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  • Sorry for the late reply >_<
    I still have the Harvest set, so if you want it, I can give it to you now ;)
    If you can real quick, turn just the firewall back on. Having that on (for some reason) but having the security off is what fixed it after me and the person I was having the problem with battled it for 3 days. I have to go soon so if that doesn't work, I'm fine with trying later.
    On my way!
    I don't need anything in return, don't worry. :)
    & LOL yeah... sorry about that haha.
    I'll try wishing! I think I can though. c:
    It's fine. I'll get the items and head on over, so let me know when your gates are open. c:
    Yo btw if you're still looking for these items for your dream room, I have the wedding cake, toy capsule machine, and milk case. c:
    PART TWO (again)

    But yeah, I love Whitney! And I needed a snooty in my town, so she was perfect. ^^
    Yeah, Stitches really is. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna make him a permanent resident. <3

    My town is a mess though xD People have all these plans/themes for their towns and I'm just like lolidkwhati'mdoinghi
    I don't even have paths for my town. :p I'm not sure if I even want to put paths down haha.

    Ooh, you're 3 hours ahead of me! That's pretty close, considering a lot of people on these forums live in the UK. xD
    Hehe thanks for the offer, but there's not really that much to do, besides add people and open my gates haha.

    Yeah, I got lucky and scored a free Sweet set awhile ago. xD
    I bought an extra Sweet table yesterday for my giveaway from someone who was selling it for 200k, but I wrapped it up already so I'm not sure where it is.. If I knew, I'd go get it for you. :(
    You could try participating in my giveaway and see if you can get it, although that'd be a long shot LOL.
    Either way, feel free to participate if you're available later! c:

    That wasn't the first time she's pinged me about that either.. LOL.
    I didn't think I wrote thaaat much :(....

    Wow I'm 170 characters over the limit rly forums rly ;_;
    okay time to split it into 2 parts again LOL


    Stitches just happened to be a random move in for me, so I got lucky there! I recently got Whitney from my campsite, and I love her!
    I'm working on getting more pictures from my villagers though. But once I get some more pictures, I'm probably going to giveaway Tangy, Poncho, and Ken, if anyone wants them. ^^

    Prince is cute, but his house is in my way, sadly. I want to build one more bridge, and I had 2 villagers residing on either side of the river.
    I couldn't move it up, because there's a dang rock in the way. And I can't move it down, because there's a pond down there. :(
    I got the other villager, Chevre, to move (after I got her picture of course xD).
    So now I'm just working on Prince haha.

    What timezone are you in btw? Just wondering. :p
    I'm in PST. c:
    Haha, mine is like storage storage though. xD
    At the moment I have a room filled with wrapped presents because I'm gonna host a giveaway soon. Probably sometime tonight when I get home.
    My basement is also storage for now, but I plan to fill it with the Sloppy Set once I get all the pieces. c:

    I saw your buying thread! I'll keep a look out for some items on your list for you. :)
    I TT so I'm currently in a Gracie sale period, so I'll see if I can maybe score a wedding cake for you.
    Yeah, I tried the wetsuit trick a few times, but my villagers would ping me for lame things.
    Tangy pinged me and told me that a disco ball said she wasn't sparkly anymore and wanted me to reassure her LOL.

    Omg my message is too long I have to cut it into two posts LOL.
    Oh wow, that's really cool! My museum rooms are actually storage rooms for me haha. :p
    Your hotel idea is really cute and creative. I like it! c:

    I'm waiting for my villagers to request the police station for me. That's like the last important PWP I need haha.
    My first picture was from Poncho and then Chevre right after. But they both gave it to me in the mail instead of giving it to me by hand. Laaameee. xD
    LOL I think all the villagers just think we're loaded.

    I'm not really sure which villagers I want to keep, but I have a few dreamies in mind. c:
    But wow you got all your dreamies pretty fast. That's good that you can just focus on your town after you get your last 2. ^^
    I'm currently trying to get Prince to move out, and I've been ignoring him but he refuses to ping me. ):
    Hehe, yeah, I'm happy to help. ^___^
    Yeah, I always feel more comfortable having a good amount of bells in my savings.
    I make a bunch from selling turnips, so now I just like to help other people. c:
    Plus I haven't really figured out which villagers are exactly my dreamies, so I don't have much to do with my bells. xD
    Yeah, I pretty much have the full cage set, but it took quite awhile to gather up all the items. :p
    & When you figure out what you want/need just shoot me a message!
    Haha, I won't ask where you got it from. But I think it's great that you got the whole set for free. c:
    Hehe, mine are the same way. There's always a few villagers hanging around the train station when I'm expecting people over. xD

    No problem! Lemme know if there's any other way I can help. c:
    I don't have any 7-11 items, but I'm more than willing to help you with anything else!
    My FC is 4957-3091-8986! I'll add you now.
    Lemme know when your gates are open! c:
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