welcome to orion

Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


Senior Member
Oct 5, 2013
Pear (Fruit)
Orange (Fruit)
April Birthstone (Diamond)
Tasty Cake
Red Cosmos
Yellow Cosmos
White Cosmos
New Horizons Token

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
our natives are apples and lillies, but you can find anything you want here!
we time travel - gotta catch up for the days i work
currently a major wip



terreforming and building locations are still a wip



katelynn • 24
find my designs here and my sales here!



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I used to live more centrally but after a while I moved to a little secluded island. That ramp is the only access to that part of the upper level, so I have a private forested back yard. Right now it doesn't offer much more than a little fishing area and a collection of flowers, but it's an area I want to make something of... at some point.



I need to get new pictures for this and I will! The entrance to the campsite has a ranger station, plenty of water access, and if you follow the hills north, the wilderness awaits. Tall cedar trees, copious flowers, natural weeds and branches - the true wooded getaway experience can be found. (If only there were tent items that I could place - I'm dying to have a psuedo-campsite up on the cliffs.)


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TT'd back to the 27th, have to make up for the days I missed at work. Flip left today (or, technically, the 28th)! Him and Mira are the ones that I've wanted out the most, and now I have an opening to hopefully be able to get my hands on one of the villagers that I'm looking for. It's time to start the island adventures - good thing that I've been hoarding NMTs.

Instead I decided to take home Zucker for now, if only to give him a good home once he's ready to leave. I hadn't seem him before and I actually kind of like him, so who knows - maybe I will keep him around.

Night of the 28th is going to have a meteor shower. It's the first one that I've ever seen so that's pretty decent. Celeste gave me the Taurus Bathtub DIY and I collected a couple stacks of star fragments and a few taurus fragments.

Gulliver was around on the 29th... I think this is the fourth time I've had him?
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Gotta figure out what more I want to do in order to get that five star rating.... It's reaching the point where I'm beyond out of ideas as I really want to maintain the natural, undeveloped deserted-island feel. I've got like three parks going on right now. Maybe a little market stall next?

Gulliver gave me a Dala Horse for helping him out yesterday, and Leif is hanging around today. He's got azaleas and tea-olive starts, I've already got about 20 azaleas from his first visit, but I think that the tea-olives can line my little picnic area for now. Once they're grown I'll throw the azaleas over there because they're spring blooming and the area is meant for the cherry blossom season - pink trees and peaches.

I wish that I had gotten a picture of it when it was much cuter. Might have to time travel back to the start of April to get a nice shot of the area.

Placed a few of the shrubs that I got from Leif's last visit to make a nice little river-side sitting area in front of one of the residential areas. Those homes belong to Mira, Lionel and Joey right now but I will probably have them all replaced at some point... Maybe not Joey. He's a cool little duck.

Raymond and Audie's homes! I'm going to have to cycle Audie back in as I got her early in the game and as such she has early game furniture.

My second park area, with my fruit orchard behind it. This is pretty much straight to the left from the row of houses belonging to Mira, Lionel and Joey. Currently trying to get the last couple pears to grow as they were what I had the least of, so there's some empty spots still but those should be grown in a few days and then the orchard will be ready!

The latest park area, done up pretty central in the town.
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Well, it's been a while. Since I was last here I've done a bit of decorating and finally hit 5 stars. I've also swapped out a few villagers for characters that I'm looking for - Mira, Annalise, and Benjamin are now gone and replaced with Mitzi, Ruby and Pecan. Audie will be my bext villager to replace, as much as I don't want to see her go. I'm just trying to replace all of my early-game characters with ones that will have their proper houses and now she is the only one left that doesn't have her proper furniture.


The last of the "required" designing to get up to 5 stars was done as well. There is surely work to be done, but from here on it will be because I want to do more, not because I'm pushing to make the five star goal happen. Orion's orchard gained some decoration - the trees have a nice hedge lining, and a small gardening center was formed right next to it. I'm looking to find some kind of floor pattern for the ground inside of the gardening center.


Orion also now has a public pool - including lounge chairs! If only any of the residents were interested in it... they'd rather work out in the town square right next to it.

I had decided that I wanted to try villager cycling in hopes of getting some of the characters that I'm interested - just as I planned to start Joey asked if he should leave. It opened up a space, and I only needed a few NMT to pull Goldie on to my island. I think that was pretty decent luck - I don't want her, but I know that someone will want to give her a good home. Probably going to spend most of the day working in this - who knows, maybe I'll find someone that I want to keep around. :)

I did get the last fossil today during my first attempt to cycle! No one felt like moving today, but there's one good thing that's happened c:
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