Where do you want to live?

I changed my mind from when I posted in this thread 3 years ago... I wanna live in Hawaii and I wanna live there now
I want to live in a place that has both nature and people. I don't like big cities and as relaxing as small towns are, they can be annoying to get things.
not in the uk anymore lmao

honestly though I don't mind, I don't care enough, preferably have a home though. There's no countries that I really want to live in. rural and isolated would be cool though
i dont plan on moving outside of washington, i love it here. i live near seattle, so if i want to sight see, i can always go down there. california is pretty nice too, but its so expensive living there and i dont like californians in general
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Los Angeles or Australia. I want my child to grow up in Australia, just because of the accent.. because my friend grew up there and she said Australia was a great place to grow up and some of my favorite band members are from Australia.. But if something happens, I would want to live in Los Angeles by myself. I just love the city, famous people go there a lot I want to meet themand it's my favorite place to go for vacation. I'm planning to go to college there, so.. yeah.
I would like to live in Seychelles, a very nice country. It has more than 110 islands, very less population, less than a 100,000. Their tourism industry is also very good opportunity to invest in.
Ehh, I'm pretty content living in Texas. Though I plan to travel a lot, especially later in life.
if it were up to me i'd travel my entire life
I would love living someplace hot, near a beach. I went to florida when I was younger and loved it, so maybe america.
England isn't the best for hot weather.
I really don't have a preference once I'm older, but if I had to pick, I'd say California!
but I'll probably just end up living somewhere based on my job
I'm fine where I live, just want all my neighbors to move elsewhere :p

Well, it would be great to have the ocean nearby too
The truth is, I honestly don't know.
I hate living in Mississippi so much. I've been getting a lot of letters in the mail as well as emails from the University of Denver and they want me there but my mom doesn't want me to go to college outside the South, even though there are few places in the South that really interest me.
Back in 2010 my dream became to move to Japan once I was old enough but I've realized that's unrealistic, especially because my dad told me that all my dreams are unrealistic and need to be given up on. I've realized I'm fine staying in the United States, as long as it's somewhere exciting and not dull Mississippi.
There are lots of places I'd live to live including the Philippines- as my mother is Pinay- for a while. I've gone before, lived in the slums where my mother lived, and I want to help as many people as possible. Start an orphanage, soup kitchen, or homeless shelter to help people improve their lives. Then I might move to Japan and South Korea for a while. I've always wanted to get out of Texas and see the world, but I don't think that's even going to happen until I finish college. Mid to late 20s, perhaps. There are too many things to do in such a short life time.
I've always really liked it in Michigan. It's really pretty and it would be cool to easily travel to Canada for a visit. I love the north tbh
in a city or just outside a big city in the suburbs. im fine w living in sweden lol. i dont really have any specific places where i would like to live tbh