Advice on...gaining weight???


Mar 30, 2015
Yeah as you read on the title , i want to gain overweight:
Basically over the years i have been a thin person , not like , looking like im starving , but yeah , i have looked thin.
So there are times when i look myself on the mirror and look and my body and think:
"hm??? how come i am THIS thin?"
So since 2016 i have this plan of starting to each a lot to gain more weight , however , at the second week of january i stop that and keep eating normally (or whats normal for me).

I dont know if this could be a problem , but in the morning and night i barely just drink a glass of milk and thats it , on the morning is caused due to school , having not much time for breakfast and on the night because im too tired. Neither at lunch at school i eat that much. just chips and candy or a juice box lol. We could say the time when i eat more is when i get to my house and food is served. I eat everything that is served , however i do not ask for more.

The reason why this has been something i have been trying to do is not for my physical appearance , or what i do think of myself , but its because when i go to the doctor when i feel sick (it has been a long time since i went to a doctor tho) they always say that im a little low on weight due to my height (5'9 feet , 110-132 lbs? idk usa metrical systems are weird)

So , considering there is a thread like this on the brewsters , i would like to ask what i should do to gain more weight and stop being so thinner. Im not saying going full overweight , just gain some weight more.

Thank you!
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Late night snacking puts your stomach in overtime and can lead to weight gain. Maybe try saving a meal or snack until the late evening.
Seeing as you eat so little each day, is really suggest just starting by adding breakfast and dinner to your schedule and eating a proper lunch rather than a quick snack.
Breakfast doesn't have to take long, you could even take a sandwich with you in the go.
I wouldnt worry too much about your weight specifically, you will probably grow still over the next five to ten years and gain weight naturally during that time. But maybe a doctor should give you advice, about why you are so tired after school, and too tired to eat a full dinner? maybe it is because you don't eat enough at lunch? but i think next time at the doctor you should get advice for having more energy...
I wouldnt worry too much about your weight specifically, you will probably grow still over the next five to ten years and gain weight naturally during that time. But maybe a doctor should give you advice, about why you are so tired after school, and too tired to eat a full dinner? maybe it is because you don't eat enough at lunch? but i think next time at the doctor you should get advice for having more energy...
The reason about why im tired after school is mostly caused to my sleep schedule (11pm/12am or even 1am to 6:30am) , which i should also take care of.
just chips and candy or a juice box is certainly not good. Remind me of me when I was going to school. I developed hypoglycemia because of that. Maybe just start with healthier meals? When I had a gum disease that prevented me to eat solid for like 9 months, I was drinking yeast milkshakes and gained some weight.
Simply eating Candy, Pizza, Pasta, etc. won't get you anywhere on your goal of gaining weight! It needs to be gained healthy. Doing just that can result in serious problems!

I recommend eating slightly more and a bit of exercising. But not too much! You would need to gain some Muscle as well, but exercising too much can lead to losing more weight.

Here's an article explaining some healthy ways of gaining weight. :eek:

Hope this helps you! Good Luck on your Goal!
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judging from your schedule, you sound like you could still be in middle or high school. excuse me if im wrong.
i used to go through the similar thing. thanks to school starting way too early and barely gives you enough time to get up and have someone drive you there to get there on time, you dont really have much of a chance to eat breakfast and thanks to that habit starting ever since your first day at a school, your used to not eating breakfast. (ironic how they urge us that breakfast is the most important meal of the day yet start school so early that makes you get up at the crack of dawn. and not have enough time for breakfast) and then getting hyped up and stressed in school during lunchtimes to a point of not really having much of an appetite and just waiting for the next class to start so you could go home and sleep. *eye twitch*

anyways, i think the problem starts with lack of appetite. especially since you get home already exhausted and barely haven't eaten all day, and only eat the dinner that's served in front of you, yet still have no drive to eat to recover the time you didn't.

