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New Horizons
Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


May 26, 2015

*Note: I may add more and/or edit this post later, along with updating the image I put together above or changing it entirely.
Welcome to my second island’s journal! I’m hoping to keep track of my progress decorating this island in my journal, and post my designs and other projects in it as well. My goal is to decorate this island like some locations in Persona 5 Royal. On my main island, I did some HHP designs based on Persona 5, but I never considered designing my island entirely on the game until I came across this dream address.

About my Island: I picked southern hemisphere since my other island is in the northern hemisphere and I wanted to have an island that was experiencing a different season.

About the Island Rep: Instead of naming my rep after my username/gaming name or Persona 5’s protagonist’s manga or anime name, I went with one of the names I sometimes pick for him. Morgana called him Frizzy Hair a few times in the beginning, so I always thought it was funny to have his name be just that.


Ideas and Plans
I don’t really have any clear ideas yet; I know I want my island look as good as the dream address that I found, but have my own touch to it. I was considering making everything in Memento’s (as in the area Persona 5) colors (red and black) and designing some areas like the palaces, but seeing how much room the castle set took up in my Unreal Estate entry, I think this idea probably wouldn’t work well. I might consider a looser interpretation of the locations in the game too. One thing I’d like to have room to add some places that Akechi hung out with Joker at like Penguin Sniper and Jazz Jin. Also, I’d like something to represent Maruki and/or his palace; I’m considering making him eventually as another resident on my island.

When I first started thinking about having a second island, I thought it might be fun to try to set some rules for myself to play this island a little differently from how I play my main island. Here are my ideas right now (in no particular order):

  • No or little time traveling after the tutorial. If TTing is allowed, allow only a day forward or back at a time).​
    • It’s okay to TT a few hours backward if I didn’t get time to play until night (since I want to have some daytime screenshots and not just at night).​
  • No donations of bells from my main island.​
  • No trading for portraits; all portraits owned have to be earned. I can give extra pictures that I’ve earned to my main island though.​
  • No trading for flowers.​
  • No using amiibo cards to invite villagers except Sanrio villagers.​
  • Limit how many NMTs I use each time I go island hopping for a villager. Maybe limit it to 10 tickets max?​

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Table of Contents

*Note: More categories might be added later; the Persona 5 Map (credit to: splattermon on deviantArt for putting it together) is a placeholder image. All categories and sub-categories are subject to change.​
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Mementos Map Development

Original Map (Selected October 24, 2024)

The tents for FrizzyHair, Drift and Cherry have been placed.
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Let’s Skip This Tutorial
I was initially not going to take any tutorial screenshots since everyone knows the tutorial by now and the dialogue scenes with Tom Nook, but since I know that I’ll regret not taking any to show the beginning stages of this island and also the tutorial gives some good screenshot opportunities, I’ve decided that I will to post some that I take throughout the tutorial.

*Note: I haven’t been able to play at all with the Halloween event going on, so, except for day 1, when I write day 2+, it will refer not to how many days since I created my island, but instead, the days of playing, at least until I think of a better way to organize these posts.

Day 1: Welcome to Your New Island!
October 24

After a couple days of resetting, I finally was satisfied with at least one of my starters. I was hoping to get Frobert again as a starter since I had him on the island on my old switch lite, but I was just as happy about meeting Drift since he is another frog that I’ve been interested in for a long time. I was not happy about Cherry though; I don’t care much for her design.



This line here always makes me pause because his idea of comfort and safety does not apparently match my idea or rather, FrizzyHair’s idea.


But the game sure makes it look like our character is happy about the tent in the end lol.


When I talked to her, I felt like I could grow to like her more. Her catchphrase though…I need to change it because I hate it lol.


Drift’s catchphrase on the other hand is really cute.


I wonder what he’d do if he got all lazy villagers and no human for his deserted island package. Shifty raccoon…


Since I’ll be designing areas based on various locations in P5R, I picked Mementos for its name rather than naming it Yongen-jaya (a residential district in the game where the protagonist lives for the duration of the game) or Shibuya.

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Let’s Skip This Tutorial

Days 2 & 3: Ultra Broke Island Life - Let the Grind for Bells Begin!

October 27


It’s time for us both to get to the grind, Drift since Mom forgot to remind me to bring some Bells or what Bells even are since the dialogue choices that I got when talking to Tom seemed to imply that I didn’t know what Bells were 😅.


It was raining so I was able to catch plenty of snails. I donated one to Tom, to give to Blathers and the rest I sold.

I talked to Cherry once before I resumed the Nook Mile grind.


Thanks, Cherry! How about changing that catchphrase of yours? 😅


I did some evening fishing and was able to donate the last samples that Tom needed for Blathers.



I picked a random spot for Blathers’ tent for now; I’ll move it later when I flatten the island.

On my way to Tom’s tent, after getting the last Nook Miles that I needed by chopping wood, I encountered my first tarantula. It caught me completely by surprise; I didn’t see it at all.


I was hoping to find the tarantula on my way back to the tent again so I could catch it, but it was gone.



After paying off the Nook Miles, I asked for the upgrade into a house since I wanted to have storage space as soon as possible.

October 28

Originally I was thinking of not worrying about completing the museum for my second island since I still have to complete it on my main island, but I think I’ll give it more thought as I continue playing.

I got my tent upgraded to a house. I’m really happy that I got some storage space now. I’m hoping to get this loan paid off soon so I can have a bit more. The tree in front of my house is bothering me a little but I don’t have the diys for the standard tools. I’m probably just going to leave it there since I’ll be moving my house eventually anyways.

