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  • Hi, I gave you 7 tickets right? I’m not sure if I gave you the 4 stack or if I had two 7 stacks; If I did please let me know!
    thank you for waiting so long already, the person isn't here as yet (i think they're dropping off a large order then coming to me)
    you can sell to the next person, if it hasn't been sold by the time i'm done with everything i'll buy it (assuming youre still available and all of that)
    im sorry im taking so long, im waiting on a trade for someone to come lmao :(

    if you'd like to sell it out quickly, i totally understand ;U;
    Jetzt ist es bald soweit, nur noch 15 Stunden! Wirst du es auch direkt um Mitternacht spielen? :)
    Of course. They block websites that are specifically for adults only and websites that don't block adult contents. They used to block Tumblr but since it released a new policy, they unblocked it

    I'm fine with that, except they still block Reddit
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