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  • Oh wow the only flower I know in french because professor
    Told was "tournesol" which mean sunflower

    So make the list random then
    Add different words

    And thanks I keep it mind about the "N" when next word start with a vowel
    Ok let see if my french it's good enough

    Ne oblier pas list

    I was trying to say
    Don't forget the list
    Oh don't worry don't put me first take your first
    I'm just glad you taking a bit of your time to making this lost for me
    So no rush
    it just we decided that I give a topic every Wednesday
    But seriously you first and your stuff
    the better that there no error the better il be :)
    because i really very interested in this language willl like to learn more and im staring to speak with my classmate in french some words
    yeah only one know because i told him but he be the last chanvce we agreed not to tell for each other until the last moment

    but no i wont be taken out points
    so yup the important is that make sense and the grammar

    (could have a bit of error for the professor to fix it)
    ... reverso context... wow that word XD

    maybe for the next homework but for now im fine

    so its good for my class so they can figure out who she is?
    but thanks for telling me that it was good for begginer like me (sorry for taking a bit i just went out for the moment)
    well it supposed to have all the line the person wants so number of line doesnt matter
    and the rhyme if the person want to or not i decided not to rhyme
    im still learning french so my rhymes are still... ehh its not like spanish or english

    and the bruit i just got mixed up with the words using word reference
    yeah or tell me any little advice to make it better
    btw its about katy perry
    she my favorite singer
    im so lost :/
    i have a homework of french that i need to do like a potrait (short poem)
    of my favorite singer/artist
    i wrote one but i just feel .... not content with it
    3 and half day.....

    I read a book with 250 pages
    And read ALL recipes
    Of a 754 pages.....

    I was in a phone hiatus
    But everything playing uno with the family
    Sorry I dint have light and blah blah no phone barely entering connection and stuff
    But let do this week when you can

    How about
    Numbers and colors only
    Something simple and also would like this specific words
    Glitter, explosion and rise
    Yes, please! I would LOVE to be able even the minor tweaking in my town. I have a lot of ideas I'd like to change, but if I could only move away those rocks I would already feel so satisfied!
    I thought I couldn't do it because any time I searched for info, it was always "you must have a digital game, not cartridge" and also "cannot have update your system above X version". So if this is another disappointment, I won't loose anything... but if not, I could win everything! :D
    Wait wait wait... are you telling me you can still hack New Leaf with the latest update and new system? :eek: How's that so?! I can't believe it! Or is perhaps your New3DS prior to normal 3DS updates? Now that would be strange...
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