I was asked to gather materials for the shop on this day, so I spent most of the time that I played gathering materials.


Hi Drift! :D Drift is so adorable running up to me beaming like this ☺️.



Thanks for the iron nuggets! :D After Drift gave me the nuggets, I chopped wood until I got a stack of each type.



All I need now are the remaining iron nuggets.


I went fishing for a little bit and I found a visitor on the beach.


Hi Gulliver! I’m FrizzyHair.


You just said I had a big head, so, I don’t know… 🤔

I was actually considering not talking to him since this week and last week I kept trying to get his furniture on my main island. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t sick of digging up his communicator parts or diving for it lol.


I decided to help him and pretend to forget his comment about the size of my head.


I’m hoping that he gives me a piece of furniture and not clothing since both he and Gullivarr have been giving me mostly clothing on my main island.
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Let’s Skip This Tutorial

Day 4: A Pact is Made

October 30

The first thing that I did when I got into the game was check my mail. Gulliver sent me a hat. I must be cursed to get anything but furniture from him lol.

In today’s announcement, Tom mentioned that the Nooklings were selling candy.


Where is the candy? 🤨

Not much happened today. I hit rocks for more iron nuggets; I’m short by about four, I think. I’ll wait until tomorrow to get them.


I decided to pay Drift a visit in his upgraded house.


Note to self to bring a cushion to sit on next time (if we could use them inside villagers’ homes that is) lol. I wish that as you progress through the game, that their house interior changed with it (naturally I mean and not through HHP or gifting them items).


I love how proud he looks; so cute ☺️.


I wonder if there is a story behind that 😅. I never heard of anyone ripping a hole in their home while doing jumping jacks lol, Animal Crossing or not.


I stopped by Cherry’s house too and paid her a visit.


Hi Cherry! That catchphrase really needs to go.


The wallpaper doesn’t go with her aesthetic at all. I didn’t tell her that of course 😅. If I decide to keep her or maybe even if I don’t plan on keeping her, I’ll definitely have to redesign her home (and Drift’s too) though I’ll have to use my main island to brainstorm ideas and then send the items that I’ll need for my catalogue.

I had my main island’s rep come over and drop over some items and thus, a pact has been made since I’ll be dropping off items and picking up extra materials or other things for myself from time-to-time that I may need or for my tbt store.

I like coming up with funny outfits for my main island’s rep lol.


I think the Hermit tarot represents me the best of all the major arcana, at least from what I read and understand (I’m not knowledgable about tarot cards at all, though I do have a book that I have a read a bit from), which is why I chose it over the other arcanas. You can read up on the major arcanas’ meanings here.

In Persona 5, each arcana was “represented” by only one character. For the purpose of my journal only, I’ll kinda have two confidants of the hermit arcana since I have plans of having villagers represent some of the confidants, mostly the members of the Phantom Thieves. Then again, my other island rep doesn’t live on this island so technically I’ll only have one.

I updated my passport photo after the visit. FrizzyHair now has frizzy hair :D lol.

I’ll redo this again as I get more filters and unlock more things.


After my main island rep left, I joined Drift on the bench by Tom’s tent. I had turned off the game for a bit after the visit and when I came back in the game, both Drift and Cherry had left their houses and were outside. Thanks for the cute photo, Drift :D.


I donated a few things to Blathers including two butterflies. Blathers is so cute ☺️; I have a phobia of bugs so he definitely has my sympathy 😅. I just need to donate one more thing and then his tent will be upgraded to a building.
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Let’s Skip This Tutorial

Day 5: Happy Halloween!

October 31

The first thing that I did today was hit rocks to get the remaining iron nuggets that I needed for the shop.

Yes I know, Timmy since I was the one that donated everything. Cherry seemed to call it a day after giving me the shovel lol. I want to believe that Drift was working hard to help me this whole time since I admit I am bias and like Drift much much more than Cherry lol.



I picked a random spot for the shop since I’ll be flattening the island and will be moving it, probably multiple times. Atm, I have no idea where I’d want it to go.

I was impatient to start island hopping, so I TTed a day forward get Nook’s Cranny built and then back.


I picked a random spot for the bridge as well since I’m going to flatten my island and will need to destroy it eventually (also change the type of bridge).


Hmm…It’s funny you say this now Tom, since you see, I never liked the idea of sleeping in a tent either. 😒

After this dialogue, I picked a random spot for all the plots and then went island hopping.


I crafted the furniture that I needed for the plots and placed the ones needed for the exterior. I’m really happy that this part of the tutorial is done. While I always enjoyed searching for villagers, I never liked this part I think because I don’t want to craft any of the furniture or use them. I did realize that I can get rid of the furniture after the plot filled; it’s funny that I never tried to when I was at this point on my main island 😅.


I already forgot what I donated here; I think it might have been a tiger beetle. I kinda wanted to keep Blathers in a tent for a bit longer (for no real reason), but I ended up donating something anyways.

I chatted a little with Drift. I also gifted him some wrapped coconuts; he gave me a fishing vest (red) in return.

I had a house for three days, Drift 😅.

At 5 PM, the Halloween event began.

This event was really tough to do with only two villagers 😅. I eventually did it on my main island, though I kept having communication problems.

Drift was really adorable dressed up in his costume ☺️. I thought the dialogue was kinda funny when he taught me a reaction.



