A song with deep meaning


Senior Member
Jul 11, 2005
it is hardcore rock
but i beleive it has meaning

Underoath Angels Below Lyrics

you took me over the edge
and left me there to fall by myself
the word love meant nothing to you
i was taken in with your lies
and you knew i was too weak to leave
but you were wrong
you mean nothing to me now
every time you think of me
i hope your heart dies
i have found my true love
and you now burn beneath my feet
you'll pay for everything you've done
if you could die
i'd be the one with the gun
from this day on
i'll write the songs you hate
and pray the prayers that drive you away
it's time to let the world know how
you tried to ruin my life
up burn my thoughts of him
the virus leaves me

i beleive this has deep religious values
i beleive this is about a man who was tricked by the devil but then found christ

ima break it into peices with what i think is happening in the song
(you may wright your own interpratation also)

"you took me over the edge
and left me there to fall by myself"
basicly saying he was tricked into thinking sins would comfort him
but in the end he is left with nothing

"the word love meant nothing to you
i was taken in with your lies"

the devil made him think that he would love and care for him and he beleived him

"and you knew i was too weak to leave
but you were wrong"

this is the turning point in the song where the devil feals he has him in his grasp
but then the "you were wrong" part is when he is finding religion

"you mean nothing to me now
every time you think of me
i hope your heart dies"

he is saying how the devil means nothing to him now

"i have found my true love
and you now burn beneath my feet"
as everyone knows hell is supposedly down and heaven is up

therefore "You" refering to the devil will burn beneith his feet

"you'll pay for everything you've done
if you could die
i'd be the one with the gun"

he says you will pay for everything youve done and if you could die (since the devil is immortal) he would be the one that would kill him

"from this day on
i'll write the songs you hate"

saying that basicly they will turn into a christian band (which i beleive they are im not suer tho)

"and pray the prayers that drive you away
it's time to let the world know how
you tried to ruin my life"

basicly he will pray and let the world kno how the devil ruined his life

"up burn my thoughts of him
the virus leaves me"

basicly hes saying that he is clensed

but the song is AWSOME
i love the beat
the words are HARD to understand but im sure ull manage
also you may post your interpritation of the song
also not that if u think that his GF left him or something
think about it
"up burn my thoughts of him" they are straight btw
so how could a woman or "Her" be referred to as a "Him"