how to increase appetite naturally

additionally, sleep can come into play with this sleep cycles affect overall health and also affect weight due to metabolism, resting times, and movement. teenagers typically need much more hours of sleep than adults do and its natural for them to start to feel sleepy around 11pm. but because you have to wake up for school and get there on time. try to sleep more early, and if not, then take short naps to recover some energy. using cell phones and laptops and anything electrical with a screen can make you more awake because of blue light*. one thing you can do, since you go to sleep later, try to put aside time to prep breakfast and lunch for yourself the next day. it dosent even have to be anything fancy. you only typically need about 10 to 15 minutes since theres lots of easy quick recipies online without any complicated ingredients to make a decent school lunch. and if your having a homework cram night then it wont hurt to simply pack some fruit or crackers with peanut butter, anything. since you are not used to having breakfast in the morning, it could be hard to eat heavy foods in the morning, so smoothies can be your best friend. so you can always make a smoothie and if you have extras you can freeze it for freshness, wake up the next morning and just grab the smoothie for breakfast. and grab your prepped lunch to take with you.

also muscle mass is important as well, weight don't always mean gaining fat. muscle is underneath fat and it is one of the imporant bases of your body that keeps you strong. eat foods with alot of protein and nutrition so when you exercise you can build more muscle mass which also contributes to weight. which is more healthier than simply trying to gain fat.

hope this is helpful. and keep in mind you are still growing and weight can fluctuate when you grow. and it may not be easy at start since your not used to it, but dont stress so much. (stress also contributes to lack of appetite) you got this.
Eat stable and healthy, only random junk like juice and candy won't do anything just like that. Try to eat more breakfast if you can even if it's just another added sandwich and more real food for lunch if you can.

I'm very thin myself and don't easily gain weight unless it's around my butt, haha.

And, well yeah exercise of course.
Cake. Lots of cake. Alright, I doubt that's the response your looking for, but when it comes down to it, stop skipping meals and eat larger portions. Nuts are good to snack on.
I only gain weight when I eat a lot of take out - but that's expensive.

I think a good way to gain weight would be to have an actual breakfast and lunch. You don't even have to wake up early if you prepare your lunch at night abd breakfast can be as simple as cereal and milk. Heck, since you stay up so late I don't see why you couldn't make the cereal your late night snack, not have breakfast, lunch first meal of the day, dinner the second meal, repeat.

Secondly, I know a lot of people say exercise is the answer, and while I agree, if you're already tired after school, I don't think you'll have the energy to get into the exercising habit. I think to do that you'll want to adjust your sleep schedule first.
Don't skip meals. Ever. Eating a good, balanced meal 3 times a day will help keep you healthy, and if you do work outs like lifting weights you can rack up some muscle. My boyfriend actually gained like, 10 pounds after he started eating balanced meals and skating. Most of the weight was muscle too, so it's even better.
Don't just gorge yourself on unhealthy food, too. If you wanna gain weight, make it muscle, not fat!
To gain weight in a way that's healthy, don't eat a bunch of junk food, or go for fatty/ low nutrition foods (your arteries can be clogged up by fat and cholesterol no matter how young or thin you are). What you need to do is make sure you're getting the right amount of calories you need in a day, and make sure you're getting the vitamins and minerals you need along with plenty of protein.

Do some research on proper nutrition, and start working out so that you can tone your muscles. Essentially, don't go just for putting on weight; go for becoming physically fit. What's nice about already being thin is that you'll be able to see your results faster than someone that's overweight and trying to get fit. I'd recommend getting a big dose of protein within 30 minutes of an intense workout; that's when your body will absorb it the fastest.

As for working out, here's a general rule: work your abs every day because they're the most resilient muscles in your entire body (meaning they require much less recovery time), and work your upper and lower body on alternating days so that your muscles have time to recover. Remember that your muscles don't grow while you're working out; they grow when you're resting.
I think you just should try to eat a full breakfast, lunch at school and dinner...
Have like cereal and eggs or something, and for lunch bring at least a sandwich...Candy and stuff just doesn't cut it.
I think you want to gain more weight healthily, not just make yourself sick eating more candy. So just eat more real food and proper meals everyday and try to get a better sleep :3
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