I know, Drift 😅. Good try though lol.



Erm, thanks?


Trick or treat!


At Skyhold

I had my main island’s rep take this picture since FrizzyHair doesn’t have a lot of camera options right now. Skyhold’s rep is the one wearing the cat paw shoes.


I love Rudy’s expressions so much still ☺️. He looks so adorable in his costume.

It’s a bit too late, Rudy 😅. You have been tricked lol.






I feel like this is the first time that I saw the cranky dialogue when tricking them; it shouldn’t be since I had Roscoe on my island for some time before I let him move out 🤔.


I didn’t realize how small Jack was compared to my island reps, or if I did, I forgot.


Punchy also has the cutest expressions too ☺️.

Hi Punchy! :3


I had no idea we could get multiple robes and Jack masks 😅. I got more on another character on my main island too. I was thinking while doing my Unreal Estate entry for TBT’s Halloween Event, that it’d be nice to have more of the masks, but now I got more than I know what to do with 😅.
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Wanted: Phantom Thieves & Allies

*Note: I may update or change both of the pictures here.

I put this together as a way to try to plan out the villagers that I have on my island—temporary and permanent. I’m not sure what villagers yet to put for the Judgment, Hierophant arcana and Moon; for the Consultant, I’m considering making Maruki as a resident and also maybe Iwai, though I’ve put a couple villagers for the Hanged Man arcana that I thought could represent him in the event I go for a temporary representation of him.

Vesta represents no particular arcana though she could represent maybe The World. I picked her because her face makes me think of shadows in the game and I think she’d fit well with the theme. I was thinking that Frita could represent the Big Bang Burger mascot; she would not represent any arcana either.

I’m in no hurry to get the villagers in the first image. Ideally, I’d want them when I’m closer to finishing my island since I want to cycle through villagers. The villagers in the first two rows have a higher priority since they’ll be representing the characters that were either in the Phantom Thieves or working directly alongside them at some point in the game.

I still haven’t figured out who could represent the Hierophant, Moon, & Judgment arcanas. I’m likely not going to pick anyone for the Moon since I don’t like him 😅, though I do honestly want to just to make this picture complete. I’m still thinking of making Maruki, the Consultant as a player character, but I’ll have to think of who could represent him as a backup idea in case I decide not to do that.

I made some adjustments to the first image. I narrowed down some of my choices. When I was brainstorming ideas, I was basing my choices on appearance, personality, hobby and a little bit on what their favorite colors. I tried to pick villagers that I thought would best represent each character in the game, for example, Haru Okumara likes to garden and her Phantom Thief outfit is purple, so I tried to find a villager that had a nature hobby and was purple. Stella has a nature hobby, but I’m actually leaning more towards Étoile regardless of their hobby. I find Étoile’s color more what I’m looking for and I’ve been interested in her much more than Stella. If I find Stella first, I’ll still probably give her a chance.

I was having a tough time deciding on possible villagers to represent Ryuji & the Chariot arcana. He is a former athlete in the game, so I thought a jock would be ideal with fitness hobby. Yellow because electric is his element and also his hair is blonde. I considered lazies too because I guess he can be lazy too, at least when it comes to school work and other tasks he doesn’t want to do. His persona looks like an undead pirate, which is why I am considering Lucky. Atm, I’m leaning somewhat towards Tybalt.


This is something to help me when I go villager hunting, though I may not stick to this list. I just wanted to try to organize what I’m considering into some sort of visual that I can look back at later. This list does not reflect how I’d rank them on a regular tier list. Some of the villagers, I’d normally not be interested in but I’ve become more interested in trying out for this island at the very least.

Now that it has been some time since I first put together this image, while looking back at the list again, I feel like some of the villagers could be bumped up or down a “tier.” I don’t feel like redoing the image atm, so I’ll list the changes that I’m thinking of here.

⬆️ Tier:

Kabuki: move up to ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐️. I felt like he needed to be bumped up for some
time now. Ever since I discovered that Persona 5 dream address and saw how they used Kabuki and designed his home, my interest in him has grown tremendously.

Cyrano: move up to ⭐⭐⭐⭐️. My interest in him has increased pretty significantly. Prior to making this island, I had no interest in any of the anteaters, but now, I’m interested in him since I think he might be the best choice to represent Yoshida and the Sun confidant.

Blair: move up to ⭐⭐⭐⭐️. I just invited her yesterday. Even though it doesn’t matter now, I still think it’s worth taking note of for future reference since I think I underrated her. Meeting her while island hopping definitely improved my impression of how cute she was.

Caroline: move up to ⭐⭐⭐⭐️. When I was making the other image and trying different outfits on her and other villagers, I thought she was a lot cuter than I used to think. I’m definitely more interested in her. I had no interest in her until I started brainstorming ideas for my villagers.

⬇️ Tier:
Peanut: move down to ⭐⭐⭐️. I like her and her design a lot, but I’m not as interested in her as I am in most of the other squirrels. Finding Blaire made me realize that I was more interested in Blaire than I was interested in Peanut.

Tangy, Apple, Ruby, Marty & Chabwick: move down to ⭐⭐⭐️. I like them all but while island hopping today, I realized that while I’m pretty interested in them in general, for my second island, I’m not as interested in having them as I thought I was initially. I did end up inviting Tangy but, I would’ve preferred finding someone else even as just a temporary villager. Right now, I’m not interested in having more peppies.

