
....I feel really stupid for this, but I just now realized that Hulu has like a HUGE anime selection. If they have the X-Men anime miniseries, I am just gonna freaking lose it.

Just needed to say that.
someone pls tell me how zankyou no terror can have a happy ending.....
i want lisa and nine and twelve to be happy so badly
Gekkan Shojo Nozaki-kun's latest episode was the best so far. ;;;ww;;;; Hilarious and the FUZZINESS though!

So after I got all excited about Hulu's awesome anime selection, I loaded up my Bluray only to find out that my current Bluray only streams Netflix and Vudu (and Youtube but it sucks)...Guess it's a good thing I've got a whole 1Tb of memory on my computer, but it's still super irritating.
I'm currently watching Nana, Space dandy season 2, Tokyo ghoul, Zankyou No Terror, Sabagebu!, Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun, Barakamon, Sailor moon crystal, and Fate/Kaleid liner prisma Illya and 2wei. I'm kinda behind haha
This is harddd and I'm sure I'm not including everything...

Ah! My Goddess, ARIEL, Angel Cop (terrible 90s dubbing version for laughs), Angel's Egg, Baoh, *******!!, Battle Angel Alita, Belladonna of Sadness (one of my favorite movies), Berserk, Capricorn, Bubblegum Crisis, Cardcaptor Sakura, Cowboy Bebop, Devil Hunter Yohko, Devilman, Demon City Shinjuku, Demon Hunter Makaryuudo, Digital Devil Story, Dirty Pair, Dominion Tank Police, Doomed Megalopolis, Dream Hunter Rem, Escaflowne, The Five Star Stories, Genmu Senki Leda, Ghost in the Shell (haven't completed SAC), The Heroic Legend of Arslan, Iczelion, most Iczer OVAs, Iria, Legend of Basara, Legend of Lemnear, Magic Knight Rayearth, Macross Plus, Michiko to Hatchin (currently watching), Neon Genesis Evangelion, Ninja Scroll, Outlanders, Project A-Ko, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Robot Carnival, Roots Search, Sailor Moon, Serial Experiments Lain, Urotsukidouji, Urusei Yatsura, Vampire Hunter D (1985 & 2001), Vampire Princess Miyu, Wicked City, Windaria.
umm I really like Kin-iro Mosaic?? It's a cutie anime with cutie characters, I guess. One of them is Japanese and they do a homestay in England with a girl named Alice (Even though when she speaks English you'd probably need subtitles to understand what she's saying.) and a few years pass and Alice transfers to Japan i guess... Idk It's really cute. ;_;
I see Evangelion, and more importantly, Utena, in there. :') Nice to know there are some more Utena fans on these boards, I've seen a couple around before.
Yeah~! Tbh I'm surprised more Evangelion fans don't give Utena a try. I guess because it's a bit feminine :p ?
Also love your avatar/signature <3
Yeah~! Tbh I'm surprised more Evangelion fans don't give Utena a try. I guess because it's a bit feminine :p ?
Also love your avatar/signature <3

I'm surprised too! They're fairly alike in tone and what they did for their respective genres, and Ikuhara and Anno are pretty good friends, too. And thanks, haha.
ouran highschool host club
Gekkan shojo nozaki kun
fruits basket
FMA Brothrerhood (incomplete lol )
Death note
Tokyo ghoul
kaichou wa maid sama
Sword art online ll
Free eternal summer
puella magi madoka magica
no game no life
Sailor moon
Sailor moon crystal

ahhh!~ cant remember them all!

im sorry to the animes I missed ;;
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ouran highschool host club
Gekkan shojo nozaki kun
fruits basket
FMA Brothrerhood (incomplete lol )
Death note
Tokyo ghoul
kaichou wa maid sama
Sword art online ll
Free eternal summer
puella magi madoka magica
no game no life
Sailor moon
Sailor moon crystal

ahhh!~ cant remember them all!

im sorry to the animes I missed ;;

No Game No Life was pretty good. :)
The top 6 (new and current) anime are really good. They are my current favorites (plus a few others).

Sword Art Online II
Tokyo Ghoul (Ended)
Akame ga Kill!
Zankyou no Terror
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun

One Piece
Hunter X Hunter
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Yikes, last episode of Tokyo Ghoul sucked so bad like they didn't even wrap up Aogiri Arc properly, the anime itself is just so mehhh like what happened to the kirishima siblings you know? Like sure there's gonna be a said second season but I hope they at least finished Aogiri Arc because so like second season they're gonna pick up in the middle of nowhere???

Anyway, Yamori and Kaneki's fight was pretty badass though. Plus I love how they played unravel in the background holy shhhhh. That centipede scene was what I waited for the most and it was just insane satisfying. And then the whole talk with Rize, it was dragged but it was worth it. I just hope there's at least one more episode to finish up the arc :| And Juuzou.... OMG I was waiting for that boy to finish it up UGHHHH.

Zankyou no Terror and Free! still got next episodes? I thought everything was ending this week I'm so confused.