A Day in the Life of the Paradisia Resident Rep

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Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


Friendly Neighborhood Succulent
Jul 10, 2019
Pink Crescent Moon
Orange Crescent Moon
Rainbow Crescent Moon
Blue Crescent Moon
Purple Crescent Moon
Space Whale Plush
Asteroid Plush
Blue Rocket Pop
Green Alien Plush
Shooting Star Plush
It is Tuesday, January 17th and the Resident Representative finally awoke from hibernation and emerged from her home slightly dazed. She takes a moment to take in her Santa hat and snowflake sweater. After a moment it seems to click and she turns back around to go inside and change.


Before she even had a chance to change, Stitches was in her door. He explained how much he'd missed her, played a game, and told her how much he'd appreciated her company.


Finally after he left, she decided that she wanted to be a skeleton today and thus made it so.


On her way into the town square, she passed by the campsite that was overrun with weeds. Why couldn't anyone else do the weeding? It seemed like everything ground to a halt whenever she took a break. Taking a moment to examine the campsite, she cried.


Putting off cleaning up the weeds, she stopped to chat with Genji. This cheered her up a bit before she made her way into town... Only to come screeching to a halt as she realized that, without her, none of the Christmas decorations for the seasonal market had been taken down.


It took her a little bit, but she finally managed to move all of the decorations back to storage and haul the fountain and benches back.


When it came to changing the banners on the streetlights back to the island flag, she decided to get a little creative. By creative, I mean she decided to be a simp.


After all the work rearranging and placing things, Azzy made her rounds to pick up the beach. It was during this time that she bumped into Sasha and was asked to return an item to Genji.


However, wandering into the neighborhood district did come with the consequences of realizing it to was overrun with weeds.


Fortunately she'd come across Leif while passing through the town square and approached him about her weed problem. His answer left her stunned.


It was this that made her decide to call it a day. She was ready for bed... only her bed wasn't ready for her. Azzy had completely forgotten that she'd been renovating her house.


It took her a little while to settle down enough to remember that she had a friends house on the island even if they weren't home a lot of the time.


Kyu's Mermaid-themed room would do.

-place holder to fix 17th and intro-
At some point during the night, the resident representative made her way back to her own home. That morning, she woke up and decided to continue being a simp. It was time to go to UA. Umm, I mean, time to get to work.


After getting her priorities straight, she went into town and talked to some of the villagers. Apparently it was leg day?


Marshall still has that shirt she gave him,


Zell was crafting something interesting,


aaaand Cube insisted on visiting her still unrenovated house.


After he was done comparing everything to something his mother used to have, Azzy went back outside, only to find a seagull on her beach. A pirate-y one.


His communicator was, of course, somewhere in the water... and Azzy had to be the one to get it, as per usual.


After that was said and done, she decided to go relax at the roost where Timmy made a rare appearance (he left Tommy at the shop).


Next was shopping. She swears she's done this exact same thing before...


Done with the shopping, she realized she grew the wrong color flower again.


I said again, right? Ooh, is that a snowball..? Maybe I can just...




Throughout the busyness of the day, she forgot to put the bed back in her bedroom. Looks like she was spending another night in a Mermaid themed room…
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Azzy awoke rather late and in a bit of a daze. How long had she been asleep? When had she moved back to her own house? Either way, she threw on her Umbrella Academy cosplay and trudged out the door.


Today she decided to do something different. Maybe her humdrum routine would be more interesting if she took pictures along the way? Can't hurt might help? She started her photography journey when she found Ione drinking some tea by the district river.


She found a pleasant surprise when she popped into Rooney's place and found Cube visiting too. What was with Cube and needing to be in everyone's houses recently?


Next she popped into Shino's place and found her working at her bench. Turned out she was making something Azzy already knew. Oh well, she still left with a cute picture.


Hot coffee. She craved it. She needed it. Thus Azzy made her next stop The Roost where she killed her coffee craving. It took a bit of coaxing, but she managed to get Brewster to look at the camera.


More snowballs? Could she do it a second day in a row..? If she just rolled this one here and that one just like this… Perfect.


For some reason she was exhausted. She had been prepared to head into her place to bed when it suddenly occurred to her that she needed to put her bed back in place. So, with a bit finagling, she managed to get her bed on the ground and herself into bed. Her own bed.

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Today was just a day. Wasn't good, wasn't bad. It just kind of... was. Azzy rolled out of her own bed that morning and grabbed anything black and threw it on before trudging out the door. She honestly had no idea what she was going to do with her day.


Wandering into town square she dropped onto a bench and tried to figure out what she was going to do with herself. There was nothing extremely pressing to do. She gotten the weed problem under control, there wasn't a seagull on her beach, nor was her bedroom a complete disaster. Eventually Friga joined her on the bench as she pondered how to spend her time.


It was sometime after Friga wandered off that she remembered she was trying to grow out the orange flowers near the airport. Maybe she'd had better luck today?


Nope. Just more red. Sick of the outdoors and the disappointment that came with it, Azzy figured she might as well put her bedroom back together since she'd already started the process by cleaning it and replacing her bed. Now where did all of her things go..?


She felt so much better now. Her bedroom was finally the way it was supposed to be once more. Now she just had to finish the rest of her house, mainly the living room. That could wait though. She'd made progress. What better way to celebrate progress by going outside and playing in the snow? Exactly, there are none. Thus, Azzy scoured the island for snowballs until she had another perfect creation built.


Perfect. Oh, wait... She'd just rewarded her hard work with more hard work. Oof. This time she'd actually reward herself. It was the best time of day: coffee time.


Feeling warm and drowsy after her HOT cup of coffee, Azzy wandered back up the hill to her home where she promptly flopped onto her bed and smiled. Home.

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~Late Post from the 21st~
coming sometime in the future...
~Late post from the 27th~
coming sometime in the future
~Placeholder for the 28th~
That hopefully gets posted today
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