What unusual things do you chew eat or suck?

I chew on my stylus. :p
And when I was little, I would draw pictures of food on paper and eat the paper. :|
I used to bite my pencil in several places and I thought it (the pencil, not me chewing it) looked cool.

Doesn't taste bad, tbh :/
sometimes, forks, lol. i tend to not put things in my mouth that i wouldn't let touch food.
I used to chew on glass cup, until I broke one and cut my lip open (・Д・)ノ
When I finish a can of soda, I bite off the aluminum tab on top and chew on that for a while.

(by the way the title is a bit suggestive)
Pretty much any writing utensil. Pen, pencil, marker, stylus. I've actually chewed my friend's DSi stylus in half...
Ok you know on hoodies where they have those two strings on either side of the hood? They kinda resemble shoelaces? I have a bad habit of sucking and chewing on them. To the point where I usually destroy them.
When I was younger, collars of shirts. Not so much anymore, though. o;

I don't really chew on unusual things, just the usual like food :p
You're like my little sister. She's chewed through a lot of the collars on her home clothes. I should show you the collar on one of her shirts. I always get a kick out of her when she wears them.

I wish I still had some of my shirts. I used to just wear them to bed because there was no way they were in any way useful after I nibbled.
3ds stylus
this one time it got so bitten and bleh it was stuck in my 3ds and i needed to pull out my tweezers to get rid of it.
Used to chew on plastic wraps. Not anymore though; it's kind of gross to think about it.
PLASTIC! The bottoms of water bottles, the caps, pen pieces. I try not to chew on my 3ds stylus cuz i destroyed all my previous ones that way. If you put your arms/hands/fingers by my mouth and we're close, I'll nibble you :3
I chew on water bottle caps all the time. It really sucks though because I always cut up my mouth.