Furry Sparks
Senior Member
I have it. i play it online its really fun
. if anyone has it my name is godmaster11
i only have #1 and i don't like it that much. :no:STORMTROOPER88888 said:I have age of empire II and I play it online two. I love it.
Well maybe you'll lik #2.ZELDAFREAK104 said:i only have #1 and i don't like it that much. :no:STORMTROOPER88888 said:I have age of empire II and I play it online two. I love it.
3 looks completely awsome... its also using the Half-life 2 (Havok) physics engine... which will add some awsome things into it... like cannon balls obeying laws of gravity... they can now bounce after hitting the ground and stuffSTORMTROOPER88888 said:Well maybe you'll lik #2.ZELDAFREAK104 said:i only have #1 and i don't like it that much. :no:STORMTROOPER88888 said:I have age of empire II and I play it online two. I love it.
And 3 is coming out too.
PIRANHA2 said:STORMTROOPER88888 said:ZELDAFREAK104 said:STORMTROOPER88888 said:I have age of empire II and I play it online two.
i wouldhave wonpicklewarrior098 said:Awsome pics! too bad our multiplayer match didint work though