Wut's Ev'rbuddy Doin?

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working on my pokemon leaf green hack game
either that or staring at nothing and waiting for all the goodness of the future to come
well hmmm sometimes i watch youtube vids or chat with friends on msn. i also like to play games on my pc too.
I made John Cooper (Skillet's singer) in Lego Batman tonight. I'm pretty sure he's the only person on the planet more awesome than Batman! XD
On my new laptop (I have to reply to loads of people on my Facebook wall saying thanks about all the birthday stuff.) and I was sorting out all my Doctor Who Posters (I now have 17, not all of them are 11th Doctor ones though.) 'cos I had loads left in my old magazines!
i'm probably on youtube or social networking sites
or i'm just outside somewhere & my comp is still on :r
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