What's Bothering You?

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so i'm in 8th grade, and we're supposed to know what college we want to go to, what we want to work for, where we want to live, and basically our whole lives.

like what the hell? i'm thirteen. i don't need to know this yet, i still have time

what if this changes? what if i don't wanna be that thing? also how am i supposed to know what college i wanna go to?? i can't plan out where i wanna live. i mean yeah, general idea, but they seem so strict

also, they dont even talk about jobs in science? like i wanna go into the science field, but you don't even talk about it

We don't have middle school here lol, so by 16 I had to make major decisions in my life :') Ended up sticking with Biology bc I love life wowza.
Don't worry if you don't know what you want the first time around; shifting majors is a thing (at least in my Uni) and there's nothing to be ashamed of. o: Plus, you've got plenty of years ahead of you! ^^
so i'm in 8th grade, and we're supposed to know what college we want to go to, what we want to work for, where we want to live, and basically our whole lives.

like what the hell? i'm thirteen. i don't need to know this yet, i still have time

what if this changes? what if i don't wanna be that thing? also how am i supposed to know what college i wanna go to?? i can't plan out where i wanna live. i mean yeah, general idea, but they seem so strict

also, they dont even talk about jobs in science? like i wanna go into the science field, but you don't even talk about it

same I have zero idea cause im not special in anything ;-;

but all my bad struggles in school obviously mean I'm gonna end up on the streets anyway lol
Why is it always that the people in my dorm who like to play their music really loud have absolutely no taste in music at all... .-.
I wan 2 die



life sucks when your parents complain about how stupid you are and "what the hell is wrong with you? Fix yourself! Stop acting!" like all my mom tells me is that I'm a very goo actor. I supposedly act a lot and should go to a drama school for my amazing fake feelings. Yes, it's true. I am good at wasting everyone's time and making people upset. Because I'm useless and just cause more problems in the family. Too many kids, too many chores. My mom is happy without me, another problem gone from her life.

I don't want money, I don't want a house, I don't want a car or my own room. I just want a family that has time to care about me.
just now occurred to me the deadlines for my work and I'm about to scream
i need my work experience ready before i even turn 15 lol and im loaded up with exams like excuse me i am 14 year old boy let me liVE.
Teachers don't just want me to know what I wanna do when i 'grow up', whatever growing up actually is, they want me to do certain things. You see, since I was very young, I've loved japanese history- this kinda spread into general asian history and when i started learning Japanese in year 8 I was like 'ik exactly what i wanna do' which is teach asian history in japan, seeing as i like teaching and asian history is something I've got a passion for, like, it all adds right up, yeah? But my teachers have shot me down so fast like,,, god forbid I have a dream thats not totally impossible. I don't even think my teachers believe in me anymore lol one teacher told me he wished I had never moved there and another told me he wished I never opened my mouth because I talk too loud (I'm hearing impaired, sort ur priorities out, mister.)
Man idk, it just messes with me, I'm trying to get a grip over my life as it is,I feel so madly out of control and every bit of control I grasp is knocked right out of my hands : ))))))))
i keep opening SAI to continue drawing but i never get around to it
i just can't bring myself to draw
i feel so empty
I've been really sick a lot recently and keep bugging my friends abt what was for homework/what we did in class so I can catch up and my teachers have been getting pretty pissed at me yeah not exactly a great start to the year but o h w e l l what can you do at least I'm still getting good grades :^)))
this thread being less active bothers me

but anyway....i was eating candy for a few days straight (which i ofc shouldnt do but hey i got a 50 pack of candies (smarties aero etc) for $10 why not) and my teeth hurt after every time i ate candy which probably means im gonna get cavities or already have one so i kept brushing my teeth to get rid of the candy stuck in them and after it did stop some pain but my right back teeth hurt right now so uhhh dentist won't be impressed
dentists are never impressed, i was eating a bloody orange and they were like 'nAtuRAl SuGaRs ArNt GoOd EiTHer, bOy!1111!1!1!1' honestly, you just gotta learn to ignore a lot of what they say like mhm yes yes, teeth brushing is good, floss a lot, can't get cavities if you don't eat, mmhmm.
following society's norms vs. "**** it, I do what I want as long as I'm not hurting anyone"
I still feel bad about that night
Asdfgidjsnfkskskdjdj I have this weird car-sickish feeling in my head/stomach and it’s so uncomfy and I can hardly get up to go studyyyyy

Also crossing my fingers that I get texted back....
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