what's something that's made you happy today?

i did a cute drawing on the window at my work experience today (a pottery painting cafe)
My boyfriend sending me really cute texts when I was feeling down. It's the little things, tbh.
can you believe it, earlier today while i was on there were more double rainbows. i've been pretty lucky recently :')
I had to go sign paperwork to finalize getting my job, and the people I'm going to work with seem to be really nice and have a very fun and friendly relationship, so I feel like I will at least work with people I will probably not hate (my previous boss literally called and left me a voicemail 6 months after I got out of the military for medical reasons to ask me if I knew where some old files were and then tell me I was "a real piece of ****", so lmao I could really do without another crappy boss). I'm already kind of stressed because I haven't worked a retail job in like 7 years and my anxiety is nuts, so I'm really, really glad my co-workers are nice
I carved my first pumpkin and I'm going to post it to The Woods forum now. :)
My soup arrived!!! I ordered a bunch of miso soup back at the beginning of September because it tastes good and it's low carb so I don't need to take a lot of insulin to eat it, and it was supposed to arrive by October 11th so I was starting to get really worried that it was lost or I got scammed again (I bought an amiibo from someone who ghosted). But my soup is here ;U; I'm gonna eat so much lmao
The last amiibo card pack that I got for a game trade-in arrived (long story but they only got 4 of them when I first picked them up so lol).
After putting in more than 100 hours into my new main town, Merry finally suggested the police station today!
went out w/ a couple friends today to steak n shake and a halloween store and we had a lot of fun. today was also pretty funny at lunch, i laughed harder than i had in a long time.

also yesterday i went to the first school football game since like the beginning of sophomore year or something to take pictures for the band and i had a lot of fun!! i found myself in a really good mood when i got home despite it being 10pm.
Today was a very socially satisfying day, hung out with some friends and met a few new people n_n
I had the Zombie Frapp from Starbucks for the first time today. It was surprisingly good!
That it’s the weekend, and we went shopping today.
I’m gonna cook a delicious meal for dinner. C:
Not deadlines asdfghjkl.

Playing PUBG with squad. We lost, but it was fun.
Slept well for once, had a good talk with a friend. Also this new Kracko event from the Woods is sooo fun!
I got up early (4:43AM) and my mum and I drove to 7/11 and had a coffee. It is now 6:08AM and I feel great. It's a crying shame I have work at 4PM. :(