Buying wishlist!!

Melanie Martinez

cry baby
Aug 10, 2018
Arcade Tokens
0% (0) +
I am new to tbt, a friend referred me here to get some items, so here I am! nice community so far~~
they are sending me a lot of this forums currency to me soon, TBT bells? so I can buy stuff
here are my wishlists:

I also need the following:
blue roses
blue pansies
purple pansies
purple roses
black roses
cedar saplings

thanks! adding more soon!~~
Hello! I have some of the alpine furniture on your list, and have the others catalogued, so I can get you all the alpine. I currently have- chair, lamp, closet, and sofa, if you would want to go ahead and get those. I won't have the rest of the alpine for another couple hours, so if you would prefer to wait and receive all alpine furniture in your wishlist at once that's okay too. my FC is in the sidebar if you would like my furniture. Also, does 3 TBT per item sound okay? Let me know your FC if you're interested in buying. :)
i can sell you a crown, idk what will you pay id prefere tbt but a lot of igb works to :)
Hi! I can get you the items in the spoiler below for 3 TBT :)
-Cake Tank Dress
-aurora screen
-alpine low sofa

I can also let you catalog my lace-up boots so you can order them for yourself if you'd like!! :)
Sure! just lmk when you can trade~~

how about 2 tbt?

okay, lmk when you're available, then we may exchange fc's n stuff
I got the blue ballet outfit and the ballet slippers, is 1 tbt each ok with you?