What's Bothering You?

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My mother is coming home soon and I'm bracing myself for all the complaining. I liked the peace and quiet. Not to say I don't love my mother but literally everything I do is met with something. "You are eating too much! Too much noise! You sleep too much! You park too far! You aren't a child anymore, I don't know why you have those stuffed animals still." It's too much sometimes!:(
I've become incredibly apathetic about nearly everything and have begun to stop caring for myself physically, but really these have been issues ever since I was dumped, and that was over a year ago now. I really need to cut both of those things out because honestly it's ridiculous.

Luckily this place has been a nice way to spend my time. :p
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I'm tired as **** thanks to my stupid job, I've been up for 36 hours...
What's worse is that I take forever to fall asleep, and my entire body hurts like hell..
I'm just glad I called off tonight.
The stress and pressure of overnight shifts is unreal.
The Young Turks

Their Youtube channel is a bunch of bias full of hypocrisy.
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Well I'm starting to have a fever because I feel very heavy and very cold when the weather it's starting to get hot
There was a silent multicolor flashing in the sky (red, blue, yellow) for a split second and then all the electricity in my went out. It's not raining nor do I hear any thunder so idk what's happening ;;

Also there's firetrucks everywhere atm
my apple sapling is out growing its pot(s) too quickly i need to find a place to plant it outside but i hate the idea of having it outside because of all the goddarn bugs
Only got 3-4 hours of sleep after doing stuff all day and I was mid-dream when my alarm went off, probably had JUST slipped into REM, so I am SUFFERING tonight. Glad it's at least my Friday so I can go home and pass out hopefully. Also hopefully I get the few things I want to get done when my boyfriend gets home tomorrow so we can have the rest of our time to chill, but I'll probably be too groggy to be productive, at least I have good intentions I guess...
I'm expected to be able to have a 15 minute conversation for my French exam in about a month when I can barely introduce myself in the bloody language :/

This forum has made me very bitter. When I joined everybody was nice, helpful and very enthusiastic, now? Well now things have changed. The wave of argumentative threads are ridiculous and sometimes I get involved in them and people start whining about how horrible I am for having an opinion that opposes theirs. Am I not allowed to have an opinion? Because the way you people react to them is atrocious, grow up and get a grip. People have different views and you definitely shouldn't be throwing hissy fits because of them, it shows how immature and petty you really are.

You make threads go down hill and make a fuss for staff members, so you are destroying the cheer the website is meant to be about so it would be appreciated if you (1.) Learn to accept opinions, (2.) Don't insult people if they have an opposing view, (3.) Avoid a thread instead of whining about how mean it is when in reality it isn't.
I fancy myself a can of whoopass.
Realized something, and now, I wish I could do something.
My hands are incredibly cold to the point of hurting and even if I turn up the heat nothing helps. As much as I love winter typing is a nightmare.

Also I can't stand how "Artisan" has become the new word for "Hipster food". Artisan means skilled in a trade, not just food. That's just a pet peeve though.
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