What's Bothering You?

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I'm bothered that I CAN'T eat because my teeth are wired shut because of oral surgery. Everyone around me is eating delicious foods and I am stuck drinking chocolate and vanilla protein drinks, fruit smoothies/juices and soup. I want to bite and chew. I want tacos damn it
Random headache and back pain.. I know this is not bc pills though so that's good but hella annoying
You havent message me for the whole day, actually since last night, it's 6 pm now and I'm concerned but of course you're online lol
You've disrespected me and left me hanging so many times. What did I ever do to deserve that? You're not a good person.
Ah......... I'm so upset but idk if it's bc of me or you
The point is, I feel bad rn and I hate it when I cant fully explain it
I hate it even more when my friend tells me to stop being sad, like wow great I'm magically cured of my sadness bc of that statement, thanks
TOMFG said I'm kind and funny most of the time but not all the time.

:/ lol...
I feel like I'm not even making decisions in my own life anymore it's like everything just happens
Why can't you get the message? I've given many hints that I didn't want to further our relationship, yet you keep coming back. I've tried ignoring you. I've tried blocking you. I unfriended you on Facebook then blocked you, then you made another Facebook account so you could try and get with me again. I've tried being nice and that's not working.

I'm going to be completely honest. That one weekend I stayed at your place and we slept together I didn't have fun. I was bored out of my mind, but I did it anyway because I thought it was a good idea at the time. A week after my Mom found out I swore I wouldn't allow you back inside my head. You lied, you cheated, and you weren't exactly the best person I could've been with and I was sick of it. Everywhere I have gone since then happens to be the exact same place that you decided to go that day. The park? The mall? And Church? You were there and many other places. You're the last person I see ever finding your way in a church especially after all that you've done and said.

Is the only solution here to just act like nothing happened and be friends and nothing more? I was never one to believe in destiny, but I can't think of any other reason we keep being brought together. Is this part of the plan? Am I just supposed to forget about everything you've done and more importantly haven't done? Is this destiny telling me that I need to make things right? Can things even be made right between us again? I have no intention of getting you back, but if we were destined to be friends then it must happen. You can't change your fate. You must look at your fate and accept it. You must be content and not run away when the time comes to fulfill your destiny. Is that the solution?
I literally can't stay in a good mood for more than a few hours. I hate it, I feel trapped in my own brain.
I just keep thinking about my life and having to go to school again in september...I wasted my summer on nothing....I wish I would wake up dead...
I just keep thinking about my life and having to go to school again in september...I wasted my summer on nothing....I wish I would wake up dead...

Don't say that. You may think that, but you don't wish you were dead. I should know. When things are tough or when we don't like something, it's easy for us to say that. Once, I tried waking up dead. I was relieved I didn't. Play a game, "Next Minute." Only the next minute matters. Nothing else.
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My best friend is always hanging out with other people. I haven't seem her in weeks, partially because I feel like I don't have time due to study and she doesn't have time due to other commitments. If I try to arrange to hang out I feel like I'm just disturbing her because I'm literally the least interesting person to hang out with and she has more interesting friends anyways.

Does it bother me that we don't hang out or talk as much? No, not really. Do I feel jealous? No. Do I feel any bout of sadness about my multiple losses of friendships? Nope.

I used to pride myself on having few close friends and not many other friends. Now it's like I only have very distant, not close friends and that doesn't even bother me anymore.

Friends were my everything for a long time there; they made my life more bareable when times were tough at home.

Now I've lost almost everything and don't even give a carp. I've got so good at pushing my feelings away that I feel completely apathetic to almost everything. And I don't eve know if that bothers me anymore...
Ironically I'm gonna have an appointment at the hospital for metal health stuff on the same day I start school.... o_O
Still worrying about school... The past school year has been the worst.
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oh...he just basically...said he liked me? oh okay...im not sure how to process this information tbh
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I cannot sleep. I have these thoughts so often I ought to replace the slot with what I once bought because somebody stole my sleeping pills and now I can not sleep.
I cannot sleep. I have these thoughts so often I ought to replace the slot with what I once bought because somebody stole my sleeping pills and now I can not sleep.

Why must you reference such a terrible and overrated song smfh
Wait you put your sleeping pills in a slot? Lol the more you know

The only thing bothering me atm is that I'm still up and I have to get up early tomorrow to go to a church I'm going to against my will. Rip
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