Note: Will continue writing this later.

Island Hopping
Campsite Visitors
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Island Hopping

FrizzyHair’s First Island Hopping Adventure: 10/31/24
For this island hopping session, I limited myself to ten Nook Mile tickets; I ended up using nine tickets (not counting the free one that Tom gave me) while looking for a villager for the three plots that I had placed. I was hoping to find a villager that I was interested in (see second image in the previous post), but not one that I was considering having permanently.

Villager 1

1. Al - skip for now.

Normally, he would be an easy skip, but since he is one of the villagers that I’m considering to represent Ryuji and the Chariot arcana, I want to give him a chance, but maybe not yet in case he ends up going well with my ideas since I want to cycle through as many villagers as possible until I reach a certain point while decorating my island. The reason that I’m considering any of the gorillas to represent him is pretty silly.


The mini boss is referring to Ryuji as “that ape.”

2. Lucy - not interested.

I think she was one of my starters on my main island and I was not happy about it. I’m not interested in any pig villager except for Agnes. I do think that if I gave her a chance, that she could grow on me. I don’t think her design is bad. Right now, I’m not interested in having her again.

3. Candi - no.

I think Candi is my second least favorite mouse. I have no interest in any of the mice except for maybe Broccolo.

4. Benedict - invited!

I used to not like any of the chicken villagers but slowly, I’ve become interested in four of them: Ken, Goose, Knox and Benedict. After meeting Benedict on the island and talking to him, I had some doubts but I invited him anyways.




The dialogue for some reason, seemed kinda weird and his facial expressions bothered me a little too. I think I’ll probably like him; maybe I’m just overthinking or it was just part of being tired that I felt this way.

Villager 2
1. Maddie - skip.

She seems kinda cute but I’m not interested in here at the moment. While there are a few dog villagers that I’m interested in, I’m kinda neutral about them overall. I’m not sure why they’ve never gave me a strong impression. I like them a bit more than the wolves, whom I neither like or dislike.

2. Patty - not interested.

I have no interest in her or any of the cow or bull villagers, so this was an easy skip for me.

3. Sprinkle - already had her as one of my starters on my main island; skip for now.

I love Sprinkle though I admit that I did not enjoy her much when I had her since I had another peppy and got sick of their dialogue super quick 😅. I used to love peppy dialogue in New Leaf (I loved all the dialogue much better), but in New Horizons, I feel like they are annoying.

I said skip for now since she is one villager that I’m considering as an option to represent Yoshizawa and the Faith arcana. Sprinkle would represent her persona more (because of her colors) than Yoshizawa herself. I’m leaning more towards having Poppy or Pecan, if I decide to have a villager represent Yoshizawa.

4. Candi - absolutely not.

5. Flora - invited!

She has a cute design, but I honestly wasn’t interested in having her, at least not now. I invited her since I didn’t want to have a random move in for now and since I spent some tickets, might as well pick someone.

Villager 3

1. Lily - invited!

I wasn’t going to invite any villagers that I already had on my main island (aside from the ones that I’m considering to be on this island permanently, but I missed having Lily so I couldn’t pass her up. She is one of my favorite frogs. When I first invited her on my main island, I thought she was cute but didn’t think I’d get as attached to her as I did since she was going to be just a temporary villager. I did let her leave, but it was a tough decision since I really loved having her.

Concluding thoughts:

I was honestly not very satisfied with my island hopping finds; I was hoping to find some of villagers that I had on the island that I deleted before making this one, particularly Frobert, or ones that I was more interested in. Since I was looking for three different villagers, I probably shouldn’t have limited myself to ten NMTs, though if I didn’t, I’d probably have spent too many. I’m trying to play this island a little differently from my main island, at least for now.

I’m really happy about having Lily again, though I wish she didn’t have the starter home again.

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Let’s Skip This Tutorial

Days 6 & 7: Welcome Benedict & Flora!

November 1

I didn’t get much time to play yesterday since I was still finishing up my last two island journal posts.

I have to remember to update the image in my introduction post once all three of my new villagers have moved in.



Hi, Harvey! I probably won’t be using your studio anytime soon, at least until I get all of the furniture. Right now, I’m not worried about furniture or clothing yet and am just taking my time for the most part


Welcome to Mementos, Benedict! Good to see you!

I think I’ll definitely enjoy having him on my island. When I look at his picture, I forget he’s a lazy. He looks more like a cranky to me, at least until I start chatting to him.


I almost forgot to help Gulliver last night. I kinda feel bad for Gulliver; it’s great he can keep his spirits up even though his crew didn’t respond to him; I’d be a wreck because of anxiety and I’d also probably feel like a burden to the crew.

November 2




The Gulliver hat curse continues 😔.


Hi, Flora! I think what I said is that it will hopefully look gorgeous when I’m done decorating it 😅. But I’m glad you think it is!


Hi, Benedict!





Thanks Benedict! :D The present wasn’t necessary though!

I thought this little dialogue with Benedict was pretty cute. I don’t remember if I ever got this on my main island after I welcomed a villager to my island. I probably did and just don’t remember.


Me too, Blathers! I function better usually at night 😅.



I visited Drift and he gave me a DIY to make a tree standee. I also gifted him some wrapped coconuts; he gave me a worker’s jacket (light blue).




