Buying 🧸 wishlist | igb/nmt (+ free diys)

I have a Moving painting (real), Mom's homemade apron (animals), beach ball (watermelon), cat grass (light blue), and Fan palm (black).

In return, could I get a Camping cot (blue), Kids' tent (stripes), Portable radio (pink), Rattan table lamp (reddish brown), Rattan towel baskets (Black) and (Gray), RC helicopter (green), and one Set of Stockings?

I also have some Lily of the Valleys I can throw in for free if you still need some. They're taking over my cliffs. 🌷
that would be great!! ill need a few min to order some of these, but otherwise lmk when youre available to trade! :'o)
that would be great!! ill need a few min to order some of these, but otherwise lmk when youre available to trade! :'o)

The same here. I need to order a few items and I should be ready to trade anytime (except 7:30- 8 PM here, that's Jeopardy time. I'm on EST.)

Did you still need any flowers?
The same here. I need to order a few items and I should be ready to trade anytime (except 7:30- 8 PM here, that's Jeopardy time. I'm on EST.)

Did you still need any flowers?
ill definitely take some flowers, thank you!!
im all set, shoot me a pm when youre ready and ill send the dodo!
Hello! I currently have the black piano bench and artisanal bug cage if you are still looking for them. I can sell them to you for 2 NMT :)
Hello! I currently have the black piano bench and artisanal bug cage if you are still looking for them. I can sell them to you for 2 NMT :)
thank you so much!! ill pm you a dodo in just a sec if youre free now :+D
Am I able to get some DIYs I'll give ya some in game bells?
Hi. I now have the following items:
  • K.K. Groove
  • K.K. House
  • Sparkling cider x2 (Is this enough, or do you need more?)
  • Gemini diy
  • Rover's briefcase
  • Baseball shirt (navy blue)
  • Baseball shirt (white)
  • Mom's handmade apron (denim)
  • Mom’s handmade apron (flowers)
  • Mom's knapsack (forest print)
  • Mom’s knapsack (flowers)
  • Mums wand diy
  • Wedding fence diy

I remember that last time I gave you some Sanrio posters. Are you interested in the Sanrio items as well? If you still have the stack of books and pan flute diys may I have them, please?
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Hi. I now have the following items:
  • K.K. Groove
  • K.K. House
  • Sparkling cider x2 (Is this enough, or do you need more?)
  • Gemini diy
  • Rover's briefcase
  • Baseball shirt (navy blue)
  • Baseball shirt (white)
  • Mom's handmade apron (denim)
  • Mom’s handmade apron (flowers)
  • Mom's knapsack (forest print)
  • Mom’s knapsack (flowers)
  • Mums wand diy
  • Wedding fence diy

I remember that last time I gave you some Sanrio posters. Are you interested in the Sanrio items as well? If you still have the stack of books and pan flute diys may I have them, please?
AH sorry this is late! just 2 ciders would be great, thank you!! luckily i was able to get the sanrio items i needed, but ty for offering omg 🥺
i do still have them both, youre more than welcome to them <3 are you in need of nmt at all? i have plenty to spare!!

shoot me a pm when youre available and ill try to catch you! i should be awake for a few more hours if youre around in the morning
That’s great and I look forward to the diys!

I’m heading off to bed but I’ll wake up at 8 am PST. Hopefully we can meet up tomorrow.