What's Bothering You?

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Emotional/Mental disorder overwhelming my emotions to where everything else blocks out. I can't tell the difference of seriousness and sarcasm because of said disorder and past. :(
Emotional/Mental disorder overwhelming my emotions to where everything else blocks out. I can't tell the difference of seriousness and sarcasm because of said disorder and past. :(

me neither (aspie here) :/

yeah it sucks hard bc people always assume you get their jokes all the time and you have to explain like.. (bruh edooocate)
I was literally a second away from fainting onto the floor at the mall .-. Just when i thought i was getting better too :x
This guide for getting all the gnomes in Garden Warfare 2... Like can you please actually explain rather than look there go to the right, doesn't say me anything.
me neither (aspie here) :/

yeah it sucks hard bc people always assume you get their jokes all the time and you have to explain like.. (bruh edooocate)

It does, I am mostly okay with people joking but when it's someone who I care about and how they perceive me I get very emotionally charged and feel as though it's all serious. But I know I can't talk to my parents about it since they would say that it was nothing. But I wish I could go to a therapist or pyscharatrist about it since I know something isn't right but I can't understand what is wrong.
ok so full offense but "hubby" is probably the worst thing married people call each other. why do they do that. what is wrong with them
ok so full offense but "hubby" is probably the worst thing married people call each other. why do they do that. what is wrong with them
Kinda like how people call each other "edgy" on here.
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Bae is worse imo, and it sounds so bad.

(not to forget it means poop in danish, although pronounced differently).
Getting blamed for my sibling's mistakes.. I'm not even the oldest idk why this happens all the time
ok so full offense but "hubby" is probably the worst thing married people call each other. why do they do that. what is wrong with them
I understand if the term is annoying to you but I don't see how it's so wrong.
why do i get so many duplicates of event skins in overwatch

there's like a million skins, why that one game
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