I vaguely remember when I got to this point on my main island, the dialogue made me think I was getting something cool but, only to be given an utility pole 😅. At least this time, I know I’ll be using it down the road. Not anytime soon though since I’m going to flatten my island first. No idea yet how I want it to look. I want to make mine look different from the dream address that I had found and liked, even though I’m basing my island on the same game. I don’t want to copy them.


Hi Mabel! Will your store let me purchase more than one item at a time when it gets built? 🙃


I don’t usually sell hot items, but since I need the bells, I crafted some log benches and sold them.


I did the group stretching.


I didn’t realize that the villagers won’t notice my wasp sting when I have glasses on 😅. I took them off and finally Cherry reacted to it.


She taught me how to make medicine. I made some right away and got rid of my wasp sting. Thanks, Cherry!
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Day 8: Another Chill Day in Mementos

November 3



Today was another chill day on Mementos. I was a little tempted to TT to speed up the construction so I can build the campsite soon, but being still burnt out from TBT’s Fair and Halloween Event, I mostly wanted to take it easy today.




One of the first things I did today was greet Lily. Lily is so sweet and adorable. It’s going to be so hard to say good bye again when the time comes.


Hi Redd! You work in sales or theft and forgery? 🤔


Take a look at the whole cousin talk, Cousin, and try telling me again with a straight face that there isn’t anything sketchy about that? lol.

Regardless, I’ll probably be buying more from him even after I complete my museum. I like a good amount of his fake artwork too. I may need both for at least one area/house.


I was short on some bells to buy an art piece from him and I didn’t want to withdraw any from my ABD, so I crafted and sold some wooden-block chairs along with a wasp nest and weeds after I gathered enough wood to make them.





I returned to Redd and bought the Mystic Statue (real). After this, I gathered some more wood, crafted a few more chairs and sold them so I could put more bells in my ABD and pay off more of my loan.

I gave Cherry and Drift both some wrapped coconuts. Cherry gave me an oil lamp and Drift gave me a standing toilet.
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Day 9: Project K

November 5


With the Resident Services now built, the end of the tutorial is now in sight. I still have a lot of work to do since after I get the campsite built, I’ll have to get a three star island rating. Atm, I’m in no hurry since I’m still dealing with burnout and I restarted my Persona 5 Royal save file again 😅.


I’m happy that I got more pocket space today. I need to get going on my house loan so I can have more storage space too. I’m want max storage space, but at the same time, since I’m basing my island off of Persona 5, I’m not sure if the full house expansion will go well with my island plans.


I talked to Tom; that shifty raccoon wasn’t fooling me this time.

He told me about Project K, his plans on getting K.K. Slider to perform on the island.


I built the campsite right away since I’m looking forward to having more villagers and going island hopping again. I’m actually hoping I don’t get Raymond since I will not want him to leave even though he doesn’t go with my island plans (and because I have him on my main island).


Like I had done with everything else, I picked a random spot for now for the campsite for now.


I needed to make some more bells so I checked to see what the Hot item today was.


I chatted with Lily before I went to hit a rock for iron nuggets.

If only I knew how to cook and had some ingredients and recipes, I could make you something, Lily.


After getting enough iron nuggets, I crafted one frying pan and sold it to the Nooklings. I also bought a diving suit.


I dug up some fossils to get assessed for Nook Miles.



Blathers is so cute ☺️.


Imagine we get a sabertooth tiger in the next animal crossing game 👀; I’d love him to have some sort of special dialogue about them.


I got a new diy from Drift. He also gave me a pj outfit (gray) for the wrapped coconuts that I gave him.


I visited Cherry next and gave her some wrapped Coconuts.

That’s funny you say that, Cherry since I’ve been gifting you them for days now lol.


I chatted a little with Benedict afterwards.

I thought this was kinda funny lol.


I went diving and met Pascal for the first time.



He gave me a diy for a Mermaid Screen!


I also met Saharah today; unfortunately, I accidentally deleted the screenshots that I was going to share of her and my chat with Flora 🤦‍♀️. I bought a mysterious wallpaper and flooring from her and got a cafe curtain wallpaper and crosswalk flooring.
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Day 10: Mementos is About to Get More Lively
November 7


Isabelle forgot to mention that we got our first campsite visitor too.

Now, with the campsite built, I can build more plots. 🥳 Mementos will definitely be getting livelier soon. I think I’m going to continue taking my time though. I was originally going to tt a little to speed this up, but since I’m still dealing with burnout, I’ll most likely not. I still am looking forward to doing more island hopping though once I’m ready 🙂.

After I left my house, I got a phone call from Tom to meet him at the airport.

I’m really excited about having HHP for my second island so I can redesign my villagers’ homes. I initially wasn’t going to buy it or the Nintendo Switch Online subscription, but since my mom had no problem with me getting it, I changed my mind. I was hesitant because this is the only game that I’m playing on my switch lite and I didn’t think it’d be worth the subscription, not to mention that I was worried about losing interest or getting preoccupied with something else down the road, and wasting the subscription.

I stopped by Drift’s house and gave him some wrapped coconuts.

I apparently forgot where I put the campsite and didn’t think to look at the map 😅. While I was wandering around, Lily ran up to me.





I thought this dialogue with Lily was really cute ☺️.

Lazy villagers are still my favorite even though I feel the dialogue was much better in New Leaf (not just for lazies but all villagers), but I think the dialogue for normal villagers might be my favorite. I really don’t like how much lazy villagers mention bugs (or that they mention them at all).


When I finally found the campsite, I expected to find a villager that I didn’t like.



