• We're Celebrating Diversity on TBT! Join our new mini-event this month by making a 3D craft that represents what diversity and inclusivity mean to you. For your hard work, you'll receive a newly released villager collectible and the chance to win the latest addition to our plush series! See the Celebrating Diversity 2024 thread to get started.
  • Thanks for playing! The closing ceremony for TBT World Championship 2024 has been posted. Congratulations to the winning team, Squirtle Squad! Update: The Master Ball raffle winners have now been announced and rewards have been distributed. Time to spend your Arcade Tokens!
Vongola Primo

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  • I love hitman reborn! My friends just like it more than me. I love Hibiki the most though! "I'll bite you to death~" :O rawwwr
    Not much of an xbox fan, I love the playstation lots more. Kingdom Hearts and Paper Mario probably my favorites. Not much of shooting player since my sister and friends just like to blow me up or snipe me to death or stab me when I'm using an obnoxious glowing sword...hah~
    Too bad you have to go now though. It was fun talkin' to ya~ (^v^)
    Just message me back when your free to finish everything up.
    Tomorrow starts my grounding session to finish my summer homework.
    My parents are fed up that I don't want to do it...
    Yup, my name has a very deep meaning to it! Since I'm half Japanese, I like to use words that suit me. Ahou basically translates to "dumbass" My sister calls me that all the time and it stuck. sar is my initails for my name, and yes, 97 meant I was born in 1997. :D
    I'm the baby in the family and I'm spoiled like no tomorrow. My dad does it so often, and my mom does it to, although more reluctantly since she knows what a devil I am. Mwahahahahahaa. My dad is just such a marshmallow.
    I've been raised off of anime since childhood, so I watched and watch many anime. My current obsession is Shingeki no Kyojin and Hetalia. My favorite manga is probably Hana to Akuma.
    What kind of stuff do you like? :D
    Gosh, now you made me feeling all sad and douch-baggy-like.
    I've thought that home-school might have been cool at one point, but I can't stand being cooped up in one place for too long. I also love joining the sports and anime/manga clubs and inforcing my superiority over everyone like a boss. *takes out sunglasses with explosions going off
    I look so badass! (not really...I'm shorter than fuu----5 feet.)
    Short forever!!! ToT)/
    *crickets chirping in background
    Ok~ I'll just bother you until the time - where we meet - alone - and something something dark side happens. :p

    Since I can't think of anything else, what are your plans before school starts back up, or are you a "mature" and "independent" adult without the horrors of summer homework?
    Today is basically my last free day before I'm grounded to finishing up my summer hw since I've been procrastinating by facebooking, tumblr-ing, youtube-ing, and reading romances between fictional characters. Ah~ my life in a nutshell. <3
    You're kinda right. My sister is soooo evil~ You two would get along I bet >.>
    Planning conniving plots against me and stardom! I will catch all those Pokemon, believe it!!!
    I can't wait for the new Pokemon so bad.

    BTW Open ups thee town so I can flood it with muuneyy~
    I know I offered my soul...but you'll have to go through my sister and her demon friend. I sold it for a fuuu--- pokemon card. Then she went and sold half of it! *grumble.
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