You know what makes me sad?


actually not ok
Mar 29, 2016
Father's Day Carnation
I'll google something about NL and find an old TBT thread, and look at the profiles of the users who responded to it. More often than not, all of them havent posted in over 6 months and it makes me a little depressed idk
Does this happen to anyone else

edit maybe depressed isn't the right word, more like sad to see that this forum is shrinking
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So you're depressed when you find inactive users?
You don't know pain like the City Folk generation
Eh, it usually doesn't really depress me, unless I see rare collectibles in their inventory and they're inactive.

That just outright angers me.
There are a lot of reasons people just set down their games and don't pick them up again... College was a big set-back for my gaming. I used to play for hours on end until I realized... "Hey, I actually have to study this junk!" (High school was a joke to me. I never studied.) But once I got the hard stuff out of the way, I had more free time. And then I graduated, and had to get a job. And again, another hiatus ensued. I learned to balance that out, and then BAM, I was in a relationship that led to my marriage. Those are a lot of work, especially when the other party isn't into the same games as you. That cooled down and then BANG, we had a baby. My son is finally independent enough that I can play a little while he's awake, and he sleeps solidly enough that I'm rested so I can play at night. But... If I have another kid... Another hiatus. Or if I change jobs, or if something big happens like a move... It really sucks that I can't just play Animal Crossing all night until the sun rises, zombie my way through high school, take a nap, do my homework, and then do it all again.
Honestly, I really miss those days.
Ahh yes, I totally know what you mean! Especially those members who had quite a few posts, and we're maybe even quite well known across the forums...
I always wonder what happened to them, and why they left...
Agreed with Nightmares, sometimes you'll look back at really old threads and see the same few people posting in a ton of them, and those people having thousands of posts
them old users displaying weird dolls (and pokeballs too for that matter) that I can't buy because the users are disappeared...
Whenever a user goes inactive, a new user embraces the former user's spirit as they join. They are not dead. They are inside us.
Yes, I totally understand. I especially miss a few friends who use to be regulars here, but no longer visit. But having said that, people come and go. Some DO return after a long hiatus, and in the meanwhile, there's new people to meet. Don't be sad. :)
I don't really concern myself with the site shrinking, I don't really notice that, but it's always not nice when people you know leave. Fortunately, most of the people I know have returned except people like KittyBooBoo, Chrome Dokuro and Disband, and that feel when the people that have don't post for like, a week and you're like OH MY GOD THEY LEFT AGAIN MY HEARTSTRINGS HAVE BEEN PLAYED. I even miss people that I used to hate, you get a sort of sense of nostalgia for them.