Instead, I found the one smug that I wanted the most for this island, though I was kinda hoping to find him later since I want to avoid finding permanent villagers until I’m closer to being done with my island. I’m not sure if he’s going to be permanent since I want to have villagers that represent the Phantom Thieves plus Akechi and/or Yoshizawa as my permanent villagers (see this post) but I really want him to be. I’ve been interested in Rodney ever since I found the Rodney appreciation thread.


Like I had with the other houses, I picked a random spot for his home.

I went diving afterwards to make some more bells.

I found a scallop and gave it to Pascal.

He gave me a mermaid princess dress. I can’t say that I was thrilled about the dress, but at least I didn’t have it already. I might find use for it later 🙂.


I checked what the hot item today was and seeing that it didn’t require anything but weeds, which I still have a lot of, I crafted and sold one.
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Campsite Visitors

11/07/24 to
I’ll be posting pictures of my campsite visitors here; I’ll create another post once this one gets filled up to a certain point. I was going to post individual screenshots, but I thought that they’d look nicer as a collage.


*Note: I’ll edit and update the picture as I get more campsite visitors.

The house and “taken” graphic means that I invited the villager to my island.

My first campsite visitor was Rodney; I would have invited him even if the game had given me the choice of inviting him or not. I’ve been interested in him for a long time but never got a chance to have him on my main island; I do have his amiibo card but I prefer finding villagers without using my amiibo cards. I’m very excited to have him!

For once, I was relieved that the campsite visitor wasn’t anyone that I wanted. While I am interested in inviting more villagers, I haven’t gotten any pictures from the ones that I currently have so, aside from looking for villagers for the last plots that I have left, I’m not really ready to invite anyone else. Either way, lions are my one of my least favorite species. I think Elvis has one of the better designs of the lions but I still don’t care for him. Maybe later on I’ll give him a chance since I do like the idea of getting every villager’s picture.
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Let’s Skip This Tutorial

Days 11-13: Doin’ Stuff!
Since I’ve been focusing on my Persona 5 playthrough, I haven’t been spending much time on Mementos or on my main island. I have a hard time playing more than one game at the same time and balancing my time between them. Part of the reason that I decided to focus on my playthrough first is because before I can start decorating my island, I need to unlock all the areas and get plenty of screenshots. The more I have to work with, the easier it will be for me to plan out or at the very least come up with ideas to try out.

November 8


I still can’t believe my forced campsite visitor was not only a villager that I like, but was the smug that I was the most interested in.


I wish my villagers would wear the hats that I give them and not put them on display. I want to gift him the jacket and hat that I gave him in Harv’s Studio for this post (first image), but something tells me that he won’t wear either of them.



Flora ran up to me and thanked me for welcoming her to the island when she was still unpacking.



I paid off the rest of my loan and asked Tom for another expansion. I’m looking forward to even more storage space. I have to remember to wait on one of the later expansions since my house is going to be based off of Café LeBlanc in the game and the building is rather small. I’m still debating between a loose interpretation vs “accurate” interpretation when I design my house and island.

November 13


I was happy to see that construction on my house was finished.

The only thing that I did on this day was check my mail; Mom sent me a knapsack (polka dots) in the mail.

November 14


I found Gullivarr washed ashore.


I meant to take a screenshot of more of the dialogue, but I skipped through it out of habit since I’ve seen the dialogue so much on my main island 😅.


I found his communicator right away; I continued diving for a little bit since I wanted to make some bells.


I hope that you give me some furniture since you’ve been giving me nothing but clothes on my main island 😅.



I dove some more and found a scallop, which I gave Pascal; Pascal gave me a diy to make a mermaid lamp.


I had enough bells after selling some sea creatures to buy land to put a house plot on. Afterwards, I grabbed my nook mile tickets and went island hopping.



Once I got back from island hopping, I sold some pears for quick and easy bells.

Cherry had the bubble and asked me to move (I forgot to take a screenshot). I still need to get everyone’s photos before I let anyone move. I gifted her wrapped coconuts afterwards


I talked to Lily; she seemed really excited about the bug off. I will try to remember to do it since I want to get the trophies.


I visited Benedict and he gave me a diy to craft a water pump.
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Island Hopping

FrizzyHair’s Second Island Hopping Adventure: 11/14/24
For this island hopping session, I again limited myself to ten NMTs; I ended up using eight tickets.

1. Jay - not interested.

I don’t have any strong feelings towards the bird villagers, negative or positive. The bird villagers whose designs I like the best are: Twiggy, Midge and Jitters, but I’d skip them too because I’m not interested in them at all; honestly, I find them kinda boring. Maybe later on I’ll be more interested in them.

2. Marcie - no.

Marcie is the kangaroo that I dislike the most, though I can’t say I like any of them.

3. Renee - skip for now.

I’m kind of interested in her, but I don’t think I’m as interested in her as I used to be. I never really cared for her color, though her design isn’t bad and she does seem pretty cool.

4. Klaus - not interested.

I’m not interested in any of the bears right now except for Nate. Their designs never appealed to me.

5. Rhonda - not interested.

I think I like her design a little more than I used to, but she is still a skip. There are other rhino villagers that I like more and that I’m interested in.

6. Chevre - not interested.

I feel like there is something off about Chevre’s design. I never liked her design and I don’t really like any of the goats except for Sherb.

7. Pashmina - not interested for now.

I like Pashmina’s design more than Chevre’s. I think she could grow on me more. I’m not interested in her right now but I may be later on.

