What's your MBTI? (Personality Test)

It says I'm ISFJ. I did that test once before and don't remember because those are always just four random letters.

But I'm reading the site's explanation and it's just too fitting, I'm getting dragged too much.
I didn't take the test this time but I have many times before and always get INTJ. So I guess that makes me Sable. :) I'm ok with that!
I'm ISFJ. It's cute because on the site the image for ISFJ is a little nurse and I want to be a doctor! It's quite accurate about how motherly I am :blush:
I had to take the test twice, once for my entrepreneurship class, and once for my public relations class. I am ESFJ (eee Isabelle <3), leaning heavily towards extroverted, but about even on feeling and thinking, so I could go either way.

Wow so many people here are introverted. (at least on the first page lol. didn't glance at the other pages yet)
I've done this test before but I did it again and this time I got INFP, whereas last time I got INFJ. Last time I took it was over a year ago though, I suppose I've changed.

yes, everybody changes. even jung (the one that came up with this crap) said he was different throughout his life
Mine was the same with a two year gap in between, so it's different for everyone.

well 2 years is not very long..i was speaking in general terms and also in terms of a lifetime. think of how different that can be for each individual. i was just making note that this is an okay normal thing?
anyways INFJ-A
I am ESFP. At first I believed it but then I had doubts so I have taken multiple tests and they ALL come out as ESFP so IT HAS BEEN SPOKEN!

That means I am Reese. C:
INTP-T i guess thats a good thing?
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