
Ahh, I'm starting to like Josei a lot more than Shoujo now too, I guess my maturity is developing huehue. Hmm, do you read manga? There's a lot of awesome josei manga I've read. Well, I just didn't feel the click of romance in OHSHC and I feel like the characters are a joke, but I guess I still hope you end up liking it ^^ But if you don't, then that makes two of us xD

Yeah, a lot of the characters feel sort of like a parody of traditional shoujo personas -- IE Honey is a parody of Sohma Momiji -- which is one reason I'm uncertain about it. It makes me take the show less seriously and get less emotionally involved...And the twin thing is just weird.
I used to read a lot of manga a few years ago, but then it started to get sort of repetitive because it felt like the manga-ka were just copying each others for ideas and stories. So now I mostly read American comics, particularly Marvel since the majority of their marital is a lot more mature than what is portrayed in a lot of manga. I'm always on the look out for interesting manga or anime, though. I think the last really good manga I read was Dengeki Daisy, although the ending was disappointing.
I've been listening to a lot of Gundam openings and endings...
Even though I have little to no interest in the series what-so-ever...might give it a shot someday.
But not now.
I'm currently watching Glasslip, Free, GGO and Akame Ga Kill.

I just finished Fate/Kaleid Liner 2Wei and The Pet Girl of Sakurasou. c:

Glasslip has been kinda disappointing though.
Yeah, a lot of the characters feel sort of like a parody of traditional shoujo personas -- IE Honey is a parody of Sohma Momiji -- which is one reason I'm uncertain about it. It makes me take the show less seriously and get less emotionally involved...And the twin thing is just weird.
I used to read a lot of manga a few years ago, but then it started to get sort of repetitive because it felt like the manga-ka were just copying each others for ideas and stories. So now I mostly read American comics, particularly Marvel since the majority of their marital is a lot more mature than what is portrayed in a lot of manga. I'm always on the look out for interesting manga or anime, though. I think the last really good manga I read was Dengeki Daisy, although the ending was disappointing.
Honestly, I found everyone on there odd :| And even Tamaki... But I guess it's pretty unique compare to other shoujo. And I didn't know Dengeki Daisy ended? :eek: I haven't read that in months..

Glasslip has been kinda disappointing though.
Omg.. I thought so too. I kinda dragged myself through episode 8 and I just gave up completely. I love Slice of Life anime but I can't go on with this one.. The progress between the characters and the story are just so slow... Things only get complicated without even fixing the previous problems. I'll probably wait until it fully airs, it's probably not for me to wait for every week, but rather, to watch in one sitting..
I'm tempted to check out Glasslip now just to see if it's as disappointing as you guys say it is.

Well, you might like it? I think it depends on your mood. The characters are really cute though, I hope you enjoy it in a way.
I'm currently watching Yowamushi Pedal and LOVING it! I've also seen nge, k-on (the first season), kuragehime, madoka magica, free!, super sonico, and dangan ronpa (+ the game it is my love) there's also a LOT of series I've started but never finished mostly bc im lazy -_-

There's not really one genre I stick to but I end up watching a lot of slice of lifes with supernatural elements, and I usually watch things that are popular or have been recommended to me!
Here are some ive seen: (not all just some. Listing all of them would take too long)
Lovely Complex
Death Note
Kaze no Stigma
Kaichou wa Maid Sama
Angel Beats
What should I watch????
I'm finishing up No. 6 and it's SO AMAZING, OHMAHGAWSH. I started The Devil is a Part-Timer but I want to finish No. 6 before I watch that one. Then maybe I'll start The Daily Lives of High School Boys... I need some comedies in my repertoire.
Honestly, I found everyone on there odd :| And even Tamaki... But I guess it's pretty unique compare to other shoujo. And I didn't know Dengeki Daisy ended? :eek: I haven't read that in months..

Yeah, and from the way things ended I'd say it was because it wasn't popular enough or because it was losing popularity. It ended up being only 13 volumes and the ending was so abrupt that it didn't flow with the rest of the series at all. It just sort of happened out of nowhere. It was really disappointing.
I'm tempted to check out Glasslip now just to see if it's as disappointing as you guys say it is.

Glasslip is well drawn, and the characters are well designed. However the main story jumps everywhere, and moves at a horrendously slow pace.
I still keep watching; but it's not as good as other animes.

For people who are looking to watch good anime here's my list:
Pet girl of sakurasou
Puella Magica Madoka
My little monster
La corda d'oro
Black Bullet
Eden of the east
Akame Ga kill
Beyond the boundary {fav ever}
Fairy tail <3
Gakuen Alice
Ao haru ride
Nagi no asukara
the world is still beautiful

And some more I can't remember.
I started Hamatora and it's pretty good. I'm on episode 3 and I really love the characters so far with Nice and Art being my main favorites at the moment. :)

Yeah, and from the way things ended I'd say it was because it wasn't popular enough or because it was losing popularity. It ended up being only 13 volumes and the ending was so abrupt that it didn't flow with the rest of the series at all. It just sort of happened out of nowhere. It was really disappointing.

Oh damn, I was so tempted to read it at first because the summary really hooked me but I was just waiting for it to finish since I'm not very fond of ongoing shoujos (because things like these (it having sucky endings) have disappointed me so much in the past or they get dropped by the scanlators/translators). It sucks, I was looking forward to it and have seen so many great mangacaps of it :|
I watched the first two episodes of Tokyo Ghoul, and im not really interested. Should i keep going will it get better?
I watched the first two episodes of Tokyo Ghoul, and im not really interested. Should i keep going will it get better?

Well, I guess it gets better in terms of getting worse for Kaneki. But if you didn't get hooked from the first two episodes then I guess it's safe to say you can stop (because it only gets slightly better? but not worth it if you're not interested since the beginning, imo). But curiosity kills, if you have time to spare, you should give it a try because you'll never know. (Or even better, the manga is much much much super duper better and I have never put the manga and anime so far apart as much as Tokyo Ghoul)

Hamatora :D Birthday is one of my favorites

OMG THEYRE ALL HEAPS COOL OK i like birthday too <3 i'm only 3rd episode to love him yet though and he hasn't really been showing up a lot. But he's weird and hilarious and his laugh is adorable +++ major cute personality
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Does Kyoukai no Kanata get better after the first episode? I watched it like last year, but I didn't really get into it. I'd like to, but at the same time I feel like it was kind of a fad, since nobody really talks about it anymore lol.
Does Kyoukai no Kanata get better after the first episode? I watched it like last year, but I didn't really get into it. I'd like to, but at the same time I feel like it was kind of a fad, since nobody really talks about it anymore lol.

yeah I was super confused when I watched the first episode, but keep watching; it gets less confusing.
Yea i really wanted to get in Tokyo Ghoul since everyone was freaking out about it but i just cant D:

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Also Black Butler i wanted to get into. I watched the first 8 episodes but didnt pay attention much. Idk how i feel about it. I think id like it better if i watched the sub cuz i cant stand their voices!