8. Goose - invited!

Chickens have always been one of my least favorite species, so it’s funny that I i invite Goose & that he will be my second chicken villager on my island. I’ve been interested in Goose for some time, longer than I’ve been interested in Benedict 🙂.









This reminded me why I used to hate jocks in New Leaf lol. I’m glad I had Rudy as my first villager on my main island, other wise maybe my opinion wouldn’t have changed.

Concluding thoughts: This was not the best island hop that I’ve had, but I’m happy that I found a villager that I was interested in and that is what was most important 🙂.

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Let’s Skip This Tutorial

Day 14:

November 30


It feels like it wasn’t that long ago since I had my first campsite visitor, so the campsite visitor announcement surprised me a little even though it shouldn’t have. Hopefully soon I can spend more time playing, so I’m back in touch with the game and where I left off. I still have to progress more in Persona 5 too. I was first focused on that before the secret santa art thread was posted; after that, I had been concentrating on the drawings that I was doing.


The first thing that I did was check my mail since the last time that I played, Gullivarr sent me something for helping him. It seems like I’m still cursed to get other clothing items from him and Gulliver 😅.


I bought some more land from Tom and picked a random spot on the beach for the house.


On my way to the campsite, I found Benedict’s bag (Drift told me it was his since I first asked Drift if the bag belonged to him) and picked it up to give to them later; he was still sleeping when I found it.


Drift ran over to me and taught me four reactions; thanks Drift :D.


My campsite visitor for today was Elvis. Part of me was disappointed while the other part was relieved. I was disappointed because lions are probably my least favorite species in the game; I think Elvis maybe has the best design of the Iion villagers but that isn’t saying much since I don’t really like his design either. I was relieved because I’m not ready to invite anyone else except for the house plots that I have left. I want to get at least one photo of each villager that I currently have before I invite anyone else; ideally, get two of each since I’d like to give one to my rep on my main island.

Ideally, I’d like to get the photos of my villagers in this order:
1. Cherry - but maybe wait on letting her move out since she was a villager that I was considering to represent Tae Takemi & the death arcana. There are other characters I’d like a villager to represent more, but since I have one of the options that I was considering for it, I want to make the most of it and design her interior as well.
2. Flora - I like her and I think she’s cute, but I don’t think she goes well even as just as a temporary villager with what I have in mind for my island and she doesn’t have the vibes I want.
3. Benedict - I like him and he is growing on me more but there are other villagers that I’d like to cycle through and have more.
4. Goose - I’m not in a hurry to let him leave since I haven’t talked to him yet, but he’ll have to go eventually too. There are other villagers I’d like to meet still.
5. Lily - I’m reluctant to let her leave since I really love her but she doesn’t fit in my plans.
6. Drift - I’d love to keep Drift as a permanent villager but he’ll eventually have to go. I want to keep him as long as I can though.
7. Rodney - I’m unsure if he’s going to be permanent or not, but I do want to have him stay for as long as possible until I figure out what I want exactly and when I’ve made significant progress on decorating my island.

After I visited Elvis, I went island hopping & invited Blaire, who I found on my fifth ticket. I was really happy I found her; I was interested in some of the other squirrels more but I think I’ll really enjoy having her. I really love most if not all of the squirrel villagers.

I went back to sleep after island hopping. When I got up, I visited Benedict and gave him his bag.



I visited Drift next and gave him some wrapped coconuts.

I went diving to get Nook Miled and to make some money and I discovered a few new things.

I donated the sea creatures to the museum.

I gave Cherry some wrapped coconuts.

I chatted a little with Flora.

I visited Lily and chatted a little with her.

I don’t think it is, depending on in what way. I have OCD and I get attached to stuff I own. Some for memories, others because they make me happy like my plushies.


Rodney gave me a DIY for basement flooring.


I checked what the hot item today was at Nook’s Cranny. Then I chopped some wood, crafted a few stereos and sold them to the Nooklings.

I went back to diving afterwards so I could sell some more sea creatures for bells; if I get time to play tomorrow, I want to be able to purchase the next plot.

I found a scallop and I gave it to Pascal; he gave me a tiara. I wish there was more things we could do with Pascal or ways to interact with him.

That’s it for today. I’m hoping to get some time to play tomorrow as well.
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Island Hopping

FrizzyHair’s Third Island Hopping Adventure: 11/30/24
I limited myself to spending ten NMTS for this island session; I ended up using five tickets.

1. Leonardo - tempting but skip for now.

Looking back at my list, I never added him to it. I’ve been a little interested in him but when I was making the list I was still unsure how interested I was in him. I used to not like any of the big cats’ designs but his design has been growing on me more recently. I already have come to like a few of them: Bangle, Rolf, Tybalt. I was pretty tempted to invite him, but I wanted to continue island hopping so I chose to skip him for now.

2. Jacques - not interested.

I forgot to take a screenshot when he introduced himself. He was an easy skip since I’m not interested in him or any of the bird villagers right now.

3. Nan - not interested.

Another skip here; I’m not interested in any of the goat villagers. Sherb is the only goat that I really like and I already had him on my main island.

4. Alfonso - no.

I had him as one of my starters on my main island and I did not like him, nor do I like his design. Tbh, I never gave him a chance. Maybe down the road I’ll invite him since I never got his picture.

5. Blaire - invited!

I was very excited to see her even though there are some other squirrels that I’m more interested in. Her design is really cute and honestly it fooled me; I had no idea she was a snooty just by looking at her. I really love villagers that look like they have a different personality.

