What's your middle initial?

My intials spell JGG. :D
G. I hate it. It sounds okay for american/english/canadian people, but here it sounds terrible.
John. Same as Australia's worst mass murderer lol. Not sure how I should feel about that ... :S
Lorraine, which is how I came up with my username/gametag that I use for everything... Lorrai. :)
My middle name is Antonio and if you put all of my initials together it forms the word JAM. :)
It is L, but I won't disclose what it is here though. It is the same as my grandfather's first name.
Sigh I hate it when people just ask for the initial. I love my middle name, and I wish I could use it more.

J for Joelle
My middle initials are S J M. I won't be sharing what they are exactly, because even though my name is super common my middle name is sort of unique, so it'd probably give away my identity a lot.
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