the villager and want a new face in town. And if I can get Nook Miles Tickets to help me roll for one that I am looking for, I don't see the problem. Although, I've been finding island hopping less fun than usual, so chances are I will be looking for Bell Tree Bells in the future instead of Nook Miles Tickets.

I view it more as putting a price tag on the visit. I definitely have no moral quandary with charging someone for entry to come pick up Fauna, because lots of people want Fauna, so how bad do you want her? If not enough to pay, there are people that will. However, as a more purist player, I never ask for any game-breaking amounts of money, like millions of bells, or hundreds of Nook Miles Tickets. You'll be seeing less of that as the game goes on because individuals who get those game-breaking levels of items tend to quit playing pretty fast anyway.
I understand why some people would rather void a character than to give it away to someone who really want them :( it always makes me think
This game applies the rules of economics, sadly. If there's a huge demand, the buying price will jack up because players are willing to pay and outbid each other.

Just give it some time. I am sure that there's one kind soul out there who will let you adopt Judy. (It's all the matter of timing though and luck.)

In my case, I don't see anyone marketing Felicity at all. (I seen a few in this forum.) At least, Judy is everywhere.
I buy villagers because of the low frequency of move outs. If my town is gonna stay the same for a whole month, then I at least want to choose who takes up space.

Is this issue something that happens later in the game when you already have 10 villagers or is this just a general-ish trend?

I'm asking because within a day of my 6th villager moving in, one of my villagers wanted to move out.

When my 7th villager moved in, yet another villager wanted to move out.

Is this unusual?

I'm best friends with them and it really caught me off guard.
Is this issue something that happens later in the game when you already have 10 villagers or is this just a general-ish trend?

I'm asking because within a day of my 6th villager moving in, one of my villagers wanted to move out.

When my 7th villager moved in, yet another villager wanted to move out.

Is this unusual?

I'm best friends with them and it really caught me off guard.

I heard that it's totally random outside of player's control if you aren't time traveling.