I had to talk to her several times before she mentioned wanting to move. This is the first time a villager didn’t right away mention wanting to live somewhere else.


Concluding thoughts: I’m very satisfied with this island hop and very happy with who I invited :D. I admit that I kinda don’t like the ten ticket limit that I gave myself since I enjoy island hopping too much 😅. The longer the island hop, the more fun I have. At the same time, the limit is a nice change from having no limit on my main island.

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Let’s Skip This Tutorial

Day 15: Buff Friends Forever

December 1


Another day and another new villager! 🥳 After today’s island hop, I have only one more free plot to to place, which means after that island hop, I probably won’t be doing it again anytime soon since I want to earn their pictures and two if possible (or rather if I’m patient enough lol).


She is too cute ☺️. I’m so glad that I invited her. It’s going to be tough when the time comes where I need to move her out since I feel like I’m going to be attached to her.


After I welcomed Blaire to my island, I bought a new plot and went island hopping. I invited Tangy, who I found on my eighth ticket. I was trying to avoid inviting another peppy for now, but I ended up with a peppy anyways 😅. I’ve been interested in Tangy for quite some time, but I wasn’t interested in her as much as I was interested in Blaire and other villlagers.

After island hopping, I went to sleep. When I woke up and got back in the game, I dug up some fossils, got them assessed and donated them to the museum.

I went to talk to Cherry and found out that Flora was sick.

It’s kind of funny she says this since the character that I was considering having her represent from Persona 5 is a doctor.

I bought some medicine from Nook’s cranny and went to check up on Flora.


After I visited Flora, I went back to Cherry and gave her some wrapped coconuts.

Next, I visited Goose.


I felt bad for missing the day he was unpacking. I’m glad he didn’t take it too badly. Until I get further in Persona 5 and all the screenshots that I need for when I’m ready to start decorating my island, my time playing probably will be all over the place. Not to mention I have a draw the user above you request to do still too.

I met up with Lily and saw that I could now give her gifts.


I’m considering give my villagers other items eventually, but I’m thinking of waiting at least until I unlocked the option to decorate their houses. Until then and when I gave this more thought, they’ll all be receiving wrapped coconuts.

I met up with Drift and gave him some wrapped coconuts as well.

Next, I checked Nook’s Cranny to see what today’s Hot Item was.

I crafted two birdhouses and sold them to the Nooklings.

Next, I went diving to catch a few sea creatures to sell.

I gave Pascal the scallop that I found and this time, he gave me a pearl.

I got distracted looking at my phone, I think and I ended up getting a visitor.


Shouldn’t the host be the one providing the snacks though? I always thought that. I used to go to video game parties at some of my friends’ houses and one of them (she never actually was a friend to me though for the longest time I thought we were), who hosted never provided snacks or food. If we wanted anything to eat, we’d have to go get it or bring it with us. I thought that was odd. At a different friend’s house, we’d always get pizza or something and we all chipped in.

Drift and I played a game called High Card, Low Card.


I guessed correctly and won a prize from him. It was a fun game!

This made me chuckle a bit. Way back when I played New Leaf, I would’ve hated dialogue like this. I had Hamlet and I hated all the muscle talk. Now, it doesn’t bother me at all. Drift is seriously so adorable ☺️; I love his energy.
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Island Hopping

FrizzyHair’s Fourth Island Hopping Adventure: 12/1/24
I limited myself to spending ten NMTS for this island session; I ended up using eight tickets.

1. Cephalobot - skip for now.

I already had him on my main island, so I decided to skip him for now. He didn’t leave me a strong enough impression when I had him for me to really want him again (I’m not sure if I just didn’t play much while I had him; I think that may be part of the reason why).

2. Al - tempted but skip for now.

I was again a little tempted to invite Al since he is one of the villagers that I was considering to represent Ryuji and the chariot arcana, but since I want to cycle through villagers a bit and there is a chance I’d keep him permanently, I decided to skip him for now. If it was Ankha or a villager that I like a lot more, it’d be much harder for me to pass up 😅. I do have her amiibo card and Al’s but I rather not use my amiibo cards and find them instead while island hopping or through the campsite.

3. Apple - very tempted but skip for now.

I’ve been interested in Apple since New Leaf. This was a little tough of a skip. Since I have Flora, I didn’t really want another peppy. I also wanted to continue island hopping to see who else I’d meet.

4. Carmen - not interested at the moment.

Carmen is pretty cute but I’m not interested in her right now, so I passed.

5. Bud - no.

I just don’t like the lions.

6. Ozzie - not interested.

I think he could maybe grow on me but I’m not interested in him right now. I’ve never been interested in the koalas, though I think a few of them may be growing on me a little.

7. Ruby - very tempted, but skip for now.

This was a tough skip. I again was trying to avoid inviting another peppy.

8. Tangy - invited!

I‘ve been interested in Tangy for quite some time; one of my favorite tbt memories involves Tangy and the Woods. I still did not want to invite another peppy, but she’s a cat & is pretty adorable and I couldn’t get myself to pass her up. Plus I was close to the 10 ticket limit that I gave myself; I rather leave with someone that I’m interested in than with someone I don’t like.

Concluding thoughts: I’m pretty satisfied with this island hop, though I am not as happy with Tangy as I would’ve thought I’d be (some point before I decided to base my island off of Persona 5).

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