What's Bothering You?

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I have heavy projects and papers due next week which I can't start because I have a test coming up on Monday which holds a lot of weight in that subject's grade. I don't know what to prioritize...
My hair takes forever to dry and I don't want to make it even more fragile by heat-drying it or stuff.
i hope I get time to do the woods stuff. Homework is killing me D:
ugh our asian studies class keeps on making us go to schools on free days (like mondays, I mean I dont even have classes on mondays) and requires us to attend all these events in our free times like YO this isn't my majors and you're making me spend so much more time doing all these requirements
this dumbass is lying straight to my face and thinks she's spoonfeeding me lies. i should've known the first time with you. *******.


i hate thinking i'm the funniest person i know but i'm the only one who can make myself laugh as hard as i can
yeah sure continue to ignore me and be with your dad and bro lmao don't you used to hate your family that much? lol
oh god I'm so tired suddenly why... I FINALLY have time to work on this stuff but now I just wanna go to bed hhhrjkrjrfkdf
The day is approaching to an end and I’m really ticked off at the thought of having work tomorrow. This is why Sunday is like, my least favourite day. Work does nothing but bring back bad memories... though I should look on the brighter side and think that I have also make good memories, though I don’t remember them.
Indigestion... whyyyy??!? Also glad it's my Thursday, but I wish it was my Friday already... Have a lot to do on Monday if I'm gunna have everything done for Halloween...
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