What's Bothering You?

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Its officially hotter than the indoors now.


(its 74 F atm btw)
My dad. Please stop your crap. Just go away and.. stop bothering me I don't care that you're my parent.
i feel like im imposing myself on my friend by staying in her room while I wait for my grandma lol...I mean, her, her friend, and I are all doing our own thing but I just feel bad x'D
i just want a happy life but i don't think that'll happen will it? :)
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I feel like I was annoying at college today. I really got like hardly any sleep last night and was tired the whole day. I'm kind of tempted to go to sleep now, but I'll have to study for my Marketing exam first thing tomorrow.
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the fact that my brother just got up at 2:00 AM, told me good morning, and went back to bed
im still trying to process this
That I start to get super happy with my town but I see posts on tumblr of other towns.. and get discouraged :c
I annoy everyone I come into contact with. I hardly have any friends and I feel like I've driven the ones I do have away unintentionally. And recently, I've wanted to break off ties with them just because I feel like I annoy them and I feel like I don't deserve friends.
so sore, what did I do to get this sore? Like my legs and back and arms are all super sore... maybe it's all to blame from the crap sleep I got, I was tossing and turning and waking up every hour... no fun at all
We don't like you because of what you done to us, why can't you get that through your head? Do I have to take a drill and drill it in?
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