
Catching up on Zankyou no Terror and I really need to start on Tokyo Ghoul. Finished Bakumatsu Rock.
I'm watching the kirby anime atm- i only watch quality animes i swears

Ah, the Kirby anime. I remember watching it a couple times on T.V., and I think 4kid's edits and dialogs prevented me from enjoying the show, which was a shame because it had some fitting and great actors, like Dedede's. One episode I really liked was the one in which the character try to make their own anime episode, it was hilarious.
Ah, the Kirby anime. I remember watching it a couple times on T.V., and I think 4kid's edits and dialogs prevented me from enjoying the show, which was a shame because it had some fitting and great actors, like Dedede's. One episode I really liked was the one in which the character try to make their own anime episode, it was hilarious.

im watching the weeaboo version so its ok- watching the sub is worth it for the super cute opening
hmm i finished hamatora and idk if i'm gonna watch the second season since the first one didn't really appeal to me much.. does it get better?

my favorite character is art though and nice is pretty cute 8)
What's a good horror/gore/psychological anime?

hmm baccano is my favorite and it's pretty dark/horror/gore/ and insane.
i've only read mirai nikki but there's an anime for it and it fits the genre too. same goes for deadman wonderland 8)

and yeah of course tokyo ghoul fits the title too but i wouldn't count much on the anime, if you read manga, you should give it a try ^_^
What's a good horror/gore/psychological anime?

Ghost Hunt is pretty good for a horror, but if you want a psychological thriller, I'd recommend Noir. It's more action than horror (girls with guns genre), but it has good fight scenes and a lot of WTF moments. It keeps you guessing.
hmm i finished hamatora and idk if i'm gonna watch the second season since the first one didn't really appeal to me much.. does it get better?

my favorite character is art though and nice is pretty cute 8)

I've read mixed opinions on it. I enjoyed it, but then again I also enjoyed the first season :p
I'm not a huge fan of anime, but I do like the art styles they use in anime.
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I haven't been watching a lot of anime lately. I've been asking which ones I should check out, but all the 'good' ones people recommend to me, I really just can't get behind.

Other than that, I've been re-watching a whole bunch of episodes of Naruto, because I used to watch it all the time when I was younger. I know a lot of people don't like it, though. /shrug.-

By the way; has anyone ever seen "Higurashi no Naku koro ni"? It's supposed to be a bloody type of anime. Opinions, maybe? I'm thinking of watching it.
The last episode of Free! Eternal Summer is tomorrow and that makes me sad. ;-;

I started watching Mekakucity Actors. I've listened to various songs from Kagerou Days, but never in order. I think it will make more sense to me if I watch the anime instead of trying listen to them in order.
I really wanna watch Puella Magi Madoka Magica but I haven't found the time to watch it. ;A;