• We're Celebrating Diversity on TBT! Join our new mini-event this month by making a 3D craft that represents what diversity and inclusivity mean to you. For your hard work, you'll receive a newly released villager collectible and the chance to win the latest addition to our plush series! See the Celebrating Diversity 2024 thread to get started.
  • Animal Crossing Hide & Seek sessions from The Bell Tree World Championship are coming back -- check out the new TBT Neighbourly Hide and Seek thread here for details! Look out for an Among Us session here too.


The only way I'd go and "escape" to my island is if my family and my boyfriend are coming along. If they ain't coming no dice. Besides do I become my character or am I me? As much as I love the idea of being a magical boy I don't know if I want that forever. Not to metion the idea of living with furries, too many flowers, on a messy island with loans on top of loans and being the rep? No thanks not ready to adult yet.
i would if i could bring my gf 🥺 but i just wanna be a little animal wearing clothes and living in a house on an island with my other animal friends
I'm not sure about that.My island has a wild wolf and a man-eating polar bear living there and who knows if the squirrel that lives there is rabid or not.
While I think island living could get boring after a while with the options we currently have (no real food, only two shops, etc.) I can totally see how attractive it would be to live there! Either way, sign me up. I've got no debt there, which is more than I can say IRL! Haha!
Imagine trying to place down your drink on a table but because there's already a tissue box on that table, you can't.

You try to slide the tissue box out of the way to make room for your drink, but you can't - instead you have to pick up the tissue box and cram it into your pockets.

I'm okay with real life.
It depends on how good the internet is on my island and if I can bring my boyfriend along. Otherwise, yes. I still have a lot of work to do though on my island
Hahaha. Definitely not. I feel like I would go insane with how one-dimensional all my villagers are. My island is also inspired by my real life experiences and the things I have seen in real life and all of the memories associated with it. It would totally not be what it is, nor elicit the love that I have of my island without these real life experiences. In fact, my island is an expression of my desire for the world to return to normal life ;__; I miss traveling to all of the places that I've been to, want to go to them again, and explore new ones :(
I think that my RL has more potential, but I might consider jumping into acnh if I could bring my boyfriend. I couldn't leave him behind, ya know? I think we could probably live a pretty happy life there if I could actually interact with items.. I'd be pretty bored if all I could do was look at the paint set and swimming pool etc.
I’d love to jump into the AC world - but only for a day or two, or maybe only for a short vacation because after the novelty of it all wears off I’ll lose my mind living there for real. The repetitive dialogue, the presence of way too many bugs, being the only human in the community, nope!
RL pretty rubbish atm. My house and town in NH so much nicer 😂 sadly I’m a realist nothing is perfect so RL and spend far too many hours in fantasy 😂
I'd prlly jump in on most days. My friends sometimes play animal crossing so I wouldnt be alone.
My life sucks so hell yeah sign me up.

This basically.

Me and my family don't have the best terms and I'm not dating anyone so no one's really holding me back besides my brother?

But considering there's no video games in New Horizons and the phone you own kinda sucks for anything besides your island... I'd probably wouldn't wanna stay there long. I'll get bored wayyyy too fast.

Like I typically do with this game.
When I think about this, I don't think about LITERALLY being in the acnh world exactly as it is in a video game. I think about it as if it were an actual world itself, villagers wouldn't have the same 2 dialogues repeated every-time, I think about it more like the movie. Now, with that said, there are other fictional worlds I would prefer to be a part of over acnh... but I have too much to loose IRL, so it probably wouldn't be an option for me.
Sure, why not?

I have a prettier bedroom in the game as in real life, and the game has a Switch too... I'd move there, dig up fossils for 10 minutes each day, have earned my money, then retreat to the bedroom with the TV, PC and Switch to enjoy life! :D
Yes- I'd love to live modestly on a somewhat deserted island and harvest fruit everyday and craft tools out of sticks. It seems like a very relaxing life...
That sounds like a good idea, but I'd rather stay in the real world. Sure, it may be in a pickle right now but there are many different opportunities I could do in life. In the world of Animal Crossing and video games in general, you're pretty limited to what you can do compared to the real world and could eventually get tired doing the same thing over and over again. Experiencing burnout in the Animal Crossing world would suck, let alone fruits being the only thing you can eat.