What's the hardest letter for you to write neat?

What's the hardest letter for you to write neat?

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The lowercase a. I write sometimes really fast, therefore certain letters looking pretty sloppy because
of this. The worst one is almost every time the a, it rather looks more like an o or like an c, so I have
to fix it afterwards to let it look like an actual a.

(In general, my handwriting sucks.)
A bit of a different instance, but I can never remember the difference between a capital cursive "S" and "I". I now just write a regular capital "S" instead of the cursive version if I cannot look it up at the time. I do not trust myself to even attempt it otherwise, lol.
Iunno. I think my f, j, and q looks dumb in lower case.
My uppercase J and G is terrible.
And I write pretty neat. I just wish that my letters came out more. Rounded where it needs to be rounded and less angular.
I've tried fixing my handwriting a bunch of times but those ones never come out the way I want them to.
Q is the worst because I can never figure out how I want to write it and accentuate the tail part to make it obviously a q, but also match the rest of my writing style. Do I hook it? Check mark it? Loop it? Or draw a straight line through it?
Too many styles. And they all look dumb.
For my letters, a x would be the messiest. I look at it, one side is longer and not straight at all.
Letter e because I tend to have letter h transition to that letter like cursive. Sometimes, it looks like a c and don't get me started when it comes to writing really fast.
I think I'm pretty awful at all of them, but I'm going to go with Q/q.
Also, my e's often come out looking exactly like c's no matter how hard I try.
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I usually write quick and because of that my letters end up connected. Almost like cursive but really they're just sloppy bridges connected non cursive letters. " O " is always a pain to write because the lines make it look like an " a. " I always have to slow down when writing it.